
"Hop in!" Aevahn exclaimed and opened the door on the front seat.

Wynter was taken aback from seeing him there out of the blue and got even more confused for why he was coaxing her to get inside the car.

"Wait… Aevahn? Why are you here?" Wynter couldn't help but to ask.

"Don't ask and just get in already," was his answer-- "You don't want them to get you, right?" He added.

He was obviously pertaining to the man who had began crossing the road now to get to her. And not just him either, there were more other men in black suits that emerged from the corners. They are also closing in on them.

Wynter is sure that Keith's subordinates would stop her from leaving and that is what she's avoiding the most. Also, Eris could have already discovered that she left without informing her. She might be even on her way down here now, chasing after her…