Caleb walked towards the back of the mansion followed by Katherine on one side, Aaron on the other and a few more men trailing behind them, looking like a mafia boss being followed by his crew, on their way to take care of business.
He walked out of the house and winced as the bright sun stung his eyes. He reached out and took the sunglasses Katherine handed to him as he walked towards his men holding the intruder.
"What are you doing here?" Caleb asked as he looked down at Erin, his ex-employee. "I thought I warned you never to step foot in this house again."
Erin grinned creepily, wincing as the cut on the corner of his lips burned. "I missed you," he said taunting Caleb.
The corner of Caleb's lips lifted into a mocking grin as he stopped in front of the man on his knees. He watched Erin wince with pain as he tried to stand, only to be pushed back down by one of his men. His clothes were in disarray, completely torn and muddy from the beating his men had paid him and red bruises covered his face, his eyes swollen as he tried to look up at him.
"You don't look so good," Katherine smirked as she looked down at him.
Erin tried to laugh but choked on his blood. He spat on the floor and looked up at her. "Katherine, I see you haven't changed. You're still a bitch."
A fist struck him after he spoke and he fell on the ground. He coughed before getting back up on his knees. "Really? Physical fighting when you have so many weapons at your disposal Katherine?" he chuckled.
"Why are you here Erin?" Caleb asked.
Erin looked up at him, eyes narrowed. "You know what, I really have missed you Caleb. Too bad things went to shit huh?"
"You're the one who betrayed us!" Katherine snapped as she glared down at him.
Erin chuckled. "Yeah I did… huh. Well, it's too late to go back and change the past."
"Why are you here?" Caleb asked once again, his patience wearing down.
Erin sighed as he looked up at him. "It's been years and you can't even spare me a few minutes to talk?"
Caleb frowned as he looked down at the man. He had once thought of Erin as a brother, but ever since his betrayal, he loathed the man to the point of wanting him dead. And now here he was, in his hands, completely at his mercy.
"Are you going to talk or are you going to keep wasting my time?" Caleb asked as he looked down at Erin with a cold expression.
"You know, a lot of people don't agree with your marriage," Erin said with a smile. "Why did you pick a human out of all the lovely ladies you have surrounding you?"
Everyone shuddered as they felt the temperature drop around them. They looked up at Caleb and noticed the murderous look on his face as he glared at Erin.
Caleb reached out for Erin and grabbed the man by the throat, lifting him up in the air. "You're here for my wife?"
Erin choked as he tried to breath. "I… can't… talk…" he gasped.
Caleb squeezed a little bit more before he dropped Erin on the ground. "Who sent you?!" he roared.
Erin coughed as he lay on the ground. He shook his head. "I can't tell you that." He shuddered as he felt Caleb reach out for him. He winced when he felt a hand wrap around his face. "I really can't tell you."
Caleb squeezed his hand tightly, making Erin cry out in pain. "I think you can."
Erin chuckled as Caleb continued to squeeze his head. He heard a snap and groaned in pain. "Whatever you do to me will be way better than what I'll suffer at their hands! So go ahead and kill me!"
Caleb's teeth grinded together in anger and threw the man back on the floor. "Take him downstairs," he said before turning around.
"Yes sir!" his men uttered in unison.
He walked back towards the mansion, Katherine and his men following behind him. "Call Ksien, let him know there's no danger. Tell him to meet us downstairs," he said as he looked at Katherine.
Katherine nodded and took out her cellphone to call Ksien.
In the room, Rose kept pacing back and forth, wondering what was going on. She kept peeking out the window, hoping to see something, but everything looked quiet, as peaceful and elegant as always.
She groaned and threw herself on the bed before getting back up and walking towards the door impatiently. She opened it and peeked outside, noticing Ksien talking on his phone.
"Alright. I understand. I'll be right down," Ksien said before closing his phone. He noticed Rose looking at him and turned to her. "Miss, everything is alright now. You have nothing to worry about so please be at ease."
Rose sighed in relief. "Thank god," she exclaimed.
