~Chapter 20~ The Story- Nimi

"I was trapped.

"I'd been trapped for a long, long time. I hadn't seen the light of day in at least two months. It's too hard to keep track of time in here.

"My cell was uncomfortable, cramped, wet and malodorous. I was fed a scrap of bread each day or so, and given a tiny bowl of water at that time.

"Then, one day, I was allowed to leave the room. I had given up moving around since that took too much energy. I was getting dangerously thin and coughed often. The huge men that put me in here carefully helped me stand. They walked me to another room, one filled with many kinds of food and drink.

"Cautiously, I had sniffed the air in the room, and smelled the poisonous fumes of Frozen Kiss. I had coughed again and staggered to one table. That single table did not give off fumes that I could smell. I had carefully picked up a piece of fluffy bread and tasted a small amount. It wasn't poisoned. I took a bigger bite of it and heard a deep chuckle. I had jerked my head up and saw a man sitting there, one I had seen many times before.

"'Y-You..' I rasped out and coughed.

"'Hello again my friend.' He had pushed over a glass of water. 'I see you're just as cautious as ever.' He smiled, an evil one that chilled me to my core. That smile did not belong on his face. I had picked up the water and took a sip. The food on that table appeared to not be poisoned at all. I began eating more, feeling strength slowly return to my body. With that strength came a sense of power, one I have not felt in so long. I felt my magic returning. 'And you're still good. I must say, with the fact you've been damn near starved for the past year you can still function well enough. I am truly proud of you, darling.'

"'Fuck off.' I had growled, feeling my throat hurt. I drank more water.

"'Do you still have the instincts of the assassin you were and are?' He'd asked me, a twinkle in his dual-colored eyes. One of them was fake, courtesy of me the last time I had met him. His real eye was a dark shade of red that I had fallen in love with once.

"'Die.' I had muttered. He looked offended and gestured to someone behind me, a guard I believe. I felt the cold, sharp metal edge of a dagger press against my neck. I knew I seemed pitiful, all stick-thin and everything, but I held my head high and spoke confidently. 'You wouldn't dare.'

"'You're right, I wouldn't.' My old lover sighed and gestured once more, making the knife's edge leave my neck. 'My love, I missed you so very much.'

"'And I didn't.'

"He left and I continued eating, noticing after a while that I could move unassisted. I walked slowly, unsteadily, around the room, noticing every single ingredient for the antidote for Frozen Kiss. I made it and began eating the rest of the food over time.

"Once I ate what I could, I wandered again and came across a strange crack on the wall, along with a small knob. I pulled it and saw a door open into a bedroom. I wandered there and laid on a real bed for the first time in a year, based on what my former lover had said. I slept, peacefully and when I reawakened once more I went back into the kitchen. I saw a whole new assortment of food and this time not one thing was poisoned.

"After many more months of wandering the small house-like area, I found a room of weapons. Each and every one of my weapons were there. 'This... No way.' My eyes had lit up and I set about gathering them all. 'If I...' I pulled out my favorite pair of daggers. They were ones my father carried once. They help channel magic quite well. I concentrated, having learned to use magic without a single spell uttered. I burst into flame and grinned. Not only did I have my weapons, I had my magic back and I wasn't as thin. 'Yes!' I had laughed. I had found a large backpack to put it all in and put it on. I had also found a window in the bathroom leading outside.

"I had gathered up food and the rest of my weapons to put in the bag. Once I had done so, I left.

"The world was dark, it was night. I knew that and knew it'd be hard to escape now because of the guy's racial trait. I can escape during the day when they all sleep. I waited outside the window for what seemed like days before dawn appeared. I waited until the sun was up just a bit more before leaving. I was far away before they found out but still heard the shout of anger.

"The castle came into view and I had sighed, knowing, or more like hoping, that it'd all be fine there and I could talk to you guys."

"So who was he?" Saph asked me, head tilted.

"Yeah! Who was the Demonic Angel?" Samu looked very curious.

I sat in silence for several minutes, not wanting to say it. "M- It was M-Min. It was Min.... He is the one who will destroy the world once more."