The Negotiation pt. 5

"What an uptight person..." Aevahn complained underneath his breath. 

Wynter wasn't listening and was absorbed in scrolling through the past messages. They were all one-sided but that wasn't the reason that bothered her. In fact, seeing those messages didn't faze her. Her mind had picked up something. 

They are clearly on read, with this, it just meant that Keith was aware that she was taken... but he never cared? Why did he not look for her if he knows? Why didn't he try to take her back?

The more he scrolled upward, the stranger it gets. She also saw something else that bothered Wynter. It was a picture of her, minding her own business inside this very room. It was a candid shot and the angle looked like it was taken from the veranda. There were several more pictures of her and they were all sent to Keith with corresponding captions.

'She's eating healthy foods by the way… Just want to say that.'

It was a picture of her eating.