The tree leaves rustled as the gushing wind played with them while passing on its way. It was the season of Autumn, leaves were falling, turning yellow and orange. It was late in the night in the current moment, it was close to midnight. The whole neighborhood was quiet and asleep as the silence wrapped around it. The weather was pleasant but the silence was eerie. It was a strange yet creepy atmosphere.
A woman with beautiful chocolate brown hair, walked on her heels as they made a clicking sound through the empty and silent streets. The wind played with her untied hair, scattering them. It was a bit chilly. The woman shivered with goosebumps rising on her arms and neck.
She was late from work today. Her boss had assigned her extra work due to which she had to do overtime. It was already 11.27 pm when she told the security guard to lock all the doors as she rushed to leave for her house.
Walking on her way to her house, her mind was focused on getting to her cosy home as soon as possible to relax and make herself some warm soup when she heard some rustling sounds and footsteps coming from behind her.
The sound immediately cautioned her. She flipped her head around in a flash to see behind her but saw nothing. She gulped down a lump and thus she continued to walk thinking she must have misheard. She felt a sense of relief.
"M...Marthaaa", a soft whisper barely audible flowed inside her ear, it was only due to the midnight silence that covered the neighborhood that the whisper was audible. It was so tiny that it could be barely heard within the silence of midnight.
Sceptical, and a little scared too, she turned around to look again. Her searching eyes saw no one, once again. Not even a soul could be found loitering around. She looked confused, but dismissing it, she started walking again labelling it as her delusion. Maybe she had misheard or maybe her mind was playing games with her. After all, she was tired, it was a hectic day at the office today.
Just as she was lost in her train of thoughts, that's when it happened again.
"Maaarthaaa", a soft slurry whisper. This time it was a little louder than the last time. Previously she had dismissed it merely as the wind's whistling sound but this time she definitely had not misheard it.
She felt chills running down her spine, feeling frozen as the bumps on her skin raised up. She halted and shivered on her spot. This time the whisper was louder, she heard it crisp and clear. It was clearer than the last time and it was certainly not the wind!
She was not mistaken, neither delusional, she finally concluded. She started walking faster this time. She didn't want to turn around, not this time. In fact, why would she? When the crippling fear was gripping her, freezing her from the inside, freezing her bones.
Some danger was actually looming behind her and she was too scared to face it. She knew if she even dared to turn around once, her strength may collapse and she might freeze at the spot. The thought of not being able to move due to fear was the scariest.
She was in the middle of deciding if she should dash or not when it happened again. The same eerie whisper.
"Marthaaa", the creepy whispering voice seemed to follow her. It was getting louder and stronger rather than stopping. It was not leaving her alone, not willing to go away even when she refused to pay any heed to it.
She wasn't unsure anymore. She was cursing herself for staying out late, working overtime, the boss who handed her extra work and walking home alone. She had done it today. She had finally done it and brought upon herself this creepy trouble. She started to dash at last.
She dashed as fast as she could to the "Williams" house. She ran for her dear life. She was terrified. She didn't want to stop even once until she reached her destination.
It was dark outside with just a bunch of dim lamp posts. Some of them flickered as she passed by them. More than half of the neighborhood seemed to be snoring away peacefully with barely any lights on in any of the houses.
She rummaged through her bag as quick as possible, desperate for the comfort of her home. She cussed when her fingers couldn't trace the shape of the metal keys. Once she found the keys, she quickly stabbed them into the keyhole, her hands were shaking as they clumsily tried to unlock the door.
"Marthaaa", she paused as the whisper sounded close to her ear. It was loud, strong and much clearer than before. The source seemed to be only a few meters away. Her face turned pale, losing all its colour and her feet were heavy like iron, stuck to the ground. Her body had gone cold.
She gulped, her throat felt dry. Her hands trembled as the crippling fear froze her body on the spot. Her hands grew so weak that they dropped the keys on the ground.
She slowly turned around, like a rusty door and as soon as her eyes saw the source, she screamed loud in sheer terror, loud enough to wake up the whole neighborhood. A dark, charred face, looked at her with a smile so creepy, one could feel ice shards shot right through their hearts as dragons danced in their belly.
"Martha, I'm here. Why are you running away from me? Come, let me help put you back to sleep, sweet Martha", the charred figure claimed as its dark eyes stared right into her eyes. An eerie smile forming on its's dark charred lips.
Horrified, she screamed again. Those were the last words she heard before she blacked out and fell to the ground.