Finding AGENT BRAXON pt 2

this is why he loved his job as an alien bug hunter Braxon thought it allowed him to live on the rim and able to gather important information and maybe now he just found his people

  it was the reason why he was one of the best  he had mental abilities and powers and weapons he had been gifted by his mysterious ancestors ever since he had found out about his abilities long ago he left his home world of Douloua 

to find out who he was the most recent case of the bugs on Douloua had been handled by others he had only found out about it later

and at that time also found out his dad had left the planet with his mom and gone missing

  he had regretted leaving home since his dad was supposed to be king of Douloua he was suppose to have handled things there heartbroken he had not been able to go home again  to face his grand dad