The Aftermath pt. 2

Eris cleared her throat and discreetly glanced at Wynter.

"Explain? What do you mean?" She says.

She clearly knows what she had meant by that but because she's too tired to play 21 questions with her, she feigned ignorance. After all, she doesn't have a decent sleep since last night.

Also, what information could she give her? It wasn't that long since she joined NE and she's not even a full-time subordinate under the main forces. She works mainly for Katrina and would sometimes help out whenever she has time or something.

So yes, if Wynter wants a detailed explanation, she had better asked Katrina or Einz instead. 

Isn't she friends with Einz? But then again, that would be complicated huh…

Ah, right! The matter of confidentiality. Even if she know something about Keith, she still can't carelessly say anything to her because that would be against the rules.

"About this whole mafia situation…" Wynter answered just as she had thought so.