Rescue II

Ziesoo we got them, Vivian said as scanned the area,

the pair were moving on foot cautiously through the underbrush of the thick woods,

sticky spider webs were spun everywhere to catch anything living for the spider's food later so it was slow going

she loaded a special type of arrow into her bow and fired it the arrow disappeared into

the trees and a moment later a spot was glowing where the two celestials were under a glowing

net that had a protective field around it

Ziesoo opened a portal and he and Taekwon reached

into it and pulled the pair in the net through the portal to safety unto the backs of their tigers and

took off taking the pair to the cloud where Sergio and lady Taishen waited

when they got there they deposited the two on the cloud and left to rejoin the battle

the pair under the net struggled to get out

easy we have you it's ok you are safe don't be scared lady Taishen was saying to calm them down as she was helping Sergio to remove the net from the pair

revealing a woman with blond hair and cat-like blue eyes

she had regal bearing about her even as she sat in an untidy heap with a net tangled around her

Tamra? Sergio cried

Sergio? she gasped

Queen Tamra! Lady Taishen cried

by the gods Taishen! she cried

she threw her arms around her old friend and burst into tears of relief

it's so good to see you I thought we might never get out of those dreadful woods!

where have been all these years we thought you had died! Sergio cried putting a hand on her shoulder

Nike was quickly getting himself detangled from the net

Queen Tamra since you are safe here I will go help the others in battle he said stepping out of the net

wait a minute Nike! she cried to the young man who accompanied her

Sergio and lady Taishen now looking at the young man for the first time as he stepped off their cloud

and dropped only to rise again in the center of a large flying lotus flower it spun around beneath his feet

as if being blown by the wind as he flew towards the battle staff with a glowing jewel on top of it standing tall in his hand at his side

Yuqi and Vivan with Ziesoo and Taekwon swept back to the battlefield

where Vanessa was doing her best with her willow wisp to keep the baby spiders under control

Anna mission accomplished Vivian cried thrusting her bow into the air

light this place up anna cried everyone attack!

yuqi spun her staff and its orb burst to light and a sigil ring expanded over the battlefield as a barrier of vines

erupted from the forest floor the spiders realizing now they were under attack

began to race up the trees spinning their webs only to encounter flames as anna called out her element and set the treetops ablaze

Vivian fired her arrows into the air as they multiplied and fell into the trees in a thick rain setting off multiple explosions

the screeching of the spiders filled the air

as Justin used his winds to push Anna's flames across the treetops with the spinning of his wind

blades creating strong winds blowing Anna's flames into fire whirls

ziesoo and Taekwon's tigers were streaking trails of lights as they flew over the tops of the trees

herding the baby spiders into the flames as they fled from their light unable to withstand their bright streams of celestial auras piercing down into the dark trees

soon the disturbance and death of her children woke the sleeping Queen Spider she woke with a roar of anger

a huge black eight-legged beast with a hard black shell on her back a terrifying head with huge pointed black pincers

and rows of glaring yellow eyes filled with malevolence

and big bobbing stomach that was marked with a white death skull

she came crashing out of the trees with huge claws and legs designed for climbing she clambered up the trees swiftly

screaming at the ones who dared to attack her nest

she was answered by Ziesoo's sword rain with a screech she spat webbing at him as thousands of swords attacked her at once

she was knocking his swords down with streams of sticky spun web

Takehiko fired wave after wave of energy attacks at her while Bethany clung to him piggyback style nestled safely right between his huge black wings as he fought

striking at the queen and cutting down the trees she clambered on she was

fast as she jumped from treetop to treetop with her powerful legs

being able to avoid attacks her young ones helped webbing up the treetops and providing safe platforms for her climb

from time to time her massive size sending trees crashing to the forest floor it was sheer chaos but her shell was unbreakable

