~Chapter 15~ The Queen of the World- Samu

When Lady Nimi rose out of the door to underground, I noticed something different about her. I had simply been wandering the castle as I had done for the many months she was gone. I've found myself many hiding places in this place.

When she stepped out, she seemed to glow. There was a glow in her eyes akin to that of fire and she walked with the sureness of the Earth. In that single instant I knew she had bonded with two of the elements. I listened to the short conversation they had and saw the Cave Fae a moment before the Dragon Chief, Min, did. After a short discussion the two leaders left the room though the Fae stayed. I pretended to be entranced by a random painting, that was rather pretty, until they left the area. I entered the room and walked right over to the Cavelings. "Hello."

"You are the one who was once the leader of the Cats." The same sapphire eyed creature that had spoken with the others said to me, turning slightly.

"Yes I am. Are you here to harm Lady Nimi whatsoever?"

"We are not." It nodded and the others followed after. "In fact, we are here to help. She needs to locate the other elements."

"I know. Is she healing the rift the war had left on our peoples?"

"She is."

"Then I look forward to working with you. I am Samu, the once-leader of the Cats" I stuck out a single hand.

"And I am Saph, Queen of the Cavelings." She took my hand and shook it lightly.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled.

"I suppose, however, that I can no longer be Queen."

"If you so desire, I'm sure my Lady will allow you to keep your title. She did the same for Min."

"Ah yes. The Dragon Chief."

"Right." I nodded. "Do you want to go to your chambers? They could be either the underground floors or one above ground. You choice."

"I think," Saph turned to her companions, "We'll take the underground ones."

"Then follow me." I led them to one of the more earthy corridors. "This is the hall for your rooms. No one sleeps down here so pick your favorite rooms."

"Thank you Samu."

"Just doing my job." I smiled and walked out, heading to the Audience Chamber. "Lady Nimi? Min?"

"Hey Samu! Where've you been?" The still-glowing goddess spoke first.

"Speaking to the Cavelings."

"What Cavelings?" She looked confused.

"The Cave Fae." Min responded.

"I see." Nimi nodded.

"Now, they said they were here to help you find the element sources. Like the element of Earth's source was the Earthchild- Ah." I said, noticing the confusion evident on her face. "Mythroc."


"Like the element of Earth's source was the Earthchild," I repeated. "And that of Fire was the Core, each element has a special and well-guarded source."

"I see." She nodded again.

"The Cavelings promised to guide you to them."

"So that's why they followed me. But the Core wasn't guarded."

"It was. The Cavelings guard the Core."

"Then why-"

"Didn't you see them? They knew you would be the one to heal Lady Earth, so they did not disturb your passage."

"Then was that laughter-"

"Ours?" Saph asked, walking in. "It was. I was the one who spoke to you then, just as I speak to you now."

"I knew your voice was familiar!" Nimi laughed.

"Right." I said. "Now, I have a very good idea of where one of the elements lay."

"Where, might I ask?" Saph turned to me.

"This mountain."

"And what element?" She asked again.


"You are correct. You may be useful on our journey." For a Caveling, saying someone might be useful is one of the highest compliments able to be given.

"Thank you." I gave her a bow. When I straightened, her dark blue eyes twinkled.

"Now, Lady Nimi, I have something to ask you." Nimi straightened in her throne, her crown falling off. She swiped it out of the air before it fell.

"What do you need?" She asked as she set the shiny crown back on her head.

"I wish to keep my title as Queen of the Cavelings."

"Of course." Nimi smiled. "Why would I take that from you?"

"The last King forced me to give up my rulership. His term of ruling, in this very castle in fact, ended in the war that created the rift between the races."

"What was his name?" I asked.

"Name? Ah. Uh... I believe it was Asmodeus." At that single word both Min and Nimi jerked their heads up, eyes wide. They glance at each other and Nimi turned back, face still showing surprise. Once she no longer looked surprised she instead looked angry, extremely angry. She growled and Saph simply stood there, unfazed. "I believe I can assume you know him."

"I do. Bastard!" She growled out the last word, the fire in her eyes glowing an angry red.

"Nimi." Min murmured in the attempt to calm her. "You already enacted your revenge on him. He's dead."

"NOT ENOUGH!" Nimi shouted. My ears flicked down against my head at the shear sound of it. I ran at her and turned midstride, pulling her onto the ground and sitting there.

"It me." I told Min.

"Samu? But-"

"It was the only way to stop her. She most likely would have hurt someone." I loosened my grip and noticed she stopped screaming. "Good." I released her completely and stood up on my hind legs. I turned back into my shorter humanoid form. "Do you feel better now?"

Nimi had to cough out a chunk of my hair before she could respond. "Yes. Thank you. Although, now I've got a ton of fur in my mouth."

"Sorry about that."

"No worries." She smiled. "You were right, I would have hurt someone."

"Well, I'm glad I stopped you."

"Now, I believe we need to get me to the rest of the elements."

"Yes." I smiled. "Follow me." I led everyone to my favorite spot, the room at the top of the tallest tower. Directly above it was the Wind source and that made the room cool in the heat of summertime. One of my favorite features of the source being above here was the fact that the wind brought the petals of the Dawn Roses that Nimi so adores. This makes it so the floor is covered in green petals. At least, they are to me.


"Yeah." I smiled. "The source is above us." Nimi transformed, showing her wings. They were beautiful, but there was black on the top, fading into white about halfway down. I knew exactly what that meant. The evil would overtake her. We might not be able to know her truly any longer at that point.

"No.." Min muttered. I walked to him and set my hand on his shoulder, cutting short his melancholy.

"She'll be fine." I enunciated. I knew it was a partial lie but said it anyway. She might be fine but he may not be able to handle it. "If you truly love her, believe she can do it."

"I will." There was determination in those bloodred eyes. Nimi flew in again. She landed softly on the floor, the wind causing her long blue-green hair to fly up.

"I did it! That was cool!"

"Good." I smiled. I led everyone to another place. As a result of the Wind fusing with Nimi's spirit, even when she stood totally still in a place where the air did not move, her hair always was moving as if in a gentle breeze. We went to another of my favorite spots, and old war strategy room.

"Woah..." Nimi walked over to the huge map. "What's that?" She points at the emblem of the castle on a mountain. "And these." She points at the pieces floating above it.

"Well, this emblem is here and the crown there is you. The dragon wing is Min, and the sapphire eye is Saph. I am the tiger." I told the Queen.

"Oh. So what are these?" She pointed at the other similar pieces around the map.

"Others who will join us."

"I see." She nods. "Well, I know where to go next."

"Not just yet." Nimi stopped walking and turned back to me. "Come back." She did and I pointed at certain other markers on the map. "See these?"

"What are they?"

"Look close." She seemed to see since she nodded. "Three swirling symbols. You found the sources of the Fire and Earth elements under here." I tap the castle. "The Wind source is here." I tap the white swirling marker that floated above the tower. "See the others?" I point out each of them.

"I do."

"So, you need to go to them. I am sure you will meet the right people on the way. Remember these symbols."

"I will." She turns.

"Wherever are you going?"


"Aren't you missing a couple people?"

"Oh. Saph, Samu, let's go."

"Good." I nodded and followed her. We gathered what we'd need and left. One thing I found about the board is you can speak with the markers. I told them all to go to the most likely place she'd go. I only did that after she left the room though. I had guessed she'd go to the closest element, that of Lightning. Not only that, but I knew it was her favorite element. So, it's highly likely she'd go there.

We left the next day and headed to the temple on top of the biggest mountain on the world.