Pillow Talk

We came down from our high, still intertwined. Keith was still lying above me and was raining kisses over the side of my neck. It looks like he doesn't have any thoughts of pulling himself off inside me because he then comes down to the bed and brings me with him. So now, we are lying side by side together with him still lodged deep in me. He hadn't even gotten soft and still hard as before.

"Keith…" I mumbled, calling out to him.

One of his hands grabbed mine and brought it up to his lips, kissing it.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"You drank?" I asked and gasped when he put the tip of my fingers inside his mouth and bit it.

"A little," he replied and kissed my wrist.

"Why?" this was the second time that I had known he had drunk alcohol. Either there was something bothering him, or he's angry, I felt it earlier anyway.

Keith was being so distracting by showering tiny kisses all over my arm. My eyes even widened when I felt him growing inside me.