Have you ever wondered if there was someone else with you at your house? No, I don't mean by "people", I'm talking about entities. Have you ever felt someone's eyes boring at your back, but when you turn around you see no one there? Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about. You feel IT but don't see IT. You know, a presence that could only be felt. Especially in your house.
I have had similar experiences. Many times actually. I have been a sensitive kid. On some occasions, I have felt something, some presence but I always ignored it and shoved it to the back of my head. I thought I was just imagining things. All this while believing it's all normal, there's nothing going on, I'm just overthinking it and stuff like that but lately, I haven't been able to ignore this nagging feeling inside my head that something is up. Something is there, watching us.
The feeling won't leave me alone, it appears constantly, especially when I enter my house. You see, my house is an old kind of house, one that is ancient and ancestral type. Some things are expected, after all, it's quite old, such as creaking windows, creaking doors and stairwells. A grim and gloomy look of the house.
When we initially shifted to this house, in my mom's words: 'the trees outside were dead, the windows of the house were broken, the garden was dead and filled with moss and wild plants'. So all in all, it looked terrible when my parents had first visited the grounds of this house. We kids were only allowed here after the house was redone including the garden area.
In fact, in my father's words: this house looked 'creepy' before it was beautified and fixed up. So we kids had a 'much better' first impression of this house than all the other people who visited it first (lol).
After we moved here, there were plenty of things that still needed to be fixed. The tap water was dirty, plus the tap used to leak a lot initially and sometimes the water won't even come out of the tap!
Also, not all places in the house would catch network signals, so it was difficult to adjust at first. The windows, doors, stairs, all creaked a lot and the sounds were scary and creepy. It scared the shit out of Grace, my little sister one night when I went downstairs to grab a glass of water. Sometimes the television and the landline would show evident disturbance in connection.
Oh, wait -- !! This is not even the end of it. I absolutely forgot about the creepy, dark, dungeon looking type basement and then the attic of this house. They could scare the daylights out of you, I'm telling you!
When we first went to check out the place, it was so dark it scared the shit out of us. It was so creepy and had a strange smell. Thankfully it looks much better after lights are installed in it but my little brother Derek still finds the place creepy and would rather not go there even after my father installed a gaming machine there! So cool, isn't it? Dad is the best!
But Derek is not the only one who hates the basement, even my friend Rory, one of the girls in our friend group hates it. She says the place gives her 'creepy vibes' to which Andrew would always poke humour. One time he tried to shut her inside without the lights on! That was nasty of him though.
This is not the end of it though. The truth is, it's the attic that scares me the most. You must have been wondering what's the scariest place for me in the house right? It's definitely the attic for me! Like dude, that place is the creepiest. It has a vintage full-length mirror and a bunch of broken chairs, a weird-looking sculpture of a demi-human: half-human, half-animal, and some weird and creepy deer heads.
There's not much to see there, but the place is dingy like a cell. It was covered with dust and spider webs. It was creepy. There's only a small window for light to pass, I know it's common with all attics but something about that place is off. According to me, it's the creepiest place in this house. Although, these are not the only creepy things about it.
There were always some strange sounds coming from the attic. No one ever believed me when I told them about it. They would just ignore it or shove it off with "I think you're imagining thing" or "I don't hear anything. Just ignore it", and similar stuff like that.
I don't understand why I'm the only one able to hear it. Even Grace's room to next to the attic but she never heard anything. How absurd is that!
I often hear the sounds of a chair rocking -- you know, the sound a rocking chair makes? Yeah, that one. Some knocking sounds on the door to the attic. It's the creepiest -- I tell you! It's as if someone is asking you to open the door, someone or whoever or whatever it is that is knocking on the door.
When I initially mentioned it Mom and Dad ignored it. Eventually, Dad agreed to open the attic and check it with me but there was nothing there other than some dirty little sewer rats. Dad told me it's the rats behind those knocking sounds. They were indeed loud but how could they replicate the sound of knocking on a door? Isn't that fishy and strange?
My parents believed I was being irrational and it was merely the sound of the rats only. What I don't understand is that how does that sound begin exactly between 2.45 am and continue till 3.05 am.
I have noticed the time, tried to record the duration too and it's exactly between 2.45 am to 3.05 am. What's even weird is that the timing never varies.
But there's another catch -- I've heard the sounds sometimes even at 4.00 am. Although it's shorter and continues only for about 5 minutes.
I know my family thinks I'm paranoid and obsessed over a small yet not so significant thing but why is there that sound to begin with? I've never found the answer. Lately, there have also been sounds of footsteps coming from the attic but when we checked the next morning there was nothing there. No footprints or anything.
Am I really being paranoid? After all, no one else can hear these sounds except for me! Not even Grace! Her room is right next to the attic even!