Her jaw dropped, as she stared at the men in front of her, no not men, vampires. She watched as Caleb stood behind some guy strapped on a chair, leaning over the guy's shoulder, drinking his blood. Katherine, Ksien and the other vampires whose names she couldn't remember stood around the man who was being drained.
Rose's face paled and her heart stopped. She watched a small drop of blood pop out from around Caleb's mouth, where his lips tightly wrapped around the guy's neck, and slide down slowly as Caleb continued to drink his blood. The eerie sound of sucking was like a prick on her heart that only accentuated her fear.
Her body shivered with terror as she continued to watch the man on the chair, unable to pull her eyes away from the scene. The blood in her body drained and her eyes began to water. The man's skin began to wrinkle, as if he was growing old, like his body was drying from the inside, shrinking in on itself.
Her eyes widened further as the guy suddenly turned into nothing but bones right in front of her. Then the bones quickly disintegrated and turned to nothing but dust in Caleb's hands. Her eyes opened and shut rapidly as she watched the guy who had been sitting there a moment ago, completely disappear into nothing. It was almost as if he had never been there in the first place, completely gone.
"W-What-" She pointed at the empty chair, wanting to ask what was going on, but the words got caught in her throat. She swallowed hard and her back stiffened as she looked up at bloody red eyes as Caleb looked back at her, blood dripping down his lips.
"Shit," Caleb exclaimed as he watched Rose standing by the door, completely frozen on the spot.
She felt a chill run down her back and finally noticed a few more pairs of red eyes staring at her. She took a couple steps back and stopped when she felt herself swaying from side to side. This wasn't real, it couldn't be real. "What… the guy… he's…"
Caleb watched her body tremble with fear as she looked at the empty chair. "Rose, I can explain what- shit!" He rushed forward as he watched her body begin to fall to one side and caught her before she hit the floor. He looked down at her with worry.
Everyone rushed to his side.
He watched her eyes as they remained shut and his heart sank. He was scared that something bad was happening to her. He felt around her face and called out her name, trying to wake her up again as his heart clenched painfully.
"Shit, how did she get down here?" Katherine asked as she looked down at Caleb.
"How did she even find this room?" Ian, one of Caleb's men asked.
"She fainted," Ksien said as he placed a hand on Caleb's shoulder. He watched the panic in Caleb's eyes and sighed. "She'll be alright. She was just scared."
"Where the fuck is the lookout?!" Caleb roared, face turning red with anger. Fucking useless people!
Everyone turned to Aaron who had been trying to sneakily make his way out of the room.
Caleb's red eyes landed on him and he shrank back against the door with fear. "Boss… there was no one else… I wanted to watch… there was no one out there… there has never been anyone out there before…" he tried to explain as he racked his brain for any excuse he could use.
Katherine shook her head with pity as she watched Aaron shiver with fear. Even though their brother Aaron was young and made more mistakes than all of them put together, Caleb always forgave him. But, this time he had gone too far by letting Rose see the boss in such a situation. There was no escape for Aaron, he was done for.
"Take him to the dungeon!" Caleb ordered, voice cold. "Do not let him out until I say so! And no feeding!"
Aaron's eyes widened with Caleb's words. "Boss! Please! Have a little mercy!" Tears welled in his eyes as he looked into the eyes of his evil-looking boss. "Please! I can't go without eating! I'll die!"
"Then so be it!" Caleb roared as he lifted Rose in his arms.
"How was I supposed to know she would come down here?" he whined, trying to reason with his boss.
"That's why you're the lookout!" Caleb glared down at him as he walked towards the door. His red eyes made him look more menacing. "So shit like this doesn't happen!"
Aaron gulped and lowered his head. He heard snickering from the guys and looked up to glare at them.
"Sounds like you guys want to join him!" Caleb said, voice cold as ice. "Since you all think this situation is funny!"
The temperature dropped suddenly and they all stayed quiet.
Without turning around he warned them," Anything that has to do with my wife is a serious matter. If you haven't figured that out yet, maybe I need to get replacements."
"That won't be necessary boss," Charles, the man in charge of all combat took a step forward and spoke. "I will make sure they know their place."
The men shivered at Charles' words, knowing there was torture for them ahead.
Aaron secretly sighed with relief, knowing it was better to be locked up without food than be punished by Charles.
"Take care of it," Caleb ordered as he walked out of the room. Fuck! The last thing he wanted was for Rose to see him in that situation. She already thought he was the devil. This was going to make her image of him worse.
"Fuck," he roared as he quickly made his way towards her room. He made it there in a second and gently placed her on the bed. He felt her forehead for her temperature, but she didn't have a fever.
He sighed in relief, but still frowned as he looked down at her. He heard the door open and looked up to watch Katherine walking in quietly.
"Boss, would you like me to stay with her so you can do your work?" she asked carefully as she walked up to him. "I don't mind staying here with her." Even though it was a lie, she still wanted to help him.
Caleb considered her words for a second before shaking his head. "No, I should be here to explain things when she waked up."
Katherine's eyebrows lifted. "You're going to tell her?" she asked in shock.
"She's going to be my wife. I will not keep any secrets from her." He watched the incredulous look on Katherine's face and sighed. Truth be told, he didn't want to tell her about his powers right now. He had planned on telling her everything once she was in love with him. But now, because she had seen him, he had to explain things to her, and make sure she didn't think he was a monster.
"She's not your wife yet. What if you don't get married? She'll know about you and might even use it against you," she tried to reason.
Caleb's eyes narrowed at Katherine. "She will be my wife soon. Nothing and no one is going to stop that from happening."
Katherine looked down at the floor and felt her body tremble with rage. "You shouldn't trust her so much just because she's going to be your wife. You know she doesn't love you!"
"Katherine!" Caleb spoke loudly, then looked down at Rose's sleeping body to see if he had woken her up with his voice. When she didn't move, he looked back up at Katherine. "You out of all people should know what you can and can't say. Don't cross the line."
Katherine's teeth clenched together. "I've been with you most of my life Caleb. You're very important to me and I know you feel the same towards me." She blinked back tears. "I stood by you and defended you when you decided to take a human for a wife, while the whole world looked down on you and judged you. Even if I don't agree with your decisions, I always support you. So doesn't that grant me the liberty of telling you the truth even if it hurts you?"
Caleb frowned as he watched Katherine's eyes glisten with tears. She was right of course. "I'm sorry. You're right."
"I'm one of the few who can speak to you with the truth. So even if you get mad, I won't hold back Caleb."
He sighed and nodded. "I understand Kat. I'm sorry. But, I will tell her, even if you don't agree."
Katherine nodded her head and turned around. "Then I should leave you alone," she said as she walked out of the room.
Caleb sighed and sat down on the other side of the bed. He leaned back against the headboard and shut his eyes as he thought about the right words to say to his wife without freaking her out more.