~Chapter 12~ The Packs of Were-Beasts and Fae -Nimi

I wandered the massive forest that resided near my castle, debating whether I would have my subjects cut part of it down. "Who are you?" I hear a faint hissing sound in the masculine voice. I turned around cautiously, not knowing what I'd find. "Why are you in thisss foressst?" The humanoid being in front of me asked. It was almost human. If humans had scales on their necks, faces, chests, hands and legs.

"I am Nimi."

"Just Nimi?"


"Give Kalu your hand."

"Kalu?" The scaled hand pointed to itself. "I see." Fighting down my urge to flee, I reached out to hold it's hand.

The creature jumped back before falling to it's knees almost immediately. "I am sssorry My Lady."


"You are the Goddesssss Nimi are you not?"

"I suppose I am. Why?"

"We Were-Ssssnakesss wouldn't exist if not for you and your sistersssss."


"Praisssse Goddessss Nimi!"

"Praisssse the Goddesssss!" Several other voices chimed in, hissing together.

"You're a Clan."


"Is there other Clans here?" I ask gently removing my hand from his scaled grip.

"There issss. But my Clan, The Snakesss, are at war with the otherssss."

"I see." I nod. "Would you mind me staying tonight?"

"Not at all, My Lady. Not the sslightest."

"Thank you." They accommodated me as best as they could, a simple small room, before they Turned.

I left the next day and ventured further into the forest following their guidance. Kalu offered to escort me for a time but I politely refused. "You smell of snake. Yet not Snake. What you be person?" A huge Werewolf growled, slinking out of the bushes.

"I am Nimi."

"You no look like Goddess. Give hand."

"You too?" I sigh, complying.

"You Goddess Nimi." He says, sniffing my hand. "You be in Snake territory?"

"Yes. I am travelling the forest at this moment."

"Where going?"

"Anywhere. I'm looking for the rest of the Clans."

"Why Clans?"

"Because I'm making a villa- What's that?" I point at the flames dancing over the trees.

"Fae! Clan danger!" The big Werewolf scooped me up and ran off. I just barely managed to keep my belongings with me as he went. "Stay safe Goddess." He barked and ran off again, leaving me on the ground. I stood up and dusted myself off, sighing, before following him. I then proceeded to transform and fly up above the canopy of branches and leaves. Once I did so, I saw the full extent of the flames and gasped in shock. The sharp intake of breath drew the attention of the Fae flying around me and the shouts of surprise they made drew that of the rest.

"M-My Lady." The one nearest me stuttered out.

I quickly chanted a small spell that magnified my voice and shouted so all could hear. "You will stop this now! Douse the flames and settle your differences like sophisticated beings! Talk!"

"Yes My Lady!" They say and, as if they were one person, doused every flame in a matter of seconds. I slowly allowed myself to fall down and gracefully land on the ground in front of that very first Wolf.

"Thank you." He smiled and I saw two small children in his arms. "You save pups. Me indebted to you."

"No you aren't." I smile softly. "I'm just glad I could help."

"I know Goddess's name but Goddess not know mine. Me Bobo, Chief Wolf Clan."

"Nice to meet you Bobo." I smiled.