~Chapter 19~ The End of the World- Nimi

"No!" I collapsed to my knees.

When I had flown up onto our little platform I saw Dalia, taking her last breaths. In that single moment she projected to me what would be her very last vision. Instead of the flashes it normally was, the vision she showed me was clear and intense. I watched as the deaths of thousands were shown but I couldn't see who caused it. The vision began fading away right as I began to see the one who caused it. Dalia, with a huge struggle, sped up the vision, turning it back to flashes. In one of the flashes I saw an evil smirk. In another, I saw a crown. In the last one, nearly disappeared, I saw a flash of a pair of wings, one black, the other white. Then it disappeared totally and Dalia took one last ragged breath and collapsed.

"No!" I fell to my knees beside her, arms around her chest. I felt the tears falling down and down my cheeks as I sobbed out a yell, almost like a battle cry. I had seen the stab wound. "Dalia! N-Not you t-too!"

Somehow, I think by summon, Min appeared next to me and pulled me away from my bloodied sister's body. He pulled me into his arms and held me until the sobs subsided. "Hey. You're fine. She is definitely with your sister in the AfterLife. I'm sure they're watching over you right now. Calm down and show them just how strong you are."

"Y-You're right. I gotta prove to them I'm capable." I paused and snickered.

"What's so funny?"

"They might just reach into the Past or something and stop me from going unless I show them how strong I am." He chuckled.

"They might."

"Now let's go. I promised the other four that I'd be back soon."


"Have you heard of the owl Jezebel? He, at the behest of the Gods, chose me."

"I see." Min nods. "Well, you should get going then. See you when you return."

"See you." I smiled and sent him back to the castle while I flew back down. "I'm back!"

"Your hands are bloody. What happened?" Saph spoke before any of the others could.

"My sister died of a chest wound."

"I am sorry to mention it."

"You're fine." I took a deep breath. "Completely fine."

"If you say so." Saph said and began packing up the camp. "Let's keep going. We'll end up way too far behind schedule if we don't."


Timeskip to 20 years later~

"Once Min and I created a unified kingdom, we called the kingdom 'Eternity' after the tree under which Min was found. We created a democracy-styled government where Samu and Jina were the co-presidents of the whole kingdom and left. We just ran off together and have been out and about for a year at least. I became an assassin for anyone who wanted it and Min... Well, Min has disappeared. Now, you're my prisoner and I was asked to kill you. Do you know why?" The man below me shook his head. "Well, I was told by your wife that you beat her, rape her and do the same to your children. Now, I wish to ask you why?"

"H-He told me that w-was the right thing t-to do."

"He? He who?"

"The Demonic Angel. I d-don't know his real name."

"Damn." I sighed and threw my dagger into his neck, instantly killing him. I stepped off of his chest and retrieved the dagger, grabbing the edge of my cloak and rubbing the blood off of it. "Again? I can't believe that so many people are being corrupted by this man yet no one seems to know his name! Damn." I began muttering curses that could put a Demon's to shame and walked out of the alley, grinning when I saw the wanted poster. It read,


The Cloaked Assassin has been requested to be caught and brought to the capital. Co-Presidents Jina and Samu will two million gold for his capture."

I snickered and tore it off. They still think I'm a guy and they raised my bounty. How awesome! I giggled and left.

At the moment, I was hunting for targets in the desert. I headed out of the small town and headed straight to the oasis I was hiding out in. When I arrived, I tugged off the cloak, revealing the revealing outfit I had on underneath. Just like that of the women who live here, it used up as little cloth as it could while still appearing decent. It barely covered my breasts, and had a tiny little skirt. My hair was dyed, but the dye came out when I washed it. That's why I washed outside the town, in the oasis.

"Lady Nimi? What're you doing here? Where've you been?" I swore again. It was night and that voice was that of the Queen of Vampires, Lilah.

"Hello there Lilah." I turned to face the vampire with a sigh.

"Why are you here, in the Oasis of the Night?"

"Doesn't matter." I slipped out of the skimpy outfit and slid into the water. "Leave me alone."

"Why? Why are you here? What's happened to-"

"SHUT UP!" I shouted. Lilah stood there, stunned, as I swam farther into the water. Even in the middle of the oasis the water only barely reached my shoulders.

"Sorry." She whispered as she turned away. Because of my affinity with water, I felt her tears rolling down her cheeks. Lilah walked away, sitting at the very edge of the oasis and began asking questions to the silent night sky. "What happened to her? Why's she here? What made the caring Lady Nimi become so- so- so evil? Why'd she snap at me?" I sighed and stood, grabbing the towel I use to dry off, and wrapped it around me. I carefully made my way over to her, silent as a tiger stalking her prey.

"I'm sorry I did that. I've been in many bad places recently." I chuckled softly. "Be glad I had no weapons on me. You might have a dagger imbedded in your arm right about now." Lilah giggled just as quietly.

"I am." My light laughter turned into full out laughing at the silly look in her eyes.

"So, how's my kingdom?" I schooled my expression into the neutral one that has kept me out of many a bad situation as we walked back to the water.

"Well, besides your face posted all over the continent, fine enough." Lilah snickers, pointing at my cloak.

"Define 'Fine enough.'"

"Well, the Ladies Samu and Jina have helped make the country all unified."

"I thought I did that." I chuckled.

"Well, sort of. You started it. Now, though, everything's a mess."

"What? Why?"

"Your assassination spree has terrified everyone."

"Ah." I sighed. "Well, can't be helped. I'm looking for someone."

"Dragon Chief Min?"

"Heh. No. He's...." I stopped and looked down at my hands. "Doesn't matter. He's gone. I'm looking for the one they call the Demonic Angel."

"As a friend or enemy?"

"Depends on what I see. At the moment, enemy."

"I see. Well, I know one thing about him."

"I'll take whatever."

"Do you have a map of the continent?"

I snorted. "Of course." I reach over to my bag. "Here."

"His base is right... Here." Lilah taps a circle of mountains on the magical holographic map. Once she does, there was a marker set on it.

"Thank you. I'll be heading there next."

"Alright. I hope that you'll be safe."

"You know me." I gave her a cheeky grin. "I'm always safe. I can never die." Lilah lets out a breath of laughter, shaking her head.

"That's true. Just be careful."

I infiltrated the base and now, well, now I'm back at the castle explaining to my best friends who, exactly, the Demonic Angel is.