
Jack felt his body tighten as he watched her reaction. Rage made the blood in his veins boil until he felt he was going to explode. "What did that fucker do to you?!" he roared angrily as he grabbed her shoulders tightly.

Her eyes widened as she looked up at him. Her shook her head. "Nothing! He didn't do anything Jack. Please calm down."

"Rose don't lie to me," he said through clenched teeth as he felt his body shake with anger.

She swallowed hard as she watched his eyes glimmer with killing intent. "Please don't be mad. It was only a kiss. He kissed me, but it didn't last more than a second, and he didn't touch me."

Some lies were necessary to save lives. She was sure if she told him the truth, he would go confront Caleb and get himself killed. Later, when they were far away and safe, she would tell him the truth.

He watched her face, looking for any signs of deception, but he couldn't find any. Either she was getting better at lying, or was telling him the truth. He sighed and pulled her against his chest. "Promise me you won't let him touch you baby. Promise me."

She nodded as she wrapped her arms around him tightly. "You're the only one who has ever touched me Jack. The only one who can," she said gulping. Her cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

He felt his blood boil as her words made him think about things he couldn't do right now. He cleared his throat and nodded. "Don't ever forget it baby."

She chuckled at his sudden change in mood.

"You're not going to ask me to make the same promise?" he asked with the sexy crooked smile he knew she loved.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes at him. "You had plenty of opportunities to make me yours and you didn't. If you passed this up, I'm sure I don't have to worry about you touching another woman," she said laughing.

He chuckled. "That's right. You don't have to worry because you're the only one I want." He looked down at her and his smile faltered. "I'm sorry I could never… I just…"

"I know," she said as she looked up at him and smiled.

"I was stupid," he said. "I should have just… I never thought we would be separated. I wanted to do things right at least once in my life Rose. You're worth it. You're worth the wait."

She smiled happily with his words, her heart swelling with joy.

"And the constant pain," he said with a cheeky smile.

Her eyes narrowed. "You're the one who didn't want to. It's only fair that you suffer," she said chuckling.

He chuckled at her words. "All the time baby. Rest assured I'm in constant pain because of you."

She frowned. She didn't want him to suffer. "Please don't say that. Just thinking about you being hurt or suffering because of me makes me hate myself."

His frowned. "It's not your fault baby. Whatever happens to me will not be your fault. Stop taking all the blame for things you are not responsible for. You're always thinking about everyone, except yourself."

Her heart pounded in her chest and she shook her head. "Then I want you to promise me something too," she said.

He smiled and nodded. "Anything you want."

"Promise me you won't die. No matter what happens, you will stay alive."

His smile widened with her words. "I promise. How could I let myself die and leave you in the hands of that monster?" he said with a chuckle. "I'd take him to hell with me before I let him have you."

She chuckled. "You're not going to hell Jack, you're too good for that."

His smile fell. "I'm glad you think that way about me. I hope your opinion of me never changes sweetheart."

She frowned. "Never."

He wrapped a hand around her head and pressed his lips against hers, unable to fight the urge to kiss her anymore. He wanted more, he wanted to take her away and make her his so everyone would know she belonged to him.

Little by little their kiss became more passionate as they both released the pent up emotions they had been holding the past few days. Their breaths became ragged as they mingled together. His hands tightened around her, pressing her tightly against him as he continued to devour her soft lips. He slowly lowered his hands down her back and tightened them around her ass as he lost control of his emotions.

"Ah!" Rose cried out in shock as he lifted her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around him as he started to walk. She felt her back press against something and looked behind her to find herself being pressed against a tree.

He chuckled when he watched the confusion in her eyes. He pressed his lips against hers once again, stealing her breath. He groaned as he pressed himself between her thighs and wrapped his arms around her tightly, pulling her against him.

Rose moaned as fire slammed through her. She felt his hard chest pressing against her soft breasts. She felt her body burn as he pressed himself between her thighs. She whimpered and tightened her legs around him, wanting to keep him close to her.

Her hand wrapped around his head, pulling him down as they continued to make out, their kiss slowly turning more and more passionate, until it was out of control and becoming desperate.

He pulled away from her to catch his breath and moaned as he watched her panting and struggling to breathe. "You're mine Rose, don't ever forget that." He pressed his lips against hers again and wrapped his hands around her legs. He pressed himself against her and grinded his hips between her thighs, making her cry out.

"Aaahhh!" She moaned and her body trembled with the friction between her legs. "Jack," she panted as she looked up at him. What was he doing? Why was he acting this way all of a sudden? He had never gone this far before. Every time they had gotten close to anything other than a kiss, he had put a quick stop to it, leaving them both frustrated.

He pressed his lips against hers and repeated his actions, making her cry out with pleasure and desire. "Be mine Rose," he said, voice hoarse.

Her breath caught. She whimpered and moaned against his mouth as she considered his words. There was nothing she wanted more than to be his, but not here, not now. "I'm not losing my virginity against a tree," she panted against his lips.

He chuckled and shook his head. "Come with me, and I'll finally give you what you want, what we both want. No more waiting baby." Only God knew how much he regretted not making her his sooner. Although it was important for him to wait and make her his woman after they got married, the need to cherish and make the most out of every moment they spent together had suddenly taken priority. Reality had taught him she wasn't going to be by his side whenever he wanted no matter how hard he tried.

She whimpered as his words ran through her mind. She lowered his head and pressed their lips together again. She lifted her hips, grinding herself against him and cried out as pure bliss ran through her.

She could feel the moisture between her legs and the throbbing that was only intensifying as they kept moving against each other. If they didn't stop soon, she really was going to lose her virginity against a tree.

He groaned as she continued to rub against her, making him hard, making his member throb painfully. He was always like this when he was around her, hard and ready, but he wasn't going to fight it anymore. He had suddenly realized how fast things could change, and the fact that one day she could be gone from his side.