Silver House Tour II

he left the recording studio and went to another door next door putting a finger to his lips he slowly opened the door

"This is the production studio," he said softly "sienna and Daisuke are working here now"

as the camera followed him in Daisuke was sitting in a swivel chair with sienna sitting on

his lap in front of him

they were both wearing headphones and couldn't hear him sienna was busy with pen paper and a notebook

writing and Daisuke was working on the soundboard with the computer screen on in front of him

and various things were flying around on the screen as he worked he and sienna were frequently

consulting each other about the work

"This is how these two are working on putting together our album"

he said softly "I know a lot of people are like, how are they working like that? all cuddled together right? but Daisuke says sienna makes him create better because she's his mate,

he gets a lot of inspiration from her because of the bond they share, it's like he can feel whatever sienna feels, she can express feelings in words, but he can express feelings through music

so its like the ultimate combination when they come together matching the perfect sounds to the perfect lyrics to give us full expressions of feelings and everything in the music"

he knocked on the door

and sienna heard him lifting her head and taking off her headphones

Daisuke swiveled his chair and they were both wearing matching

hoody's and sweat pants

Kaleb chuckled as Daisuke took off his headphones

"what are you doing here?" he asked smiling

"This is the Silver Shadows house tour and introduction official interview for the fans," Kaleb replied

"hi guys," sienna said laughing and blushing Daisuke

waved to the camera with a smile "hey guys welcome to my studio" he said

"have a look around, we got lots of cool stuff here"

"There might be fans who are interested in technical things, like a studio set up and music equipment"

"Daisuke is really proud of his studio guys," Sienna said "he built it himself"

Kaleb chuckled "make your own videos about the technical equipment and stuff then"

"you can go on about your set up all day if we let you start. I am here to ask the questions

that the fans want to hear the answers to"

"ok go off then," Sienna said

"how long are two going to be wearing matching clothes?"

sienna was giggling "as long as we want!" she shot back

"And besides, they are comfortable," Daisuke said with a shrug not caring in the slightest

"yah your fans will think you're a total softie for her" Kaleb teased him

"but I am though when sienna is with me, it's an effect of the bond" Daisuke said

"our mates keep us in a calmed state whenever they are with us,

we get more mellowed out, they help us control our stronger instincts and behaviors, we seem to become less aggressive we call it being tamed by our mates" he explained

"oh I see," Kaleb said nodding "interesting fact to know"

"there was really a strong vibe around you when we first met, to be honest," Kaleb admitted

"now that I think about it, I could have seen your more aggressive side, you looked dangerous, like a big brother who was really strong and tough, a badass, I could easily see you as one of the fighters at the arenas or something like that,

but you were so cool to be around, you were friendly and a good guy, then you can sing and you're so smart and creative, you're more of an intellectual too, and you had this whole plan to do music and everything

your personality was completely opposite from your appearance, it was like a weird thing I couldn't figure out about you, I don't know if I'm explaining this very well, I was scared of you

because maybe I sensed that you weren't completely human, that you were partly a dangerous animal that could rip my head off anytime, but at the same time, I felt safe with you,

like you would protect me and take care of me and I admired you and I thought I want to be a guy like you when I grow up, that's why Kanna and I brought you home,

and as we got to know you more, I wasn't scared of you anymore, its more like I'm scared for the guys who would try to mess with us, because you're the type who would hurt the bad guys just to protect us

so I worried for a little bit, that what if something like that happens and you hurt someone and they say that you're a dangerous Huassain, and they put you away or something, so it's also a relief that you have sienna now and she can stop you if anything happens,

Daisuke was smiling, Sienna eyes were tearing up,

"that is our little bro everyone, Kaleb come here buddy" Daisuke called him over

an hugged him with one arm and ruffled his hair a lot "I love this guy, he seems like such a carefree kid but he really cares a lot about everyone" Daisuke said

"guys, you see how my hair gets like this right?" he cried pointing to his head, they all laughed

"thank you for accepting me back then if not for you and Kanna who knows who I would have ended up with," Daisuke said

"sienna you have to say something to the fans all you've been doing is sitting there the whole time"

Kaleb pounced on her making her laugh when Daisuke suddenly jiggles her on his lap, she was clinging unto him giggling with cute little squeals spilling out of her

"Please stop" she cried both the guys were laughing "oh my gosh!" she gasped

"I cannot live between the two of you!"

