~Chapter 13~ Other Nomads- Min

As I wandered the many fields, I noticed the people I met all seemed to be avoiding me. Eventually I gave up and transformed into my Dragonborn form. In that form, I could run a lot faster, I had my dragon wings, and I looked a lot more reptilian.

The next group I ran into was a group of Dragons. I stopped running and walked into the massive camp. "Excuse me. Where is the Chief?"

"Who are you?" The slow, gravelly voice of one of the sentries asked.

"I am Min-"

"Name?" The Dragon's eyes went wide and it turned into it's humanoid form. "It is you!"

"How do you know me?"

"You are legendary!"


"Every Dragon around this world knows of you!"


"The legends speak of one Dragonborn who would reunite the Dragon tribes. His name was Min Name!"

"I'm not only Dragonborn though..."

"The legends did say you were of mixed blood." It sighed. "What are you exactly?"

"A Vampire Dragonborn Werecat Fallen Angel."

"You are Fallen?"

"I am."

"That is fine." It nods. "Follow me. I will take you to the chief. He is ill so please be careful."

"I will." I nod and follow the small Dragon.

"Who is it you bring to me, Freirry?" The Dragon's Chief asked, his voice rough with age and illness.

"Min Name." The Dragon said confidently, looking at the massive one in front of it.

"The one foretold?"

"The very same." Freirry smiles. "Would you like to see him?"

"Yes. Bring him in." The smaller Dragon leads me in front of the huge creature that leads the Dragon Tribe I am in right now.

"Hello Chief. Good day to you."

"Good day to you as well Min Name."

"What would you like of me?"

"I wish for you to become the new Chief."


"I am dying. I need to choose a successor soon or the tribe will fall to pieces."

"But I am not even a Dragon. How can I lead a Tribe?"

"You need not be Dragon to lead us. The legends foretold you would reunite us. How better to do that than be a Chief already?"


"Do you have other ties? If you are King of another place then I will not force this onto you."

"I am not King. I am a very close friend of a Queen however."

"I see. Well, surely that Queen would like to have you on the same level of royalty as her."

"I think she might." I sigh. "I accept."

"Wonderful!" The Chief began coughing. "Sorry. I do believe that I can now rest in peace."

"Would you like a song to sing you through your passage?"

"Please." I pull out a small harp that Nimi had given me and begin to play. It's a slow, sad song meant for those that lost someone they love or sending a soul along it's way.

Not long after I started, the Dragon's Chief fades away, leaving only a crown and his SoulStone. "It is done." I say turning to Freirry. "He is gone."

"I am glad his passage was painless and led by song."

"Yes." I nod slightly and gently pick up the crown. I set it gently onto my head and pick of the SoulStone. "What do I do with this?"

"You consume it."


"Once you eat his SoulStone, you gain his knowledge and that of his predecessors."

"I see." I sigh and pick it up. I turn into the other form I have, the one of my full Dragon form. I glance down at the small piece of crystal, glowing green, the same color of the Chief's scales, and eat it. Once I do so, the flood of thoughts and memories make me lose my concentration and I turn back into my original form, the Human-Vampire mix.

The memories flowing through my head were similar to that of my own past. Every chief had lost a father, then a mother, and learned magic before they became a chief. Once they stopped flowing, I cleared my mind and stood up. "Are you okay?" Freirry asked, looking concerned.

"I am fine." I smile softly. "I am ready to meet my people."

"Then let's go."