An Old Foxes Tale

Guys i don't think its possible to tow all these clouds of items back to wolf city like this anna said

they were each towing a cloud behind them piled high with items that they had collected from the battlefield

Chione the small fox was sitting on top of Anna's pile

its two ears perked up and tails blowing in the wind looking like it thought itself the king of Anna's pile

I think this is the biggest massive item drop anyone has ever seen Vanessa said with a laugh

no freaking kidding!

Taekwon said I think we are rich if we sell off some of this stuff I mean

we don't have the means of being able to use all of them

so we go through all the items we collected when we get back

those we can use we will keep those that we cant we sell at the market Ziesoo said

how about we set up our own market Vivian suggested we sort it out categorize everything and take photos of it

and then create a page on the celestial network and put them all up for sale we can set the prices up ourselves if we sell at market they will try to haggle us down and we will lose half the value of what they are worth

thats true Justin said as they drew near to where Sergio and lady Taishen were waiting on their cloud accompanied by one other person

the fox girls all gasped in shock at the sight of a woman with long blond hair six foxtails

and blue eyes she very strongly featured anna was standing on the edge of the cloud waiting for them in a most anxious manner

Nike who is that? Yuqi demanded pointing at her

um she's your mom he informed everyone sheepishly

and you didn't tell us that the other person we rescued is our mom? anna cried in disbelief

well there wasn't a good time to tell you guys with a whole battle going on and I figured when it was over you guys would find out anyways

there's no need to make it a big deal he said quickly

not a big deal are you kidding me? Vivian cried

the first thing you should have told us about when you came to the battle was that our mom was with you Vanessa said

and they hurried now to the elders

you kids are back what is with the huge loads of items you're towing? lady Taishen asked in surprise

we got a massive item drop Takehiko replied with a grin as he set down Bethany on the cloud every single one of the little critters was worth something

Nike if you don't speak to Yuqi because your upset with us she's going to cry and be very unhappy

Vanessa said if you make our sister sad we are going to be angry with you

Nike who was sulking after being scolded was sitting off to the side on his lotus

cast a look in Yuqis direction seeing her tearful and fretful look on her face

unable to do anything about the strong pull his mate already had on him

very well I'm willing to accept an apology he said grudgingly Yuqi you can come here

Yuqi quickly zipped over to him on her cloud

I'm sorry Nike my sisters didn't mean to scold you they talk harshly but they don't mean it ill make it up to you she said

he nodded and let her get on his flying lotus sitting next to him

will someone tell me what's going on? Tamra asked

we scolded Nike and he was offended Anna said

i got that but what does that have to do with my youngest?

why does she have to make anything up to him?

she's my mate thats why Nike stated taking her hand the golden mates fire appeared between them again

their mother's mouth opened and you couldn't tell me this before? Nike?

she asked this is my daughter that I haven't seen since birth

the first words that should have come out of your mouth to me are that my youngest daughter is your mate this is the most important thing you should have told me first

what is this? Nike cried first your girls scold me for not telling them about you and now you use their exact same words to scold me again because of your girls

mom's it's ok let's not start this again anna said quickly trying to diffuse things before it got worse

Nike, I apologize on behalf of our mom and behalf of my sisters she even bowed to him to express her sincerity

he nodded thank you and Yuqi stroked his hair and twined her tails with his to cheer him up

what did you just call me? Tamra gasped

hi mummy we really missed you Vanessa said as she drew her cloud closer

hi mom welcome home Vivian said as she jumped off her cloud

and on to the other one, she was the first person to put her arms around their mother and hug her warmly

anna Vanessa and Yuqi soon joined her so happy that you're alive mom anna said

Tamra was crying tears as her daughters surrounded her embracing her

no, I'm the one who is sorry I had to leave you guys far away from me so that the witch couldn't find you

I hoped that you all survived and grew up well that you would take care of each other together while hiding among the humans

but I missed my daughters so much I never got see you when you were growing up

she kissed each girls cheek I prayed that you won't hate me

we could never hate you mom we always knew there had to be the reason why four of us were left altogether

we always knew we were sisters and had to stick together no matter what anna said

I was on my way to wolf city as soon as I heard the news that the witch was dead Nike

brought me the news report and I saw you girls in battle I'm so proud of all of you anna you trained and taught them so well

thank you i did my best by my sisters

we have a lot of catching up to do Tamra said we can do it all back at wolf city we shouldn't linger here

and you kids can't take these piles of items back like this Tamra said its too much here each of you takes one a piece of this she said

manifesting a large orb in her hand it was glowing

is that fox clan luminescent pearl? Sergio gasped

it sure is I cultivated micro realms inside it to carry around all my belongings

easily so it's not just a pretty ornament from the bottom of the river its actually useful to lug this thing around

the pearl shrank as she split the large pearl into smaller pearls and gave one to each of them

just hold them over your items and watch what happens she instructed

as they did so the piles of items were sucked into the pearls

see easy right? now you carry large sets of items inside your pearls storage space and manifest them whenever you need them

wow thanks, mom! that s really convenient we were just wondering how we were going to get everything back to wolf city

this makes things so much easier Vivian said she pulled some hairs from her tail

and made bracelets for everyone to string their pearl on

what a nice talent you have for weaving Tamra complimented her

I'm the costume designer of the Kitsune Dancers she said this is nothing

costume designer? she asked

we have a dance team anna said us four girls Vivian and Vanessa usually like making our costumes and accessories

we would wear for performances and Yuqi would do hair and makeup

I would be responsible for creating dance choreography and putting together the story

we would put on little plays and shows with dancing and storytelling

but we haven't had much time for anything like that since all this celestial stuff started

happening we had actually entered a dance competition before all of this

but now we have a quest coming up so we have been focused on that mostly actually

we are on our way from the celestial library to gather knowledge about the quest

when we came across these infested woods and rescued you guys

shall we get going everyone lady Taishen said it's getting late let's move and chat

they soon lifted off

and were on the move again flying back to the hotel