The Invite

"I saw something awesome today," Eris announced as soon as she came in. 

Both Dante and I turned to look at her. She then closed the door and propped herself on the sofa, smiling like a cat.

"It was me," she added and struck a pose, "I'm the awesome one."

My head slowly shakes at her foolishness. I guess she's back to her usual self now, which I really prefer more than that gloomy side of her the other day. Dante, who was sitting on the far corner gazed at her for a while. Eris saw it so she grinned in his direction, and winked.

"You missed me?" Eris teased and batted her lashes at him. The latter only averted his eyes and did not try to respond to her any longer.

I wanted to ask her what made her so out of it the last time but that would be being nosy, considering that it might be a private matter. So remaining quiet and acting like it was nothing is the best move, however curious I am with it.