Dragons at the Gates

Your Highness Sir ! one of the clan's gate guards yelled as he came running into the throne room where Dimitri was having a meeting with some members of the celestial council sitting at the meeting table

the man skidded to a stop in the middle of the room panting for air

what is it? why do you run so? we are having an important meeting Dimitri said with a frown

we have important visitors at the city gates your highness Celestial Dragons Princes of the East seas two of them he announced

they are here to see Prince Justin and Queen Anastacia about a quest from the gods

what did you tell them? Dimitri demanded sharply

only that prince Justin and queen Anastacia aren't in the city at the moment he replied

did you invite them into the city? he asked getting up from his seat did anyone escort them to wolf tower?

yes sir but they said they were fine with waiting outside for Prince Justin to return he answered

sir they are very powerful dragons he added

i am coming Dimitri said we will have to finish this meeting later he said to the council members

he quickly followed the guard out as the council members left the meeting

is there any updates from Lord Sergio he asked the guard as he accompanied him

no sir not yet! the guard responded

then suddenly his phone went off

Notification report from Lord Sergio

Returning to Wolf City incoming mission to celestial library completed successfully

new celestials found Queen Tamra of Fox Clan previously believed to have passed away is Alive accompanied by Male Fox

Nike son of Odessa handmaiden True Mate of Yuqi youngest fox princess is a new member of Quest Team

Demonic emergence discovered Queen jumping spider nest and hatchlings full infestation of woods southwest route from the celestial library

Queen Tamra and Nike cloud shot down by spiders while flying over the woods

trapped in the woods for two days

rescue of Queen Tamra and Nike carried out and completed successfully

No Injuries and in full health

evacuation of all trapped woodland animals completed successfully

infestation contained and eliminated successfully

queen Spider contained and eliminated successfully

celestial chest level-ups and massive items drop rewarded

cleanup of battlefield completed successfully

woods restored successfully

all woodland animals returned to the habitat

battle footage recorded

there were video files attached

he exhaled in shock so much has happened in such a short time and now we have dragons at our gates he said

they headed to the gates to greet their new arrivals

as Dimitri stepped out of the city gates he saw the two dragons sitting on a cloud above the woods

a Go Table between them a large colorful painted umbrella,

shaded them from the sun while they played their wings draped over the edges of their clouds one was red-winged the other blue-winged

and they were identical in features twin dragons a pair of brothers undoubtedly the mates of the twin fox girls Vivian and Vanessa

Dimitri flew out on a cloud of his own to greet the pair

Hello there! he called out to the two dragons as he approached I am Dimitri King of Wolf Clan

Wolf City extends its welcome and hospitality to you

the red one got to his feet

Hello King Dimitri we respectfully greet you I am Prince Zyle he bowed and came down from the cloud to speak with him

this is my twin brother Prince Zehan of the East Seas Dragon clan

I am informed that you are here to see my son prince Justin about the Quest to the Heavens? Dimitri said

Yes we received the invitation from the gods for the Quest the day of the Black Witch Death we traveled here as quickly as we could to join the team of chosen celestials he answered

Prince Justin and the team left for a visit to the celestial Library this morning to gather knowledge about the quest

they are currently on their way back but were delayed by a Demon Emergence they encountered on the way

but they will be arriving shortly Dimitri explained

ah, we missed another battle with our team? Zehan said in annoyance he made some moves on the go board

I wanted to be here for their next one I saw the last battle footage and

they were all really good warriors who could use some training in their foundations

but they are all very good the gods choose the team for this quest wisely I am looking forward to meeting Prince Justin and Prince Ziesoo

ah my brother is the type to only be interested in cultivating and meeting other warriors Zyle said with a smile

I hope you don't mind I have tried to talk to him about his rudeness and bad habits of not greeting people properly but

it is quite all right Dimitri said there is no need to worry about things like that we are not strict with Etiquette for the most part

however, I would like to ask you both to please come to the city

my son has prepared accommodations for the entire team everyone is staying at Flying Wolf Tower there are rooms

where you can rest and wait for my son and the team to return if you find there is anything you need

we can provide it including food and drink you have been traveling a long time to get here I presume?

a weeks flight Zyle replied and we have brought several things with us that can help the team with their cultivation as we prepare for the quest

there was a notification from his tablet he took it out from inside his coat pocket

Zehan there is an update on their page on the network Zyle said

let me see that? Zehan asked

Dimitri check his phone at the same time the fox clan had updated their page with photos and report from the battlefield

they all looked bright and cheerful posing in front of the giant carcass of a Jumping Spider

its body burned black as it rested on its shell and a huge split right the middle of its big belly that was marked with a now blackened death head

its massive legs were bound in hardened tree roots that were twined around them like vines now burned by fire the battleground was smoking and black around them everything had been razed to the ground

there were lovely photos of queen Tamra with her daughters and

also with the mates, they were all in true form and

looked like they were having fun on their trip Bethany the sacred maiden

a white cloak now graced her shoulders and she was armed with a white battle staff

