~Chapter 1~ Growing Up- Nimi/Lucy

While I grew, I met a little Elf boy. He was blonde, with pretty yellow eyes, ones that reminded me of fire, or lightning. I myself was also a blonde Halfling Faerie. I was also Dragonborn, making my eyes change color with my mood. When I'm feeling happy, basically my neutral feeling, my eyes were like amethysts. When I was angry, they turned red, sad, blue and so on. He was also taller than me even though our birthdays were on the same day and the same year.

The Elf's name was Aeson Torlen. Mine was Lucy Daystream. After a while, we became close friends and often snuck out at night to explore the forest nearby. We made friends with the animals, as a Dragonborn speaking to animals is easy, and with Aeson being an Elf, it's even easier.

Aeson and I got into so much trouble together, that our parents had to force us to stay in our rooms so we didn't do anything. We learned about each other quite a lot, like I learned his favorite color was purple and mine was the same color as his eyes. I learned he loved music and magic, just like me, so we practiced both together, often mixing the two to see what happened.

"Lucy!" He called to me, it was the morning of our eighteenth birthday, and he ran to the clearing that surrounded my little tree house we had made together. Using magic, I could actually live here, without any trouble.

"Yes Aeson?" I stuck my head out the window. He waved at me, a small package in his hand. "What's that?"

"Come down and find out!" He called up to me. I grinned, and, since I was wearing pants, I vaulted over the balcony railing, landing lithely on the ground, bending my knees to soften the impact. "Show off." I laughed.

"Whatever you say. Now can I see that?" I went to grab the package and he held it above his head.

"Ah ah ah. Not yet."

"Hah! You fool! I have wings!" I let them appear, and flew up, grabbing the package. There was a small tag on it that said, "For Lucy," with a little drawing of a heart. "That's so cute!" I smiled up at Aeson who motioned for me to open it. I did, and revealed a glimmering necklace. "Woah.... How long did it take to make this? It's so pretty!"

"It took about seven years of my life."

"S-Seven? Woah!" My eyes widened.

"Yeah. I've been planning to give this to you for a long time now. Do you like it?" I could hear a nervous tone in his voice. I smiled and put it on carefully, lightly brushing it with a couple fingers. "I guess that's a y-yes?" I nodded.

"It is. Thanks." I continued to stare at it, seeing it slightly shifting colors. "What's it made of?"

"Dawn Stones and rose gold."

"Pretty." I smiled again and froze, seeing it turn purple.

"What's wrong?"

"I-It changed- I-" I stammered.

"What color did it turn?"

"P-Purple... It's pretty but I'd rather it go back to being yellow."

"Purple? What shade?" He asked.

"Amethyst." I smiled softly, seeing it turn back to yellow. "And now the yellow's back." I chuckled. The stone appeared to be trying to decide between showing the amethyst purple or lightning yellow.

"I can see it too. That yellow looks like my eyes."

"And the purple's like mine."

"Yeah." He smiled softly, his sharp Elven features softening slightly. "Just like yours." As we grew, Aeson changed from a scrawny kid with soft, rounded features, to a bulky man with sharp, pointy edges. But when he smiles, hints of that soft child showed through.

"Let's get to the party."

"Good idea. C'mon birthday girl."

"One sec."

"Are you getting that stupid mask again?"

"Yeah." I flew back up to my room and grabbed the mask, pulling it on. It covered my neck and about half my face, so I had to pull the necklace out from under it. "Ready."

"Why do you wear the mask?"

"To hide the teeth."

"Just because one kid said your teeth were scary doesn't mean you have to hide them." Aeson spoke softly, walking over to me and pulling down my mask. "I think you look pretty-" His eyes widened and he covered his mouth, his face going red as he took a step back. "I... Uh.. Um.. Just pretend you didn't hear that."

"Hmm.. Well, I'd say that you like the color purple, right?" He nodded. "And one cool feature of a Dawn Stone is it changes color based on your favorite color. And, sometimes, in the presence of your SoulMate, it changes to their favorite color." I took several steps towards him, making him back up into a tree. "And y'know, finding out who my SoulMate is on my birthday would be a pretty great present."

"Uh.. You.. I...." His blush deepened as I leaned in closer to him, and his breaths came out quicker. "Wh-What are you doing?"

"This." I say and kiss his neck.

"You- uh... Sh-Should we do this right now?"

"That's true." I flash him a smile. "We've got a party to go to." I pulled off the mask. "And I guess I won't wear the mask."

"Thanks." He smiled lightly.

"Just know, my teeth are quite sharp. So.. Be careful what you do."

"A-Alright." He flushed again.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and we left.

At a typical forest coming-of-age party, there's often alcohol and half the women are half-naked. I pretty much managed to keep Aeson's eyes on me though, when his eyes strayed I kissed his neck again. One time, he didn't notice, and I had to bite down before he noticed me.

"What now?" He shouted over the music after about a half-night of drinking a lot.

"C'mon!" I called and tugged his arm, taking him to the tree-house.

Once there, away from the loud noises, I could finally let my dragon-sense go wild, searching every inch of his body. I saw almost nonexistent scars crossing his body, ones that seemed really, really old. Just as an experiment I slipped a single hand up his back under his shirt and felt around for the scars. "What're you-"

"Why does the dragon sense scars but my hands can't?"

"What? What do you mean scars?"

"Scars. Turn around."

"Okay..?" He did so and I tugged his shirt up, ignoring the gasp that was clearly because of how cold it was.

"None." I breath out, watching him shiver as my warm breath touched his back. I trailed my hand across his back, closing my eyes, and looked for the scars. "Where are they?" I murmured.

I continued running my hands over his back until I felt someone grab my hands. "Stop worrying about nonexistent scars. There are many more.. pressing... matters to attend to." Aeson muttered in my ear, making me shiver just like I did to him earlier.

"Outside isn't the best place to do whatever we'll do. Come upstairs." He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine, one hand behind my head, and the other on my hips. "Fuck. Slow down." I muttered, right as he pulled me against him once more. He carried me to my room and through the night, we realized even if we aren't SoulMates, we work well together.

"Good morning Beautiful."

"Huh? Wait a second. Why are you in my room?" In that moment, a cool autumn wind blew through my room, brushing past my chest and making me very aware of the fact I was shirtless. "Where's my clothes?"

"Why would you need them?"

"I'm cold. Clearly." He pulled me into a hug and I bit him. "Back off."

"Sorry." He pulled away and I was instantly cold.

"Damn it." I muttered even as I curled up against him. "It's cold!"

"I'll keep you warm. Bites or not."

"Thanks." I smiled, snuggling my face into the area between his neck and his shoulders. "This is nice."

"I'm glad you are here.."

"Same to you Aes, same to you."


"A nickname."

"I see." He laughed and kisses me on the forehead.

'Well, I'm gonna go to sleep now."
