~Chapter 23~ Time Passing- Nimi

After the dinner, I went outside and began work. I created a shovel and a pickaxe, beginning to mine underground. I worked in my mines for a lot of my time that year. Once I had a lot of minerals, I made a pen for livestock.

Slowly, not using magic one time except for to make tools, I began turning the small seaside cottage into something bigger, more like the castle but still smaller than it.

I took the time occasionally to stroll along the beach and swim in the sea. I often just made a picnic on the days that the Nymphs didn't join me for meals and sat on the beach, setting a second place next to me, imagining Min promising to join me, thinking that he was there with me the entire time.

Losing a bonded one does something to your mind, something bad. I no longer knew what was real and what wasn't. I saw visions of something nice, as in Min back, here with me, alive and there during my picnics on the beach. I saw more of bad visions than good though. I saw the moment I stabbed Min's eye, I saw the vision Dalia had shown me of the death of thousands. Those nights were ones I got up out of bed and went mining. The only time the visions could not get me was when I was doing something.

At some point, I made it all the way back to the Core. "Hello again, My Champion."

"Mythroc!" I laughed and ran to the muddy creature. "How are you doing? Your hair's looking a lot better now!"

"It is. You've healed the Earth, healing me at the same time. Thank you, Champion." I smiled softly.

"Can I mine the ores around here? They're all so pretty and I'd like to make the... the statue he..."

"You may." Mythroc nodded, stepping back with a light smile. "A few less rocks won't hurt me."

"Thank you." She nodded again and I lifted my gold-like pickaxe to begin mining.

"Wait a moment."

"Hm?" I turned to face the shorter creature.


"That's pretty." I gently took the bejeweled tool she proffered. It had yellow diamonds reminiscent of the lightning-yellow of Min's eyes.

"Those gems change colors based on your favorite color."

"Like Dawn Roses?"

"Yes. These are a gem that no living creature has ever seen. None other than the Cavelings who protected the Core and myself. And now, you as well."

"Then I name them Dawn Stones."

"A good name, since they act like Dawn Roses."

"Right. Thank you for the generous gift."

"Anything for you, My Champion."

"I am likely to come here often, please, just call me Nimi."

"What about Lydia?"

"That is my name now, I suppose."

"That it is. I will call you Lydia."

"Thank you." I began mining the gemstones that covered the walls of the chamber that held the Core, noticing them reappear after I move on. "What's this?" I call over the roar of the fire, pointing at the tunnel that led from the chamber. It wasn't the one that led to the castle, or my home.

"That is the rest of this temple."

"Temple? Can I..?"

"You may." Mythroc nodded.

"Thanks." I walked into the tunnel and explored the area for a long time.

When I reemerged once more, the Nymphs were searching for me. "Lydia! Lydia, where'd you go?" Elidy called for me.

"Here." I called back, seeing about a hundred heads turn to me.

"Lydia!" Elidy ran to me and gave me a hug. In the huge mining cart behind me, I had put all of the gemstones I had found, either in the first room or in the temple. "What's this? They're so pretty!" She picked up a Dawn Stone and inspected it. "How's this stone capture the color and light of the sun?"

"It's a special kind." I brought her over to my garden. "See these?"

"Yeah. Those flowers look the same."

"These stones are called Dawn Stones. The flowers are Dawn Roses."

"I see." Elidy nodded.

"Yes." I walked back to the cart and rolled it into my home, taking it to the smithy. I had some metal ores in there as well, ones that truly caught my attention. They were all different types of colored metals. One was a green color, a lot like that of a plant's stem, and another was blue like a sapphire. The last kind was one that changed colors from time to time.

I began creating weapons of a new kind. I found that the green metal was able to bend a lot like leather. I wrapped the handle of the weapons with the green which I had named Dranium and the handles and guard were of the blue, which was named Oplum. The blades were of the color-changing metal which got named Diadrite.

I made a set of twenty throwing daggers I called the Scarlet set, and two swords, one of which I called Broken Promises, the other Doombringer. There were four daggers, one called Twinkle, another I called Storm. One I named Nemesis, and one called Massacre.

I had made a staff as well, one made almost entirely of Diadrite. There was a wrap of Dranium and an orb of Dawn Stone as well. This was made in the possibility that I'd use magic.

It was also one last memory from the Past, not my own, but that of Min's. The staff's a lot like the one of the wizard who trained him. The name of that staff was called Lorekeeper, and the wizard Obin.

When I finished making Lorekeeper the Second, I took it outside and, setting it across my palms and lifted it to the heavens. It was almost like I heard Min once more saying 'thank you' but I dismissed it as yet another vision.

I took the weapons and began bringing them with me nearly everywhere I went. The throwing knives lay inside my shirt, two daggers in my boots, and two in my sleeves, and the swords lay at my waist. The staff and whatever tool I'd be using that day hung on my back.

