~Chapter 12 Part 5~ The Packs of The Were-Beasts and Fae- Nimi

I left once more, since that strange voice declared that, as the ruler of this castle, I needed to reunite the races, and headed out. I had cleared the forest of all the Fae and Were-Animals. "Samu!"

"Yes my Queen?"

"Let's continue our travels."

"Yes!" While we traveled, the two of us had become close. I shared with her who I truly was, as in not a goddess, just a regular immortal being with immense power. She raised the point that I could control the actions of any being, anywhere, as well as send someone backwards or forwards in time whenever I wished. I had to agree that that was a rather godly power.

"Let's get food first. I'll also get my crown." She headed to the kitchen and I headed to the Audience Chamber. "Hey Min!"

"What do you need Nimi?"

"Watch over the kingdom for me, will you? I'm traveling again."

"Sure!" He smiled. "Don't forget-"

"My crown. Yes, I'm working on that." I smile and give my friend a hug. "Thanks."

"Of course." He smiles and pulls away. "Do be careful. It wouldn't do for us to lose the Queen already."

"I'll try." I chuckle. "Goodbye!" I set my crown on my head and turned, walking away. The crown was, in fact, the very same one I had worn when we cleared this castle of the bandits that had taken it over. It's been two years since then.


~Dalia? What's wrong? You're not dying are you?~ I quickened my pace, nearly running into Samu. "Ah. I need to go. I won't be gone forever but I may go on a quest for vengeance."


"Ask Min about the Demon."

"Okay..?" She said but I was past her and moving to my room. There were a couple things I needed to get. My swords for one.

~No. I'm fine. The Future, however, is not. Hurry!~ I broke out into a run and grabbed my swords as well as a couple throwing daggers. You never know, maybe I can find the Demon's father. I'll make him wish he never sired that boy.

~Min. I need to go to my sister again. No one's dying but the Future is at stake. You'll have to watch over the cat some more.~

~Cat? Ah. You mean Samu. She's here already.~ The perpetually laughing voice of his replied.

~Good. I will be seeing you soon, I hope.~

~Same to you.~ And with that I flew out my huge balcony window. I swirled through the air and landed with a gust of wind on the platform of clouds where Dalia resides.

"You called?"

"Yes." My sister sounded breathless. "Come here. I can't See you." I walk to my sister's side. She reached out and I grasped her hand. "See the Future, my sister."

I saw mere flashes but understood their meaning immediately. This is a pattern we have seen often, always managing to intercept. This time, I fear, we may not be able to stop. "Damn. When?"

"Soon. Hurry sister! The man is coming!" And with that my sister passed out, slumping against me. I gingerly set her on the ground and sought out the man I saw in the vision.

"Let's see... Long green- no pink? Pale pink hair and dark red eyes? Shit!" I jumped off the platform with a running start, dashing through the air, headed back for the castle. "Min! With me now!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a separate room, not seeing where it was. I began pacing and at some point my crown fell and landed on a pedestal not unlike those that now held the Dragon Crowns. I heard a dull scraping noise and saw the door to yet another chamber opened. "What?"

"I think you opened another one. Let's check it ou-"


"What? What's wrong?"

"I Saw this. If you go in there the end of the World comes next! Stay out!"

"Got it." He backed as far from the door as he could, pressing his back against the far wall.

I carefully entered the chamber and gasped. "This- No way!" My eyes wide, I enter the chamber that held a gilded door on the wall. I opened it and saw stairs leading downwards. "Min." I called. He stood right outside the room and smiled.


"I may not come back from this. But." I cut off his protests. "Do not ever enter this room until I come back out. Got it?"

"Y-Yes." Min sighs. "I will not ever enter this room unless you say I can."

"Good." I smile. I run back to him and give him a hug. "I'll try to come back."

"You better." He laughs. "Goodbye Nimi. I will think of you until I see you again."

"And I you." I turn and enter the staircase.