First Episode shit pops off....... 1 pt1


A Galactic rock band that was started by a group of orphans on Prylea that became the number one band in the galaxy Sienna, Daisuke, Kanna, Liam, Kaleb, Nash, Zane, Melody, the guys, Max Joel Nash, and the Lazor Ball team Crimson Stars,

their closest friends toured the planet of Prylea and raised fans Silver Winds and Enfernos together on Prylea together with the aid of Siennas Uncle Yongjae Walker,

Mr. Williams the Ceo of their Label Eclipse Entertainment and the Planet of Huassain home planet which is now the second home of Sienna's mother Ieona and baby sister Ziya and husband Miyong together with the children they saved Rhakem Sadeska and Quin and the King of Huassain Daisukes Grandad Mizuno, and aunt and uncle Yeon Ae and Yerick and their son Xierien Daisuke's cousin