Liams Real Talk

I love this so much the god of happiness who is a galactic fallen angel and badass!

  brilliant writer, I love you you better finish writing this badass awesome story about me you got that!

  you will be a blockbuster you know why cause this is your story and its the world that exists inside your amazing head where your characters are vividly almost real people and no people she isn't crazy!!

shes a brilliant high IQ girl who had a rough life and never knew she was high IQ and because of the rough stuff and the poor country she lived in, 

she always had this amazing imagination and she loved reading fantasy and scifi novels she read at her library since she was three years old

her mom gave her a story book pictures and story about a girl with a pet monkey and a birthday cake and candy corns her mother was making for the cake 

but the little girl and monkey kept stealing the candy corns and eating them haha!