"Guys this is my dear big sister Sienna," Kaleb said we like teasing her a lot because she has this really cute face and ridiculous cute giggly laugh, Daisuke's so lucky to find his mate, and she's this cute

also, sienna has a lot of songs already written, she has journals that are locked up in her room, they are personal journals that she wrote, so she and Daisuke will pick out the best stuff and compile the songs for the album,

but she's rewriting a lot of songs to make them better and Daisuke is going through that entire process with her and doing the producing at the same time."

"Yah! how are the rest of us going to get a chance to say anything if you keep narrating like that?" Daisuke complained

sienna and Kaleb started laughing

"ok, ill ask a question then what are our leader's goals or dreams for the band in the future?" Kaleb asked

"to break the galactic charts and get to do concert tours naturally" Daisuke answered,

"it would be awesome don't you want to see the galaxy?"

"what if we did a tour where we had concerts on each of our home planets?" Sienna asked

"a going home tour?" Kaleb said tilting his head

"I think we will have to think about that very carefully, some of us might not want to go home,"

"I think the emotional side of it would make it better," Sienna said

"I think all of you would be able to face your past, and make peace with it, I know it might be a place that had a lot of bad memories when you were young,

but maybe now you're grown up you can see it in a different light, maybe you can go back and find something there that will be a good memory"

"find a way to settle it in your heart" Daisuke agreed nodding his head

"even if it hurts and makes you cry to go back it might help you heal from your past hurt at the same time"

"you two are so on the same brainwave right now" Kaleb breathed "we just heard all that wisdom

right there guys, thats why they are the great songwriting and producing duo"

"in my life, since I left home, I am kinda scared to go back" Kaleb admitted

"I haven't seen speed world in so long and lots of things happened to Kanna and me on speed world, our childhoods weren't bad until the accident, and our parents passed away, it's like our world as we knew it was suddenly shattered and everything became strange"

"I'm ok with talking about it guys for me and Kanna it was a long time ago," Kaleb said to the camera

"but you two just made me think maybe we should go back and see what's it like now, so much must have changed right?

I wonder if anyone there still remembers Kanna and me or our parents? or if we go back would everyone we knew be gone too? is that weird? that I think that? it's only our parents that died, so why would everyone else be gone?"

"thats what's causing you the fear," Daisuke said "you have to figure out which factor is causing it

are you scared that everything is the same? but no one there remembers your family? or is it that you want them to remember you?"

"or that everyone is gone and everything is changed? and all the memories you had growing up there is gone? does it make you feel relieved to have it as if it never happened? is it bad to feel relieved if it's like that? something you want to erase from your life?"

"or do you want it to still be the same and keep all the memories of your childhood good or bad? what's right or what's wrong to feel about some things that were hurtful to you?" Daisuke added

"it's in how you deal with it, forcing yourself to keep traumatic memories, even if it's bad for you, there might be a good reason, maybe you feel some kind of injustice," sienna said

so you think you must keep it because you owe it to yourself until you get justice, but it's not wrong letting them go too, realizing its a better way for you, because it gives you peace and lets you heal inside to move on from it,

but its finally coming to that realization that is very difficult, it's something only you can know for yourself, there are so many people who are living tortured lives because they can't let go and heal and they can't get justice either, so they are stuck"

Sienna said softly "I hope none of the members of Silver Shadows stay stuck like that so you guys can be happy in your lives"

