Arrival to Wolf City

Justin closed the door of the SUV behind Yuqi who had just got in and seated herself next to Vanessa and Vivian

as they prepared to move the cloud carrying their troops lifted off and

Justin rapped on the roof of the SUV

rest assured sir their driver replied the SUV took off

all the girls burst into giggles including Bethany as they looked at each other everyone squished into the SUV

anna sitting on Justin's lap with Vanessa sitting on Vivian Yuqi squished in on the end

Taekwon sitting on Ziesso and Bethany on Takehiko so that they could all fit into the same vehicle

I never imagined my life would turn out like this Taekwon said embarrassed

bare with it, for now, we will reach the hotel soon Justin said

we should take a picture Yuqi suggested

no way! Taekwon protested Ziesoo laughed we are taking a picture we need to commemorate this

when was the last time you saw tigers foxes wolves even a raven together? this is an epic moment for all woodland celestials come on please no he groaned

the girls were all giggling, even more, even their driver couldn't hide his amusement

ziesoo got out his phone and everyone smiled for the photo even Taekwon despite himself

ill post it on the network he said tag us anna said a minute later the photo was up

safely arrived in japan my mate their mates my friends

the post was immediately getting responses Ziesoo and Justin being high profile celestials

and lots of people recognizing anna and sisters as the fox clan from their previous post

a lot of comments about the girls changed appearances since

Anna's hair had gone from blond to white in the span of a single photo

and her sister's hair had all gotten longer and more vibrant in color

making the girls look more exotic and beautiful now

there were jokes about their seating arrangements

anna got a dm from the house mother anna happy to see you guys arrived safely you have already made such important friends?

anna replied the news will come out soon so do not tell anyone I told this already but we just vanquished the black witch all of us fought with her and we killed her she is dead

what happened?? how is this possible?

the tigers fought and mortally injured her first in Korea she escaped bleeding and they chased her here to japan and then we intercepted her on our way to the sanctuary

she fled again but she was very weak the stranger in the photo is a celestial gatekeeper and his mate he finished her off and summoned the void gate

and sealed the witches soul she can never return the news should break soon the witch is dead

she typed back you girls leveled up didn't you thats why your appearances changed?

anna replied yes we did I am six tails the twins are five each and Yuqi four

congratulations on gaining your tails you guys did well no injuries?

we are all fine no injuries thank you anna typed back

we are almost to the hotel do you guys see the tree line? Justin said

yes we can see it Ziesoo replied

behind the tree line flew the cloud carrying the troop

they realized keeping pace with them but hidden from view

the trees lined both sides of a winding road that lead up to the hotel their SUV was driving along on

that's the designated flying and landing area for celestials traveling by air to and from the hotel Justin said

wow this all really convenient Takehiko

naturally, Justin replied this is a celestial sanctuary we had to create a

way to allow celestials to come and go from here without being seen by humans

most celestial owned places will have some kind of arrangements for celestials if they can Ziesoo said it's necessary for us to be able to move around without alarming the humans

they soon pulled into the entrance of the hotel everyone piling out on the hotel patio

as the troop walked out of the tree line entering the hotel patio right in front of the entrance

the members of Justin's guards quickly unpacked their luggage from the vehicle

everybody here? did we get everything right all the luggage? Justin asked

we are fine Yuqi answered with a grin

we got all the luggage sir one of his men answered

let's go in then Justin said everyone welcome to the Royal Peach Pavilion Hotel

I've been staying here actually Bethany said

oh, how long now? anna asked

I've been here about three weeks now with my schoolmates and professor Bethany replied

it's really nice you guys will lose it when you see inside

oh I've been here once too when I was a girl anna said it was the first time I met Justin I came on vacation with my parents it was gorgeous then but it's my sister's first time

as they walked in the three girls released cries of shock

oh my gosh wow it's so beautiful Vivian breathed

the artwork is exquisite Vanessa said looking up at the ceiling

that still had the beautiful murals of mythological beast painted on it and the beautiful vases and other artwork it hadn't changed a bit if anything the place seemed more beautiful now

look at that lotus blossom tree Yuqi cried she broke away from the group and ran through the lobby to the tree several

people giving her looks of surprise as she passed them by

oh wow, it's a real celestial tree, isn't it? Vivian asked softly staring with wide eyes as they drew closer

yes it is anna said softly

Yuqi approached the tree and suddenly blossoms started to fall gently from the tree all around her

almost as if it was welcoming her

Yuqi clasped her hands and bowed gracefully to the tree paying her respects to it

she caught some of the flowers in her hands inhaling their sweet fragrance

before bringing them back to the girls she offered one to each of her sisters

the peach woods offer their blessings for the return of the Fox clan she said softly

welcome home anna Justin said softly anna smiled and hugged her sisters we are home sisters

let's take a picture Yuqi suggested

ok, sure anna said Justin will you take it for us? sure he agreed taking her phone

the girls hurried to the tree getting into a formation creating a flower with their arms

each girl holding lotus blossom in the center of their palms

with the peach tree behind them and blossoms falling down gently around them

he took the picture

wow it's beautiful he said to anna showing it to her and the girls came running back to see it

thank you anna said you took that perfectly she kissed his jaw you're the best boyfriend

come on we gotta move guys Justin said gently putting a hand around anna

he led everyone to the front desk where his staff greeted him all of them were celestials and recognized him immediately

Mr. Okami welcome back the girl in a black skirt suit uniform at the front desk said in a professional tone

thank you please check us in a group of eight VIPs immediately he ordered

right away sir the girl replied she was quickly busy at the computer

she then passed him some black and silver swipe cards Check-in Complete sir she said

Justin took the cards everyone follow me, please