Arrival II

he led them up a hallway to an elevator everybody in he said

everyone got on the elevator watch carefully he instructed

he took one of the black and silver cards and pushed it into a slot in the elevator below the buttons

the elevator dinged and doors closed he took out the card and the elevator began to move they went up very fast

and then suddenly came to a smooth stop and the elevator doors opened

when they walked out it was into the open air,

the elevator was built into the hillside on the top of a cliff overlooking a forest surrounding a city encircled by a powerful celestial barrier that shone in the sunlight

oh my goodness anna gasped covering her face with her hands

Welcome to wolf city Justin said

each of you will need to use the elevator card to come and go from here this place exists in a special realm that is for celestials only and it

can only be entered and exited by using the elevator inside the hotel

the card acts as a pass that identifies you as celestials and allows you to enter the realm

even if a human were to enter the elevator without using the card

it would just take them to a regular floor in the hotel however humans can be brought

here, by celestials holding the card so when you use the elevator

make sure you are in the elevator alone or with other celestials only

does everyone understand?

yes we got it to keep the cards secret celestials only Bethany said I'll take that on behalf of Takehiko

she took a card from Justin and put it over her necklace which glowed for a moment and then the card vanished

keep your cards well and don't lose them and don't give them to humans Justin said to Anna's sisters

everyone took their card from him securing it in their purses and wallets

can we go in our true forms? Vivian asked Justin grinned absolutely he replied

awesome they cried and took off running to the edge of the cliff changing into their true forms as they went

the girls all jumped off the cliff using their tails to propel them

through the air, they landed on tops of the trees below true to their nature of foxes, queens of the woodlands

the forest being their natural habitat the three girls stood perched their tails blowing in the wind

wow what a beautiful sight Ziesoo said these woods look somehow more magical now because the foxes are here and then they took off

leaping and gliding with ease over the treetops as they went using their natural abilities

the sound of their happy laughter drifted back to them on the breeze

do you want to join them Justin asked amused

I'd rather go with you too much work right now anna said

Takehiko chuckled the queen of foxes must arrive in a dignified manner I do believe

he unfurled his wings taking Bethany in his arms he took the air

shall we? Ziesoo asked do lets Taekwon replied

letting out their spirits the two tiger spirits manifested and the pair

mounted the beast that took off with roars leaping as they went gliding through the air trailing light like comets tails behind them

Justin called out his shield and he and anna took off as well

as Takehiko carrying Bethany in his arms soared on his black wings overhead

his huge wingspan casting its dark shadow on everyone below

dang he's so freaking ominous Taekwon said in admiration

watching him as they drew alongside Justin and Anna's shield

both couples stayed in their celestial forms their tails trailing some feet behind them as

Justin arms wrapped around Anna's waist as he hugged her from behind

i agree that guy gives off a really dark vibe its almost like he's a villain or something anna said

it'll be good for our team once our mission starts though not many would dare to mess with us with him around Ziesoo said

his presence alone can intimidate anyone he doesn't even have to do anything

this made Justin chuckle and nod in agreement

how was it today are you feeling okay? Justin asked anna who seemed rather quiet

so now you ask? anna replied with amusement tilting her head back against his shoulder so she could look up at him

I am fine everything today was... intense and insane

but in a weird way, I feel like I had fun I can't explain it exactly

but being in a battle for the first time for real was more exciting and thrilling

than scary like it should have been i mean we were facing this huge monster that could kill us

but I wasn't concerned or scared of it I was more looking forward to fighting it and being able to unleash my powers she admitted

I think it was the same for me he agreed from the moment the witch appeared it was like all reasons to hesitate ceased to exist

that's because it was your first battle Ziesoo said its in our nature because we are all warriors

who have been training hard without being able to go all out with our powers

to really be able to fully let them out and see what it feels like to be at our strongest with no limitations naturally its exciting

you and your sisters did really well even better than I thought you guys would

you're all really amazing warriors Justin complimented her

truthfully speaking I was worried about that, she admitted

about what? he asked

she chewed on her lip a bit before answering I felt as you were a prince of a strong clan

I and my sisters needed to be strong to be able to stand as equals with you

I knew you would be getting a lot of training from your dad and granddad since a long time ago

I hoped we would train hard so that our abilities could be equivalent to yours

so that you wouldn't be disappointed I didn't want to be the type of mate who would hold you back

someone you would constantly need to be protecting

anna he sighed you're overthinking even if you and your sisters weren't warriors and couldn't fight I would still love you

she blushed I know that but I wanted me and my sisters

to be able to protect ourselves and stand on our own feet not be anyone's burden

we would become you're biggest weakness especially easy targets for anyone who might challenge you

so I wanted us to be able to take care of ourselves

and you've accomplished that Justin said I am very proud of you anna

you are beautiful intelligent powerful

strong brave kind humble so talented and so sexy your new form is driving me to distraction right now you are amazing

you are everything i could have ever wanted in a mate

i couldn't ask for more but you also have three equally amazing sisters as well

and you raised yourself and your sisters into very capable and powerful celestials

almost all on your own, you have every right to be proud of yourself for accomplishing that

you have every reason to stand tall and believe in yourself you are the queen of Fox Clan now

you can rely on me to support you and take care of you as mates you and your sisters are my family now and a wolf especially an alpha protects his family he hugged her tighter

around the waist as she entangled their fingers together as he pressed a kiss to her jaw

we are here Justin said as they came to the gates of the city anna sisters was on a cloud waiting for them at the gates when they arrived