Rose felt her blood drain to her toes as his words echoed in her mind. No. She didn't even have time to leave a message for Jack. What if he was still looking for her at the other mansion? She swallowed hard before speaking. "Can we at least go back so I can get some things?"
"All of your things are here Rose. I made sure everything was brought here. Down to the last penny."
She forced a smile on her lips as he continued to look at her. She walked towards what she assumed was the closet and opened the doors. Sure enough, it looked like all of her clothes were here. On each side of her were racks and shelves full of his and her things. The walk in closet, which was big enough to be another bedroom, was full of objects.
"The bathroom is through those doors sweetheart," Caleb said as he pointed towards a door to his left as he stood by the entrance.
She nodded and shut the doors again. "You've really got everything under control don't you?"
He could detect a small bit of resentment in her voice.
"Is the house not good enough? Should I buy a bigger one?"
Her eyes widened and she turned to look at him. "No this is good." Fine. If he wanted to move, they would. She would find a way to get in touch with Jack and let him know where she was as soon as she knew herself. She should have never agreed to be blindfolded. Now she really didn't know where the hell she was, or how they had arrived here.
He walked towards her and slowly wrapped his arms around her, bringing her out of her thoughts. "What's wrong?"
She shook her head with a gulp. "Where are we?" she asked innocently.
He smiled. "We're on private property."
Of course they were. "But where?"
He chuckled. "Don't worry about that now. Let me show you the best part of the room."
Her eyes widened once again, understanding what he was referring to. She quickly shook her head. "That's okay, I'm sure it looks exactly like the last one."
"What are you thinking about Rose?" he asked, chuckling. He released her and slowly led her towards the tall curtains on the right side of the room. He pulled them back and opened the glass doors to reveal a balcony, which was overlooking a big garden that led into the woods at the back of the mansion.
Her breath caught at the beautiful view. "Wow," she whispered as she walked out into the balcony. "It's beautiful here." Okay, she had to admit the scenery here was way better than at the other mansion. She felt stuffy in his other room, but this one was almost like a breath of fresh air.
The corner of his lips lifted into a smile as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.
Rose stiffened when she felt the intimacy. She swallowed hard.
"What did you think I was talking about?" he asked, knowing very well where her mind had gone.
She chuckled dryly at his question. "N-nothing." She felt her cheeks burn with shame.
"Hmmm…" he lifted his left hand and pulled her hair back, revealing the soft skin of her neck. He lowered his head until his mouth was next to her ear. "Were you thinking dirty?" he asked, voice hoarse.
"No!" she quickly responded, hearing his chuckle next to her ear. A shiver ran down her body when she felt his breath tickling her neck and she gasped when she felt his lips pressing against her skin. She lifted her hands and wrapped them around his to try and pull them off.
"I think you were," he said as he pressed another kiss against her neck.
She tried to pull his hand from around her waist, but it was like trying to move a mountain. "Please let me go."
He extracted his fangs and ran them over her soft skin, making her gasp and shiver.
"S-stop," she rushed out quickly, feeling her body begin to heat up as the memories of the study suddenly flashed through her mind. "Please," she begged, feeling weak.
"One day you're going to be begging me not to stop sweetheart," he whispered against her neck.
She fought back a moan as his words made her think about things she really didn't want to think about right now. She took a deep breath to try to calm herself down, but all she did was take a long whiff of his cologne. Her head went dizzy as she remembered the same scent on him when he had kissed her in the study, when he had almost devoured her.
He smiled, noting the pace of her heart quicken and her body starting to relax in his hold. He pressed another kiss against her neck and playfully nibbled on the skin with his fangs again. His eyes turned black as hunger began to grow inside him.
"Caleb please…" she said, voice barely a whisper as she found it hard to breathe. "We're out in the open… someone might see us…"
"I can easily fix that," he said before lifting her into his arms and moving towards the bed where he lay her down gently against the pillows.
Not even a second passed and she was laying on her back on the giant bed. Shit! She had to get out of this situation. She tried to sit up but in a flash, he was on top of her straddling her legs. She instinctively jerked back, moving down towards the mattress again as she looked up at black hungry eyes, half scared half intrigued by them.
Caleb fought to keep himself under control, knowing she was not ready to give herself to him. One day, she would willingly come to him. "Better?" he asked with a smile before lying down on top of her. He bent his left arm on the bed to take his weight and lifted the other to caress her face.
Rose froze when she felt him against her, his body pressing tightly against hers, trapping her between him and the mattress. She bit her bottom lip as his hand began to caress her cheek and shook her head. "This is not what I meant," she said, voice weak as the burning in her body continued to flare.
He chuckled. "But don't you think it's way better?"
She shook her head. "No… not at all…" She swallowed hard and watched his head lower towards her. She gasped when she felt his lips against her neck and immediately lifted her arms and pressed her hands against his chest to push him away. "What are you doing?" she asked.
He smiled against her soft skin and gently grabbed her arms, lifting them above her head to keep them out of the way. "Loving my soon-to-be wife," he said before grabbing both of her wrists with his left hand. "Just relax."
Relax?? How the hell was she supposed to relax in this situation? "Please stop," she breathed out, feeling his lips against her skin once again and going rigid. "Please Caleb." She swallowed hard, fighting with all her might to stay focused.
He sighed and lowered his head to her shoulder. He closed his eyes and inhaled her sweet scent. "I can't wait until you love me the same way I love you Rose."
Her heart stopped and her breath caught. She watched him lift his head and looked up into his now blue eyes as he looked down at her. She felt time stop as they watched each other intently. She felt her heart swell with unexplainable emotions as seconds passed without movement. Finally, his face lowered and she closed her eyes as their lips met.