Yuqi was struggling to hold, the barrier as it was being battered by thousands of spiders

all trying to escape they were shooting themselves up into the air on sider web trying to jump over the barrier

others were piling themselves against the barrier and using their demonic energy to erode away the vines of Yuqis barrier

let me help with that a voice said suddenly from behind her an arm encircled her waist pulling her back against a male body

she looked over her shoulder as a handsome young man with reddish-brown hair and amber eyes and a handsome cutely boyish face

gazed down at her his other hand enclosed around hers holding the staff when he did golden celestial fire burst from their connected

hands, as he thrust the staff into the air, power, poured through her and her staff orb burst with light and her barrier lit up all the

spiders who were battering her shield released, screeches and pain many died immediately because of the light that now radiated from the barrier

and many more were driven back away from the barrier

what is that? Vanessa asked in shock looking towards Yuqis direction

she was standing in the center of a huge spinning flying lotus flower a young man they didn't know was holding her and their hands were interlocked together around her staff

that was blazing with light as the golden celestial mates fire burned around the two and two pairs of interlocked sigil rings encircled the pair

she couldn't believe her eyes Yuqis mate was here!

Yuqi looked up at her mate in awe and delight he was taller than her and four reddish-brown foxtails danced in the wind behind him

dressed in brown leather pants and a red traditional style tunic shirt belted at the waist with a leather belt

and combat boots on his feet he was broad-shouldered but lean and muscular with golden

toned skin a square jaw and a handsome boyish face with mischievous sharp twinkling amber eyes

he smiled down at her and such a cute charm appeared she lost her heart to him immediately

reaching up she touched his face hardly able to believe he was real

who are you she breathed

my name is Nike magic fox mage he answered in a warm-toned voice that sent shivers down her spine

I'm Yuqi she replied I'm also a mage

I know he said he dropped a kiss on her forehead

she flushed wide-eyed as his nose brushed hers as he scented her for the first time

let me take it from here he said softly lowering her staff he raised his the trees inside the barrier suddenly burst to life

they began to suddenly grow very rapidly the tree branches shot out from everywhere

twining around the Queen spider and dragging it to the forest floor it screeched and it was turned belly up

tree roots burst out of the ground and twined around the spider's legs and dragged them beneath the ground

and then quickly all knotted together around the spider's legs underground anchoring it into the ground so that it couldn't escape

hardshell soft underbelly he said

how about trying those attacks again he called to the others

thanks for the assist anna said with a wave and smile she gave him a thumbs up

the spider screeched as everyone attacked at once this time their attacks were effective as the spider's vulnerability was exposed

as Ziesoo's sword rain plunged several swords into the spider's abdomen and Vivian's arrows did their damage with explosions blasting the spiders head and throat open

the spider's underbelly with the white skull mark burst open spilling out thousands of more live baby spiders even as the queen mother died they were being swarmed by more spiders

all right I've had about enough of these creepy bugs anna said everyone back off

i am turning up the heat

everyone flew away quickly from the field while anna burst into flames from head to toe with a scream that reached the skies

and then suddenly there was a booming sound and a huge vertical stream of white-hot flames exploded up into the air from the forest floor

everything within the barrier was burned the very earth scorched the spiders died with high pitched screeches as everything turned to ash by the flames

and a gong of victory rung in the skies above

yaaas! the girls cheered as the flames died down and the smoking scorched remains of the Giant spider carcasses lay on the battlefield

surrounded by her young ones everything was burned black including the trees

another gong was rung and at their feet, a treasure chest appeared

everyone quickly opening their chest

they all received upgrades for their celestials weapons and their stats were also leveled up

it was Bethany that proved to be most surprising of all

despite not having actually fought in the battle she was still rewarded a chest, in her chest she received a white cloak trimmed in vivid blue swept around her shoulders and a white staff

it was beautifully carved from a pale-colored wood all down the length of staff that was taller than she was were beautiful carvings of ravens in flight

and a pair of white combat style boots that replaced the shoes on her feet of their own accord

wow, so Bethany has a true form now Vanessa cried in surprise

congratulations! Bethany! anna cried with a grin

thank you! she cried grinning Takehiko was smiling proudly from ear to ear you finally look like the sacred maiden he said dropping a kiss on her upturned lips

do you even know how to use that thing though? he asked looking at her staff

because its the one thing I can actually use she said I learned fencing with a pole in high school there was a fencing club there but I was never interested in swords for some reason I liked playing with sticks much better

watch this she stepped away from him slowly she spun the staff with her hands from one to other

finding it to be perfectly balanced she could spin it faster her staff was soon turning with powerful swooshing sounds her staff began glowing with white energy

as it spun all around her body now with more ease that it became a blur you almost couldn't see her staff anymore had not for waves of white energy sweeping off it