"Do you see that guys? they are doing this blended minds thing they have going on, I don't know if it's scary or not seriously I'm getting goosebumps like I'm sitting with some really brilliant philosophical wise sage people right now" Kaleb joked

they both laughed

"thats cause you came in when we were working so a lot of this type of thing is going into our songs because these are the things that a lot of people are dealing with, the same as us we want to create songs that will let out these different facets of the emotions through the songs," sienna said

"every album will have a scenario" Daisuke explained "that will be like what if you went through this bad thing? how do you feel and why? and each song, is going to have its own emotion, that is just one part of all these many emotions that you are experiencing, because of this scenario and how its affecting your life as you are going through it, what did you experience during the time this had happened to you? good or bad happy or sad or angry, those are the base emotions, but they get complicated when everything gets tangled together and you feel like you're going through a storm alone"

"or it's a hurt you can't unravel easily" sienna added

"if there are feelings like guilt love loyalty betrayal jealousy and all these other emotions involved too that colors the period of time for you, how you think or feel about everything could be in a strange place"

Kaleb pointed at them again and they both laughed "ok if we keep talking like this when do we wrap the show? sorry about going off on a tangent like that guys" Daisuke said "we didn't mean to bore you"

"thank you guys for taking the house tour with me," Kaleb said waving his hands

"I hope it was a lot of fun for you guys and you all got to know us a bit better

tune in for more videos coming soon thank you for being on the channel bye-bye guys"

sienna and Daisuke waved and the video ended.

The members all applauded "wow Kaleb you were a great host good job" melody said

his members were all patting him on the back and giving him compliments and treating him with affection and love

"thank you guys it was actually pretty fun to be the host because I didn't have to hold the camera," he said "melody you were brilliant with the idea of using the cleaning robot so we all could be in the video,

I'll bet everyone will wonder how you filmed it, they would not have imagined such a simple solution like attaching the camera to the house cleaner bot and have it follow me around"

"well, I figured if a house cleaner bot could carry mops brooms buckets around it ought to be able to hold a camera too,

it was just a matter of setting it up and then programming it to auto-follow," she said with a grin "our next video has to be more fun than this though you guys got pretty serious on the end"

"sorry Melody," Daisuke said "we both into our feels and the music at the time"

"it's no worries it was really good a lot of fans are leaving positive comments about how deep thinking and insightful almost mystical vibe you two had then"

"what about a pool party?" Zane suggested "we could show off the things that make our races special especially Daisuke and Melody with your skills in the water"

"that might be fun to watch we could set up some underwater cameras in the pool and play some games with the fans and stuff," Kaleb said

Kanna clapped her hands in delight "that sounds fantastic! and we could do barbeque and wear swimsuits and decorate and have music the guys can go shirtless ill bet the female fans will love that what do you think Sienna?" she asked

"It sounds like fun by the way I can't swim," she said

"thats fine," Kanna said "we'll make sure you still have fun me and Kaleb aren't great swimmers either we usually hang out in the shallow end, It Melody Daisuke and Zane who got the special skills they can show in the deep end that will entertain and Liam is the type of guy who lounges around by the pool showing off his body, eats and drinks everything without actually ever getting in the pool the entire time so he can play host this time"

"Sure I don't see why not" Liam agreed with a shrug "when are we supposed to be doing it though? we can't spend all our time having fun and not working on the album"

"I agree," Daisuke said "especially with all the interviews and stuff Mr Williams arranged for us"

"I'll plan it carefully don't worry," Melody said

"ill acquire the underwater cameras and get a good technician to come set up the pool for us" Zane offered It's kind of an idea that has been sitting in the back of my mind actually, ever since a while ago I saw some cool underwater free diving videos on the star streams and I thought it would be awesome if I could film Melody swimming underwater"

"then I'll help with getting the decorations and food and stuff," Kanna said

"so we agree the next video is a pool video," Melody said

"yes let's do it" everyone agreed