~Chapter 24~ The New Life- Nimi

Though I protected my home, the rest of my country was in tatters, and Jina and Samu were dead. I mourned the loss of two good friends but deal with it, forgetting my grief momentarily, while I build up my house more. Instead of going up more, I went down for the new floors. I put many, many secret passageways in the building because I had become bored, and one went to the shaft of the Core.

I explored many places in the time while I lived and when I had built up a magnificent home, I gave it to the current Queen of the Nymphs, one I did not know since Elidy had died. The Nymph was her daughter, born of her alone, so the new Queen was an exact copy of Elidy, my old friend.

"Why would you give unto me your beautiful home? Where do you intend to go?"

"The next life."

"You-You're going to kill yourself?"

"No. I have had a long, long life and I have clung desperately to life as I finished this place. Now, I am ready to let go. It will be painless, and I ask of you but two things."

"Anything for you!"

"First, take great care of my home, do not let it fall into ruin, hand this promise down through your bloodline."

"I will."

"And second, take my body down to the deepest tunnel in the mineshaft, leave me next to the ball of flames and never enter the area again."


"Get one of the Land Nymphs to collapse the tunnel. Never ever even attempt to go down there. Protect the place with your life."

"And that of my daughters'."

"Good." I nodded.

And, with the promise of a Nymph, one of very few Races that can't lie, to protect my land and my body, I peacefully passed on to the next life that very same day. I floated around my body until they took me to the Core, and felt the Earth shaking as they collapsed the tunnel. 'Hello Champion. I suppose this is goodbye, isn't it?'

~It is.~ I laughed slightly. ~I wanted to speak to you before I went, though.~

'About what?'

~The world's fate.~

'And what about the world's fate?'

~The things that would happen after I died.~

'Well, without our Goddess here, protecting us, it'll be a bit harder. But we'll be fine.'

~Good.~ My spirit smiled lightly. ~Now, I'd like to be encased in Dawn Stones and tossed into the Core. Could you do this one last, final thing for me?~

'Of course.' Mythroc smiled. 'I hope you enjoy your AfterLife.'

~So do I.~ I felt the soft tug of the Godfather. ~I must be going now. Goodbye Mythroc.~


And with that, I was now in Heaven, with my mother standing next to me and Min's arms wrapped around me, talking to the Godfather.

~So, you're saying you wish to be reborn?~

~Yes.~ I nodded. ~I want to live a new life, one of someone a bit more normal. Being who I was here led me to a lot of trouble. I'd like to start anew.~

~That's a good idea.~ The Godfather smiled. ~However, Min here cannot come with you if you go back to-~

~Oh. Right.. So.. Let's go to another?~

~You are good at thinking. Min, where would you like to go?~

~I want to go wherever she is.~ Being in Heaven, our Souls take the form of the purest version of ourselves. And, when two SoulMates are together, their Souls glow the same color and brightness.

~I want to go to your old world.~

~Are you sure?~ Min asked me. I nodded.


~Then that's where you two will go.~


~Yes Mom?~

~This other world... I won't be able to go there. You are no longer my flesh and blood so I cannot appear to you. Are you really sure you want to do this?~

~Yes. I am, mother.~

~Then I will bid you goodbye.~ She turned and flew away.


~Now! Let's begin. Min, let go of Nimi. It wouldn't do for you two to end up siblings.~

~Alright.~ He stepped away from me.

~Further.~ Min stepped back more. ~Little bit more.~ He complied. ~Good. Now, I need you to repeat after me Nimi.~

After repeating the spell, I awoke in a flash of light, and began crying.

I'm... a baby?