~Chapter 12 Part 4~ The Packs of Were-Beasts and Fae- Nimi

When we met the Fae, they saw Samu and immediately captured us. We were thrown into a stinky cell and the guards refused to listen to a single thing I said. So I summoned Min. When I saw him, I gasped. "Wow." The gasp turned into a chuckle as he looked around confused. "Nice crown."

"Ah!" He turned to me. "Hey Nimi."

His crown was a vibrant shade of yellow, not golden, just yellow, with rubies inlaid in it. "Can you help me get out of here?" I say just as the door opened.

"His majesty will see you..." The guard trailed off. "Who is this?"

"I am the Dragon Mage Clan's new Chief."

"You- But-"

"Let us out. You captured a Queen and a..."


"A Chief. I am the Queen's loyal subject."

"You may not leave."

"Oh, really?" Min's eyes momentarily looked like what they used to and he was holding swords. "Then, fight me."

"N-No thank you!" He stepped aside for us.

"Thank you Min. I'll send you back now."

"I'd appreciate that." He chuckles as he disappeared.

"Lead on good sir." I gave the guard and evil smirk and he, hesitantly, led us to the king. "Hello, King."

"Tell me who you are. If you lie..." He let it trail and gestured for a couple of people who looked like mages to come closer.

"I understand." I nod. "I am the Goddess Nimi, sometimes called the Queen of Roses, a Queen of a new country."

"A Queen you say?" One of the mages muttered something in his ear and, standing upright almost immediately, he kneeled down in front of me. "I am very sorry for the rude treatment we have provided you my Lady."

"Be at ease." The King sighed, nodded and stood. "I simply came to find if you wished to join my country."

"Of course!"

"Great." I didn't much trust this King so I didn't allow him to know my trail and follow it. I picked the least Necromancer-looking mage and had him come to me. "You."

"Yes, my Lady?"

"Do you hear the music?"

"I do."

"Follow that. Go to the castle atop the mountain and knock on the door. Ask the one who answers to prepare a suit fit for a King. Then come back and take your people there. You," I turn to the King once more. "Get to follow him. Oh! And you need to tell her that the Queen of Roses sent you. If you don't, you will be refused entry."

"I understand." The mage turned and left, presumably to pack for his trip.

"Everyone else stays until he comes to get them."

"As you wish." The King bowed and had his guards escort us out, returning our belongings.

We leave and recruit even more people to join us.