
My fuzzy from sleep mind immediately woke up when I felt the side of the bed was empty. I gingerly sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes. It was dark, and only the light outside of the glass windows was illuminating my surroundings. 

The blanket fell to my naked hips. My hands then touch the side where Keith was lying. It was a little warm so that means it has not been that long that he had got up from the bed. 

'Where could he be?'

Yawning, I crawled out of the bed, dragging the sheet with me and then wrapping it around my body. My hair was a mess, looking like a bird's nest, so I made an effort of patting some wild ends down.

I then went out of the room and went to the living room, hoping to see Keith there but he wasn't. It was empty.

'Did he leave?'