~Chapter 12 Part 2~ The Packs of Were-Beasts and Fae -Nimi

Bobo sent me to another Clan, telling me they were Cats. I had explained my goal, settling the land around my castle, and he asked if the Wolf Clan would be welcome. I told him yes, and I also told the same to the leader of the Fae. She, a tall, skinny woman, said she would consider joining me later on.

Once I told the two groups, I headed to the Cat Clan. I was especially interested in this group because Min was one of them. I resolved to learn about the culture of the people as best I could.

Not long after I passed into a different part of the forest, this time with much shorter and more colorful trees, I was ambushed. "Who exactly are you and why are you trespassing in the Cat Clan's lands?"

"I am the Goddess Nimi. What is your name?"

"G-Goddess? I-I'm sorry My Lady!" I hear a sound not unlike a wooden bow dropping on the ground as well as the sounds of something metal doing the same. I turned and saw the weapons of many Cat sentries on the ground and what I assumed were the owners bowing to me. "Forgive my rudeness."

"It's fine." I smile softly. "Take me to your city please."

"Anything for you!" He quickly stood up and hit his head on a branch. "That hurt..." He groans. I walk over to him and he took a step back.

"I'm going to help. Come here." He hesitantly steps forward and I take his head into my hands, lightly touching my forehead to his. I chant a very short spell I used often when searching the past and future, because I always get headaches. It's a simple spell, it's only use for alleviating minor head pain. "Done."

"Thank you so much My Lady!"

"It's fine." I smile. "Let's head out now."

"Okay." He nods and, carefully, guides me through the forest. "We are here."

"Do you have a place I can stay for the night? I'll speak with the chief in the morning."

"Um.... No, actually, there isn't room anywhere that I know of."

"That's fine." I grin. "Been a while but I'm sure I can make do with a tree."

"A t-tree?" The WereCat's eyes went wide. "But-"

"It's fine." I smiled softly. "I have plenty of supplies and I love camping anyways."

"A-Are you sure? Don't you want to sleep in a real bed?"

"Not if it makes things more difficult for others. I'll just sleep in a tree tonight. Like I said, I love to camp and haven't done much of it."

"If My Lady insists." He sighs.

"Oh and before I go, what's your name?"

"I am Zycarr My Lady, and it is wonderful to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Zycarr." I smile. "Now! Into the forest once more!" I laugh and run off. I turn into my other form and fly up, rushing through the leaves. Once above them, I find a huge tree and head to the top. Once up there, I pulled some basic stuff from the bag I carried with me. Once I had it all out, I sighed and put it back in. I push my hands onto the bark and rest my head against it as well. With how big the tree was, I figured it was The tree; The Tree of Eternity, better known as The World Tree. "Can you hear me?" I whispered.

|Hello young one.|

"Could you widen the branches please? I wish to sleep here tonight."

|Gladly my child.| I feel the branch spread and flatten below me.

"My child?"

|You do not recognize my voice?|

"I do not."

|Let me help you remember.| In an instant, memories of my father flashed before my eyes.


|I have missed you Nimi.| In shock, my hands had dropped from the trunk of the tree, but now they were wrapped around it in something like a hug. I felt the softness of flower petals brush past me and the smell of roses filled the air. |Fly down to the ground. You will see a wonderful surprise there. At least, I hope it's wonderful.|

"Alright." I smile softly, and release my grip on the trunk. I glide down to the forest floor and gasp, seeing my father there. "Dad!" I ran at him, wrapping him in a hug. "I missed you!"

"So what happened?"


"Your wings."

"Oh. Those're... Uh..."

"Who happened seems to be a better question."


"Ah. The Demon."

"Yes. He's dead now."

"Is that-"

"It is."

"I see."

"So how are you alive?"

My dad laughed and gestures to the demon horns resting on his head. "I can't truly die."

"Then is mom-"

"I do not know. She might. She might not. I'm not allowed in that realm and your mother wouldn't be allowed to come to mine."

"Couldn't she meet you here?"

"No. Unfortunately, most angels are stuck in their realm. The Archangels can leave but no others can."


"Come here." He wraps me in a hug once more. "I love you very much and so does your mother. I'm sure that, if she could, she'd come speak with you."

"Yeah.." I smile softly. "I'm sure she's watching us now." I hear the sound of someone clearing their throat behind us. "What's that?" I turn and gasp again. "Mom!"