Why would he want to connect with Keith? And why won't he do it personally? Why does he have to use someone else?
Aevahn did not answer right away but I waited nonetheless.
"Five years ago, there's an incident involving the youngest daughter of the Nagasaki's and some of their men. It was caused by the people who want the clan to go down, they are basically the Nagasaki's enemies. One of the perpetrators is Reigo who's been coming for your life from the start. Remember the car accident? And the shoot-out in front of the restaurant?"
I slowly nodded my head. How could I even forget that? Those events almost killed me! During those times, I was so confused and scared that I was literally questioning everything and even Keith himself. Who, in turn, kept everything a secret and never explain anything to me.
Until now… Nothing has changed, hasn't it?
'Reigo… That man again?'