"What's up with all the weapons?"

"Ack! Oh. Hey Elidy." I had begun locking my doors, since the Nymphs constantly popping in for a visit got annoying. She was the only one I gave a key to.

"Can you answer me?"

"Well, I had a vision."

"Of what?"

"Death and mayhem. The country in shambles, new countries becoming reality."

"I see." The pretty Nymph looked troubled.

"It'll all work out in the end."

"Right. Will this place be...?"

"No. You Nymphs become a country on your own. If I saw it right, you're the queen."

"That's... Nice."

"Yeah." I smiled.

"So why all the weapons?"

"Because I wish to stay safe. I did say your forest will be safe, but my home will not."

"I see." Elidy nods. I finish strapping the throwing daggers inside my shirt and slip it on, grimacing as the sheaths poke into my chest. I slip Nemesis and Massacre into my sleeves and slip the others into my boots. I put on my belt and attach my swords as well as sling the staff across my back. Today, I'll use the pickaxe so I can begin building a wall. The Nymphs help, making the trees that border three of my sides close together. The other side goes right off the cliff so I just make a small wall there.

When I finish the wall, I spend my time there instead of in my house or the mine. I wait, and wait, for the invaders to come. I grabbed hundreds of crystals to make magic stores to prep for the battle. Over the span of a month, I filled each crystal with magical energy.

When the invaders finally came, I began sending down wave after wave of fire rain.

I must admit, I did start laughing at one point. That night, when they stopped trying, I realized I might have problems getting into Heaven if I kept this up. I had examined my wings and found them to be almost entirely black. My clothes already made the change from white to black. ~Min. I wish I could speak to you, just one more time.~

~About what?~

I damn near fell off the wall in surprise. ~M-Min?~

~You called for me.~ I could almost see his shrug. ~So I answered.~

~H-How is it?~

~In Heaven? Nice. Well... It could be better.~


~If you were here.~

~You flirt.~ I laughed.

~Just so you know, my Godfather said you will be here in Heaven. No matter what happens down there, your rightful place is here.~

~That helps. So have you met my mother?~ I snickered.

~I- I uh... Yeah.~


~She congratulated me on my relationship with you.~

~I'm glad. What did you think of her?~

~She's bubbly and nice.~


~I like her. She's a great mother-in-law.~

~M-Mother-in-law? We're not-~

~We're SoulMates. That makes us basically married already.~


~Now, I was told I could go meet your father. I should get going now.~

~Him too?~ I felt my face heat up. With the way Dad acted when I met him, I could only guess how'd he act for Min. ~W-Well, I guess tell me how it goes?~

~I will. See you later Nimi. Or maybe I should call you Lydia?~

~Just call me Nimi.~

~Whatever you say, m'Lady.~ I giggled.


~Goodbye.~ The light brush of his consciousness disappeared and I sighed, turning and hopping down to the ground on the inside of my wall. The next day, the invaders attempted to attack me once more so I sent down more fire rain.

This continued for about a year before they finally gave up and left.

"Hey Lydia."

"Hm?" I turned to Elidy.

"You're strong."


"I realized a while ago, you have an affinity for fire right?"

"And then some." I murmured before glancing up at her. "Yes, I do."

"Can you give me your hand?"


"So I can check something."

"No." I knew exactly what she'd check: if I had the magical flow of the "Goddess Nimi."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want you to. There are some things that people want kept a secret."

"Alright." Elidy sighed but nodded. "I'll leave you be now."

"Thank you."


~Min!~ I knew my eyes lit up, figuratively, but really didn't care. I headed to the top of one of my towers and, flying out the window, sat on the roof of it.

~Your Father's obnoxious.~

~Yeah.~ I laughed. ~He is.~

"I heard that." In a flash, my Dad had appeared, flying with his Demon wings. "Your boyfriend's pretty cool."


"I can do that too you know." Min was there, his wings just like they were before he died... again.

"Hey!" I flew up and gave Min a hug. "I missed you!"

"Same to you."

"So no 'I miss you' for me?" Dad pouted and I hugged him.

"You're so silly." I laughed. "C'mon Mom. I know you're there."

"How'd you know?" She appeared with a laugh and gave me a hug. "I missed you, my darling."

"And I you." I turned to Min again. "How long can you stay?"

"Long enough. Why? What'd you want to do?

"To make sure you don't disappear on me when I kiss you." My mother flushed and turned away. My Dad just laughed and also turned. We kissed like we had the last day we were together, soft yet passionate.

When I pulled away, Min's face was red. "Why'd you kiss me in front of them?"

"They weren't watching."

"Still feels weird."

"Whatever. It was nice seeing all of you again."

"Yes. I'm glad we got to meet your boyfriend, Nimi."

"And I'm sure he feels the same about you two."

"Goodbye love."

"Goodbye all of you." I smiled as they disappeared.