Finding AGENT BRAXON pt 1

"Agent Braxon you have been assigned a new case" his outpost office A.I informed him 

"Report" Braxon said sitting down at the console computer screen at his station the south Quadrant Rim of Europha Galactic Galaxy the official name of their entire system galaxy in total

Agent Braxon's outpost was on the borders of to keep watch over the populated worlds on the edge of the galaxy

beyond them was the darkness of empty space and often saw many alien marauders, space monsters from dark space  and criminals from other galaxies

trying to enter Europha Galactic Galaxy along this border

so along the entire rim stretch of the galaxy there were outpost mostly manned by the brave few galactic guardians who had high energy abilities fighting skills and didn't mind the often solitary life of patrolling the rim of the galaxy and keep watch