~Chapter 12 Part 3~ The Packs of Were-Beasts and Fae- Nimi

My mother smiled as I ran and hugged her. "Mom!"

"Hello Nimi."

"Wait." I pull away from the hug. "Dad said-"

"I am an Archangel."

"That's so cool!" I laugh and hug her again. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too."

"Hey Esther."

"Hello to you too, my Darling Demon."

"Just Demon? What about my name?"

"Fine. Hello, Azrun."

"I love you."

"And I you."

They hug and I smile, glad they saw each other once more. "Don't you have stuff to do?"


"You are an Archangel right?"

"Ah. Yes, I should get going." Mom turns to me. "Goodbye my daughter."

"Bye mom." I smile and give her one last hug. "Visit me again soon, okay?"

"Of course." She smiles and disappears.

"Now, we should head to bed."

"We should. Let's fly dad!" I grab his hand and spread my wings, flying us up. He flew up next to me and, turning to me, grinned. We began racing to the top of the massive tree. I won since he hadn't flown in a while and we settled down on the huge branches. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Nimi." He smiles as we fade off into sleep.

The next morning, I woke up and found Dad to have disappeared. I simply shrugged it off and headed to the ground.

Once there, I began gathering many kinds of herbs and created tea as well as a breakfast. I did not harm any of the wildlife, since I wasn't sure if the Cat Clan would like that. Not long after, I headed out and went back to the entrance to the Clan's camp. The same sentry as before, Zycarr, was there and brought me into the Clan.

"Follow me my Lady." He said and took me to the one I assumed was the chief.

"Who is this?" The tiger-like creature asked.

"The Goddess."

"Ah." It transformed and I saw a pretty Werecat in it's place. "I am called Samu."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Samu. I assume you already know my name, yes?"

"Yes I do." She nods, her wavy golden hair catching the light. "Follow me." As she guided me, I took the time to look at her closer. When she smiled, I saw a flash of sharp teeth between her ruby red lips. She had vibrant green eyes with a slit pupil and several scars marring her face. She had one through her left eye and two through the other. She wore a rather revealing outfit similar to that of a dancer's; it had one sleeve on the right side and it dipped down showing a lot of her cleavage, she wore a glove on her left hand and a very short skirt. The whole outfit matched her eye color and seemed to leave trails of something magical behind her. On her neck, she wore a gem-covered necklace that wrapped around it. Samu took me to a large room with many chairs clustered around fireplaces.

"This is a nice place."

"It's the Nap Room."


"We are cats."

"I see." I smiled. "Mind if I take the best seat?"

"Not at all! You are the guest here."

"Thank you." I sit down cross-legged in front of the fire as Samu sat in front of me. "I am making a country and I decided that I would ask each Clan in this forest to join. I forgot to ask the Snakes but I shall do so when I leave this forest."

"A country you say?"


"Is it warm?"

"It's nearby. My palace is rather large and atop a mountain. I planned for the leaders of each Clan to reside there with me. Does this sound satisfactory?"

"Are there servants in this castle of yours?"

"Not yet."

"I see." The Chief of the Cat Clan sat there pondering the statements. "I will inspect the place."

"Do I have your permission to take over this land?"

"You do."

"Then let us go. Do you need to see it now? Or can we simply continue on?"

"We can continue. Would you give my commander the directions to the place you made this place?"


"Good. Come here Zycarr!"

"Yes Chief?"

"Nimi here was telling me of a country. I need you to follow her directions to there and take the rest of the Clan."

"Let me get paper." He leaves and returns shortly, paper and ink in hand. "Ready."

"Alright. Follow the musical trail."

"Musical trail?" Zycarr and Samu said as one.

"Have you noticed the trail I've left behind as I traveled your camp?"

"No." Samu said and Zycarr simply looked confused.

"Come here." They complied and I murmured a simple spell of awakening. The spell makes the ones it's cast on able to view any magic trail.

"I see it." Zycarr looked even more confused. "And hear it."


"I can too." The other looked sleepy. The current tune was one of relaxation so that made sense.

"Even better." I chuckle. "You," I point at Samu. "Need to be able to track it so if you get lost, you can find it." I turn to the Commander. "And you, you need to follow the trail and go as soon as you can. It fades away after a month. I've been traveling for about a week."

"Got it."

"Once you get to the end of the trail, a mountain, you need to climb up the path and knock on the door. You will see a girl with ears like your own answer. If any other does, you are in the wrong place."

"Anything else?"

"Tell her the Queen of Roses sent you."

"Roses?" Samu looked confused.

"A little nickname of hers for me. I'm a Queen and I grew a rose garden unlike any other. I used magic of course, but she still calls me Queen of Roses. Either that or Nimi."

"Ah." She smiles. "I would like to see this garden."

"When we are done getting the Were-creatures from this forest you will." I grin. "Let's get going."

"Let's." She smiled and we left. Together we began gathering more people for my country. That is, until we ran into more Fae.