Shaking things up

Breaking News on the star stream Astral Magazine makes a public apology to Silver Shadows

a news host announced when Zane turned on the holo screen the next day

"guys come see this!" he called to his bed members who were finishing up breakfast in the kitchen

everyone came into the room to watch

"The new Rock band on the music scene Silver Shadows

recently released a video on their channel introducing themselves to fans

and also making public statements about

rude discriminatory behavior and insulting speech of members of the entertainment industry

asking for common courtesy and respect be given to all the band members by companies and their staff they are going to be working with, in the near future

calling out a certain young lady and her friends not knowing who sienna was

during an encounter in a bathroom

who turns out to be a staff member of ASTRAL MAGAZINE the young lady

verbally abused sienna saying discriminatory insults to her about herself and her fellow member who was seen in her company

the band that has members who come from all walks of life across the galaxy has taken a stand declaring that they will not

do interviews or promotional activities with companies in the industry who condone discriminatory rude behavior and speech by their staff

expressing that they themselves are expected to keep standards of courtesy and respect towards everyone they must work with and they expect the same respect and courtesy in return

criticizing the young lady for her intolerance towards others bordering on racism

against other humanoids of lower social standing than herself

given that she works in an entertainment industry populated by a wide variety of races from all levels of social status

the band's statements have been backed by the CEO of Eclipse Entertainment Mr. Williams the band's label who has since threatened

to pull all of its artists from appearing in ASTRAL MAGAZINE

ASTRAL MAGAZINE has since been taking heat from fans as well as fellow members of the entertainment industry

as this matter has now snowballed into the call out of their staff member who is publicly described by the band to have a blond bob cut chic hair black bangs and purple eyes

many people have since recognized the identity of the rude young lady with a bad attitude by her physical description, it turns out

she is well known in the industry, everyone immediately knew her identity and now it's reported she has insulted and spoken rudely to a number of other artists and members

of the industry in the past when they worked with her or visited ASTRAL MAGAZINE offices,

her unpleasant and unprofessional attitude is a common trait of some people in the industry who

perceive themselves to have a higher status than others

this as well as a multitude of other similar stories of incidents like this one

have been posted on the star stream forums by fans and members of the industry alike discussing the topic of all forms of discrimination that frequently occurs in the entertainment industry, despite its image of inclusivity and acceptance of all races

there is much public outrage and calls for the cancellation of companies who have staff that behave and speak in a discriminatory manner within the industry calling for reform and proper education of all staff members

of entertainment companies on matters pertaining to the acceptance and tolerance of other humanoid races and standing against all forms of discrimination whether racial or social within the industry

ASTRAL MAGAZINE now issues an apology publicly towards the band SILVER SHADOWS and Eclipse Entertainment

in a statement given by the CEO of ASTRAL MAGAZINE posted on their online channel on the star stream

in a response to the apology, Mr. Williams of Eclipse Entertainment released another statement

saying that Eclipse Entertainment is willing to accept the apology in the spirit of maintaining

good relations and cooperation with ASTRAL MAGAZINE for the sake of its artist

since ASTRAL is a popular magazine of choice for promotion and interviews on Prylea however they expect

all of their artist to be treated with the due respect and courtesy expected of industry professionals in the future

however, the Band Silver Shadows has expressed where they stand on

the matter and the company respects the band's decisions

and choices giving them the freedom to operate independently

it is entirely up to Silver Shadows as to whether or not they will interview or do any promotions with ASTRAL MAGAZINE in the future

as of now, Silver Shadows has declared their right to promote themselves with the companies and people that

are accepting and appreciative of them as a band and the messages they wish to promote in their music

they are willing to work with only people who are comfortable interacting with the band members

and who they, in turn, are comfortable working with

the band has expressed its right to not do excessive promotions because they wish to have time dedicated to their work in the studio

writing recording and preparing their music to be released to the public

as this is what is most important to the band, not be seen by the public frequently like other idols

but to be able to release quality music for everyone to enjoy as frequently as possible

and Eclipse Entertainment respects these rights and also prioritizes the band's work, efforts, and ethics

as being important and necessary to band and their future career

instead of interviews and constant promotions, the band invites all fans to watch their Silver House videos content created by the band themselves and posted on their star stream channel

that will follow the band's regular lives so that fans can get to know the members of the band personally and accompany the band throughout their musical journey."

"wow we made one video and it became so huge!" Melody breathed collapsing onto the couch as her knees gave out

"this is so shocking I was totally not expecting all of that! we sparked social outrage across all of Prylea we did that? oh my gosh" Kanna said

everyone was stunned

"what do we even do now?" sienna asked seeing Daisuke's face he was frowning

"check the star streams and see what the fans are saying," Liam said

Zane switched to their account beneath their first video fans were leaving messages of support for the band

some fans were mad many of them related to the incident also had experienced similar encounters with people of similar attitudes in their own lives,

and detesting being judged and looked down on for their status and appearances

thanking the band for publicly calling out such a person and standing up for themselves

and many saying they were brave for doing it so publicly after just debuting

as the industry could choose to cancel the band for speaking out and causing controversy

some said it was controversial not on the bands part but in the industry

that so many people in the industry were like that it was almost commonplace

but artists were still expected to be able to work with those people based on their famous reputations while being so hateful and abusive towards others

people were cheering them on for their decision not to do promotions with companies who had staff that were like that

teach the industry a lesson about having courtesy and respect for all artists regardless of race and status

"Everyone is getting behind us!" Kanna said in awe reading the comments "everyone is on our side"

"This is awesome!"

"don't let it get to your heads you guys," Daisuke said

"We know," Kaleb said "but this is really huge Daisuke we have practically started a whole movement already and we haven't even really done anything other than voice our feelings about certain matters"

"I guess this is what Mr. Williams meant about the power of influence we might have," Liam said

"yea but we only have one song," Zane said "if one song can gain us this much influence can you imagine how crazy it's going to get? what will happen when our whole album comes out?"

"thats why we need to get to work on it," Daisuke said boys sienna and I have some stuff we would like you guys to come to hear in the studio,"

over the next few days, the band worked tirelessly between doing interviews and promotions on their schedule

in the mornings while being in the studio in the evenings Bethany and Kanna were busy planning their

next video and arranging things leaving the house frequently to go shopping

one afternoon a technician team came to outfit their pool with underwater cameras

they were a huge hit publicly their names and images were splashed everywhere online and otherwise

their song was still on top of the charts they were very popular despite having debuted just three weeks before the award season was due to start

"guys, we are doing the video tomorrow" Melody informed them at dinner one night

"thank goodness cause I am legit in need of a break from the studio" Kaleb groaned

"be glad you arent any of the three of us who is providing the rapping and main vocals for any of these songs I am wondering how we are even going to organize live performances for some of these songs because Daisuke has done everything very highly produced," Zane said

"is it ok if it's highly produced like that? we are a band after all" Liam said we need to be able to keep some of that acoustic band sound

"if you have the time to think about stuff like that then you have time to work harder in the studio," Daisuke said

all the boys groaned "okay okay never mind don't piss him off guys" Kaleb said shaking his head

"only sienna can handle him anyways," Kanna said

sienna flushed and giggled as Daisuke cast her an affectionate look

"that's cause sienna will never get the slave driver treatment from him," Zane said amused