"Boss needs me for something so I have to go now," Ksien said before turning around and walking away.
Rose frowned. What was so important right after such a scare? Did it have anything to do with the "situation" they had talked about? She bit her bottom lip and gently shut the door so it wouldn't make any noise. She decided she was going to follow Ksien and find out.
She quietly followed him as he walked down the stairs, always making sure to stay a safe distance behind. She followed him through a door on the first floor, which led them into a room that looked like a sitting area. Unfortunately, he was completely out of sight when she walked in. She looked around the room, and noticed there was another door across from her. She quickly walked towards it and went through, trying to catch up to him. She squinted as she was suddenly met with very dim lighting in a long hallway.
She felt a shiver run down her spine as coldness enveloped her. It was like a hallway out of a horror movie. She couldn't really see the walls very well due to the lack of light, but she was grateful that there was a bit of light coming from the bottom of a door down at the end of the hall.
She quickly speed walked down the hall as an eerie chill made the hair on the back of her neck stand. She quickly walked through the door and into another room. She looked around and her heart sank as she saw different doors all around her. She stopped and anxiously bit her bottom lip. She didn't know which door he had gone through.
"Fuck!" She whispered angrily. She opened the door on the wall across from and looked inside, but there was nothing but darkness. She shut the door and quickly opened another, only to find it dark and empty like the other. She tried a third door and found cement steps leading down.
She frowned as she looked down at the steps. They most likely led to a basement, or a scary cellar. What would they be doing down there? Assuming, they were down there in the first place.
She sighed and took a step forward before closing the door quietly behind her. She walked down the stairs, taking each step quietly and carefully, whining, as the rounded steps seemed endless.
She stopped and gulped. If this were a movie, she would be the stupid protagonist willingly walking down the creepy stairs towards a torture room… and death. How many times had she laughed at people for being stupid enough to 'see what's making that noise outside' in horror movies? Yet, here she was, curiously and stupidly doing the same thing.
She cleared her throat and continued to walk down the stairs, fighting the urge to run back up. She finally made it down to the ground after what seemed like hours and looked around. She was standing in a dark basement but there was no one down here. The poorly lit room was completely empty.
She frowned, dejectedly. All this hard work and she had gotten nothing! She was even sweating from fear and exhaustion after walking down god knew how many fucking floors of stairs! She was about the go back up when she noticed something unusual. On the wall opposite the steps, there seemed to be a tiny ray of light shinning.
She walked up to it, and realized it was a crack, going all the way down to the ground. Curiosity and excitement ran through her. A secret door! She smiled brightly as she tried to pull the heavy door open.
She cursed as she struggled with the heavy block of cement she was trying to move. This was definitely a job for a vampire, but she couldn't call anyone for help. She continued to push the door, huffing and puffing until she finally pushed it far enough for her to squeeze through.
She stood by the door and looked around the room she was in. There was a light hanging from the ceiling barely lighting up the room. There were a few doors around the room and on closer inspection; she noticed they were made of iron.
Shit, what did they need iron doors for? She sighed. She bit her lips as she suddenly thought about all the things that could be behind these doors. Were they holding rogue vampires? Maybe dangerous animals? Or human sacrifices?
She suddenly realized she was all alone in a dark and scary basement. No one knew she was down here. No one would know where to find her if she happened to be someone's dinner. If someone or something tried to attack her, she'd be a goner for sure.
An image of her demise ran through her mind and made her shudder. Would she rather die in the hands of a vampire, or the mouth of a wild animal? She supposed it would kind of be the same; both beasts would tear into her.
She gulped and hugged her arms around herself as she walked towards the first door on her right. With trembling hands she reached out for the handle and began to turn it. She slowly opened the door, waiting a moment to see if anything was going to jump out at her.
When nothing happened, she continued to open the door and took a step inside. She froze as she looked at the scene in front of her. Her blood rushed to her toes and she felt her stomach churn. With wide eyes and a pounding heart, she stared ahead and felt her whole world crashing around her.