She tossed and turned all night. Her mind kept going back and forth, from Jack to Caleb. They were so different. Jack had always been patient with her. He had never forced anything on her.
While Caleb on the other hand seemed a bit more forceful when it came to physical touch. She had only been here a few days and he had already hugged and kissed her.
Her cheeks burned at the thought. She was so embarrassed and her mind filled with guilt. How could she let him do that to her? How was she going to face Jack later on?
She froze. She was never going to see Jack again. Her eyes watered as she slowly came to the realization that she really wasn't going to see him again, therefore she didn't have to worry about this. Even if she wanted to see him later, she would never dare to. She wasn't sure she could stay away from him. She was too weak right now and if she saw him, she would throw herself in his arms and forget about everything that was at stake.
No matter what she felt, she couldn't leave. She had to stay and marry Caleb in order to save innocent human lives. She couldn't help but wonder what would happen if she really left. Would Caleb really not care about vampires slaughtering humans left and right?
Despite being a vampire, and a bit forceful with her, he seemed like a good person. Fair and wise. She tried to take comfort in that knowledge. No matter what happened, she didn't think he would turn his back and ignore what was happening around him.
She groaned when she looked at the clock once again, realizing she had to be up in a few hours. "Fuck." She cursed and shut her eyes.
Rose hurried quickly down the stairs the next morning. She couldn't wait to see Jocelyn. She went towards the dinning room and smiled at everyone as she made her way towards her seat. She saw everyone, except for the king himself as she took her seat.
"You can serve breakfast now," Katherine said as she looked at the woman next to the kitchen door.
"Where's Caleb?" Rose asked as she looked around the table.
"Brother Caleb is busy. He had to deal with something last night so he won't be here for breakfast."
Rose's eyebrow lifted. So, Katherine was going to keep referring to Caleb as brother huh? Rose knew the woman was simply throwing it in her face, but little did she know that Rose didn't care about her relationship with Caleb. She smiled and nodded. "What did he have to deal with?" Rose asked as she looked up at Katherine.
"It's none of your business," Katherine answered with a sweet smile.
Everyone froze with Katherine's words and they turned to look at Rose.
Rose chuckled. She knew Katherine was only talking to her like this because Caleb wasn't here. "Of course it's my business. I need to know everything my husband is doing don't you think?"
"You're right. You're going to be our queen soon and it's only natural you're aware of everything he does," Ian said as he looked at Rose with a smile.
Rose turned to Ian and smiled sweetly. "Thank you. I knew you were someone I could count on," she said.
Ian smiled brightly and turned to the others to boast. He didn't care that he was getting jealous glares from everyone but when his eyes fell on Katherine's deadly glare his smile quickly fell. He looked down at his plate and began to stuff his mouth with food, praying she would lose interest in him soon.
"Ian is right. I'm going to be your future queen," Rose said as she looked at Katherine, emphasizing on the word 'your.' She smiled when she noticed the anger in Katherine's eyes. "Do me a favor and don't assume you know everything that is or isn't my business. If I ask you a question, give me an answer, it's that simple. I'm not looking for an argument."
Katherine felt her blood boil in anger as she watched the human smiling back at her. "What I-"
Everyone turned to the strict and cold voice that sounded around the room.
Charles looked at Katherine, face blank, devoid of emotion. "That's enough."
Katherine clenched her teeth together in anger as she looked back at the human. Fuck! She couldn't believe everyone was taking her side! She was fuming at the thought of going dress shopping with this girl. What was Caleb thinking when he asked her to go with her? Not only that, they were supposed to pick up another human girl.
Rose frowned as she looked over at Katherine. Truth was, she didn't want to fight with her, but the woman seemed to have something against her. She wasn't sure what it was, but she had a feeling if she didn't clear the air soon, it was going to cause a lot of problems in the future.
Everyone ate breakfast and when Rose finished she quickly stood up and looked at Katherine. "Can we go now?" she asked with a smile.
Katherine smirked, the corner of her lips lifting as she focused on her food. "I'm not done yet. You'll have to wait."
Rose glared down at the woman. She knew Katherine was doing this on purpose. "Alright. I'll wait for you by the car," she said with a smile, not wanting to fight with her again.
She didn't wait for an answer and walked towards the door of the dining room. "Have a great day everyone," Rose said with a smile before she walked out of the room. She couldn't hide the happiness she felt knowing she was going to see her best friend again.
Katherine looked over at Charles. "Why did you shut me up? Are you suddenly on her side?"
Charles calmly put down his cup and looked at her. "Rose is our future queen," he answered simply.
"So what if she's going to be the queen? She isn't the queen yet. Anything can happen before the wedding!"
"What are saying Katherine?" Charles asked, his voice laced with a warning.
Katherine frowned and sighed. "I'm just saying that she's not married to brother Caleb yet. She could still run away, or he could realize one day that she's not the right one for him." She shrugged. "Who knows he might fall for someone else before the wedding and throw the human aside," she said with a happy grin. Oh how that thought made her happy.
"Like you?" Nicholas said with a chuckle as he looked over at Katherine.
Katherine glared at the vampire. "I didn't say that Nicholas!" she said through gritted teeth. She felt her cheeks heat up as she heard snickers around the table. "You're all stupid! You think just because she's beautiful she's the right one to stand next to Caleb?"
"Yeah pretty much," said Nicholas with a chuckle. "Plus she's got a great body."
Charles turned to glare at him. "What did you say?"
Nicholas lowered his head. "I said she has a great personality," he quickly answered, terrified to look up at Charles. The last punishment he'd received had traumatized him, and he knew Aaron was still being punished in the basement. He did not want to join his friend down there.
"No matter what you think or feel about our queen, you will respect her!" Charles said, voice stern. "I will not stand by and listen to you badmouth our queen. If our boss chose her to be his wife, it was for a reason, and I trust him. Even if I didn't, it's not my choice and it's none of yours either."
Katherine's teeth grinded together as she listened to Charles. The man normally didn't speak, but when he did, it was usually something important. But she hated that he was standing up for the human and not her. She had known him for so many years and now he was taking the humans side!
He looked at Katherine. "Keep your feelings and your thoughts to yourself." He turned to Nicholas. "And you, one more disrespectful word towards our queen from your mouth, and I will personally cut it off and make sure it never grows back."
Nicholas gulped and nodded his head.