Rescue of Queen and Knight

guys at our twelve o clock! Vivian cried alerting everyone

stop the cloud! she cried

Justin brought them to an immediate halt

what is it? anna asked they were over a dark thick woods deep in the countryside Vivian's eyes were glowing she called out her bow and notched an arrow

she fired it into the trees ahead and suddenly something leaped out of the trees

and snatching the arrow out of the air and disappearing back into the trees

by the gods! are those demonic jumping spiders? lady taishen said getting to her feet she had been resting as they traveled

I don't know what they are but I know those entire woods are infested with them Vanessa said

wait I can get a better look yuqi said summoning out her staff she sent out a vine and a moment later

it slithered back carrying a flower wrapped in its coils

she accepted the flower and inside a small forest spirit was hiding

yuqi spoke to it for several minutes in a strange language no one else could understand

when she was done she set the spirit free and it flew away to a safe part of the woods behind them

the woods are infested,

a demonic Queen jumping spider came and laid her eggs there a few days ago

and they have all hatched now

these woods has become her nursery we can't fly over the woods

without getting attacked by her jumping children also one other thing

what is it? Justin asked

there are celestials in those woods she stated

two of them an elder and a boy woodland celestials who were passing overhead and got attacked they fell from their cloud into the woods below

and are trapped but they are slowly trying to make their way out communicating with the trees and spirits to navigate safely but they are desperately in need of rescue

can Vivian find them with her vision? Justin asked

I can if I can get above the trees high enough that its safe to I can scan for their locations Vivan said and probably pull them out too

okay here is what we'll do he said formulating a plan

someone will take Vivian up yuqi! we will need a shield to hold in these critters so they don't spread

how can high can they jump? yuqi asked

that depends entirely on if they haven't webbed up the whole place if they have the tops of the trees webbed

then they can use those as platforms to jump higher Vanessa said

we will need a distraction then fire anna said we will have to burn these woods to get out such a large infestation

what about the woodland creatures that are here though? Justin said

we warn them anna said Chione can you make your flowers

and send a warning to the woodland creatures she asked the little brown fox in her jacket pocket

it twitched its nose and bobbed its head jumping out and unto annas shoulder

it swished its tail in the air and flower petals burst out spinning and swirling on its tip in a little tornado

I can lend winds to blow the flowers and take the message all over the woods he said

we evacuate the woods first Justin said, tell them to go to the other side of the woods where it's safe

we will have to clear a safe passage for them I can with my willow wisp Vanessa supplied

okay the next part is getting those two out and then we torch the woods Justin said we need

Ziesoo and Taekwon can go in and grab the two trapped celestials quickly through a shadow or portal

the portal is best Ziesoo said if we can open it at their exact location we can snatch them through like that

I'll do my best to get you guys close as possible Vivian said then once those two are out we take down the nest

do we know what level the mother is at? anna asked

everyone chuckled at her question

who cares? we have enough people for this we could get another level up Justin said

each of these babies has a lot of celestial energy too they are very active if she is left alone

out here there is no telling how far the infestation could spread

this is the first time we are seeing a beast hunt in many years Sergio said

the black witch has barely passed and already things are starting to get back to normal

he chuckled we will have to start sending out troops to take care of the

territories soon to keep remerging demons under control the council is going to have a bit of trouble on their hands

the good thing is the kids who are cultivating will be having an ole grand time ah this feels nostalgic

we old folks will find a good spot out of your way where we can safely watch the action ok lady taishen said smiling

sure thing Justin said smiling

when we pull out the two celestials we will bring them to your cloud Ziesoo said

of course, lady Taishen said the pair soon found a safe spot along the edge tree line in the air overlooking the woods below as the pair sat to watch

Yuqi and Vivian flew out riding on the backs of Ziesoo and Taekowns tiger spirits

behind a barrier along the edge of where the spiders were nesting

while Anna and Justin and Chione were releasing vibrant red flowers petals

with an important message over the woods

Vanessa released swarms of willow wisp and soon the lights were flickering and dancing in the trees the baby spiders could be heard responding with loud high pitched screeches

as they got mesmerized by the lights and started chasing them about

with Vanessa holding the baby spiders enthralled she led them away from the area so that the woodland creatures could flee through that section of the woods

and soon large groups of animals and birds could be seen fleeing along the path

Vanessa was expanding her willow wisp trying to mesmerize as many spiders as possible under her

control and herd them away from the area where Vivian and Yuqi were carrying out their rescue