~Chapter 12 Part 6~ The Packs of Were-Beasts and Fae- Nimi

I walked for a long time. The staircase appeared to never end until I could barely go on. The farther down I went, the hotter it seemed to get. I pressed on and came across a raging ball of fire. Intrigued, I crept closer, reaching out a hand towards it.

'What do you seek my wayward child?' A large and booming, yet at the same time sleepy, voice asked. 'Is it a way to find the past? No, that cannot be. You know the past well. What do you desire?'

"I want to know what happened in this place. I want to know all there is to know of my castle and the spaces above and below it."

'A noble prize.' The voice seemed to laugh. 'Turn away from the flames young one, and let yourself see me.' I followed their instructions and saw what appeared to be a small child.

"What's wrong?" I asked. The child had scars marring what might have been a beautiful face. It could have even been a golem made of mud. It had long stringy hair that looked like grass, sickly grass, dead for years. The skin was brown like mud and appeared to have rocks in it. I walked over to the small being and set a single hand on their cheek. I pulled away almost immediately in shock. "You're really made of mud." I spoke feeling surprised.

'Of course.' The voice laughed once more and I noticed the child's face spread in a grin, gemstone eyes twinkling. 'Do you know who, or what I am?'

"You are the personification of Lady Earth herself."

'Correct.' The child smiled again. 'My name was said to be Mythroc.'

"How fitting." I smiled. "But what happened to you? Why is your hair dead?"

'Because I am the Earth, when the Earth is dying so too will I.'

"How do I fix it?" I asked coming close to panicking.

'Take control of the elements and the people who walk upon my ground. If you can do that you can help this pain end.'

I nodded and turned back to the fiery ball. "So what do I need to do?"

'You know exactly what you must do. I cannot stay for much longer. Do what you think is right.' The voice of the Earth faded away and as it did so I felt a burst in strength.

I heard an echoing giggle and a childlike voice say "You are grounded with the Earth. Use our power well Lady Nimi!" Then I heard another giggle and the cavern fell silent of all except the roar and crackling of the fire. I took a deep breath and walked to the fire. As I approached it the flames licked up against me as if inviting me to join it. I inhaled once more and stepped in. As I entered I saw something that appeared to be a person, beckoning for me to follow. I did and saw the yellows and reds flick through my surroundings. I walked long enough for the fire to fade from red and yellow to white and blue. When all I could see was the blue flames the shadow stopped.

"Did you come for my element Lady Nimi?"

"I did." I heard my voice as though from far away. "Can you give it to me?"

"I can. How will you use it?"

"I will use it to save the world."

"Then you may have it. Use me well." I nodded and in the blink of an eye I was back outside the fiery core of the Earth. I turned and headed back up the stairs.

"Nimi!" Min shouted, running up to me and embracing me. "Where have you been?"

"What do you mean? I was only gone for a day."

"A day? It's been three months!" He pulled back from the hug.

"What?" My eyes widened and I gasped. "But-" I froze. "How are-"

"Your people are fine." I relaxed. "I've been coming here every single day hoping it would be the day."

"Well, I am back. Sorry for worrying you." I smiled.

"Who're they?" The Vampiric Angel pointed behind me. I turned and saw a group of Fae creatures.

"I don't know."

'We are called Cave Fae. Mythroc sent us.'

"I see." I nodded.

"What?" Min asked me.

"These are sent by Lady Earth. They are Cave Fae."

"Oh." Min turned to the Fae. "Welcome to our kingdom."

"Thank you, Dragon Chief." The one that spoke to me said in response.

"How'd you..? Never mind." He sighed.