Nike was an impressive young fox with his four tails and flying lotus flower and mage staff in hand

he and Yuqi looked very adorably good together the cute youngest couple of the group

but they exuded power at the same time they were mages not to be taken lightly

nice! our last member has joined Zehan said we arrived in good timing then everyone is

here we can begin training and preparing seriously and not having to worry about waiting for anyone he said in approval

just then the elevator on the hill dinged alerting them to the arrival of the group

Zehan picked up his umbrella and got to his feet, his go board vanishing in an instant

in his free hand, two wooden boxes appeared one of them floated off his hand and to his brother Zyle who caught it

Anna Justin and everyone else stepped off the elevator unto the hill home sweet home Sergio said a chuckle looking at wolf city below

he called and cloud and lady Taishen and Tamra being seated with him while the kids took off from the hill by their own means the

three elders watched them go with feelings of nostalgia about their own younger days as they flew towards the domed city

Vivian and Vanessa was flitering across the treetops as they raced each other when they were both

brought to a halt by two very handsome young men appearing beside them with long silken black hair and faces so beautiful and sharp

with beguiling jeweled colored scaled eyelids graceful fluttering feathered wings from their shoulders in hues of blue and red

and perfectly identical

they could not be mistaken for anything other than who they were their dragon mates

both were dressed in beautiful traditional outfits of the warrior style one in of ocean colors of blue-green and trimmed in silver and

the other matched him but in vibrant red black and gold they were both tall and well-built warriors and their celestial weapons glowed with energy

the blue dragon carried a colorful parasol over his shoulder and they both held wooden boxes in their hands

hello ladies! Zyle greeted them with a smile allow us to properly greet you we are Zyle and Zehan Princes of East Seas Dragon Clan

they both bowed with a flourish to the two bamboozled girls whose tails were twitching and dancing in delight their mates were so

lovely to look at even more beautiful than they imagined and exuded grace and power around their wings celestial auras burned in the skies

hello we are Vivian and Vanessa Princesses of the Eastern fox clan

we have brought Betrothal gifts as befitting for our mates

the pair offered their boxes and the two girls reached out to accept the box

as they did so they touched hands with the pair

Vivian from Zehan the blue dragon and

Vanessa from Zyle the red dragon

while everyone waited with baited breath watching the scene from a distance anna squeezed Justin's hand in hers

as the golden celestial flames quickly appeared for her sisters she gave a little squeal of happiness Justin laughed hugging her around the waist

Tamra was stunned seeing her twin daughters mates were dragons and such powerful ones too princes of the east seas

Vanessa and Vivian both found themselves in the arms of their mates the moment golden fire appeared

as they held them in their arms each girl clutched their box in hand

open it little fox there's a special gift inside for you Zehan said to Vivian with a warm smile

she nodded and wordlessly opened her box a blue dragons feather was inside

is this it? she asked in surprise she reached into the box and took out the feather and

when she did the feather lit up and shot up into the sky and then it shot down again and entered her body

her mate let her go as light-filled up her body a new cloak covered her shoulders

a beautiful vibrant blue and silver with a roaring dragons head on it the dragon was wearing a crown of silver antler horns on its head

declaring her a princess of the dragon clan

a wing unfurled from her shoulder blue in color matching her mates her wing flapped gracefully in the air keeping

her aloft her celestial weapon hummed with new power

and her quiver of arrows got some new additions dragon scale head arrows that were much more powerful than her regular ones

as she looked around she realized that Vanessa had been through the same transformation her twin sister now wore a red cloak

and had a red wing, flapping gently

from her shoulders, her whip was now glittering on her hip the black leather of its length now covered in vibrant blood-red dragon scales

and the blades on its tail now looked like they were made of deadly serrated dragons teeth that shone in the sunlight

the two sisters flew towards each other with their new wings hugging each other in happiness and squeals before

flying to embrace their respective mates

thank you Vanessa breathed hugging Zyle tightly around the neck his arms encircled her body but that's, not all he said softly in her ear

there's more? she asked gazing up at him wide-eyed he nodded as he leaned down to kiss her as his sigil ring activated around him

Vanessa's expanded around her triggered by his and they collided and interlocked synchronizing and changing to matching red and orange colors

Vanessa couldn't help the smile and lit up her face as she and Zyle kissed again for much longer this time Zyle moaned

his hands roaming up and down her back molding her more closely to his body when Vanessa pulled back his eyes were glowing

as they gazed into hers she cupped his face in her hands her fingers gently tracing his features

he was so handsome and his skin was so smooth and pristine his fine jawline and nose his cheekbones

it could only be described as perfection her roaming fingers gently brushed over his scaled eyelids so beautiful she whispered

enchanted a smiled curled the corner of his lips you are very beautiful too my lady

you smell and taste so exquisitely I want to devour every sweet inch of you

she blushed at his words she didn't think it would be hard for him to do that to her in due time

she was already halfway in love with him as her fingers

slipped into his hair finding it as silken to the touch as it appeared