Dragons Arrival II

wow, they get all that just as betrothal gifts? Bethany breathed in Takehikos arms

if I had a betrothal gift I could give you I would make it as grand as that too Takehiko said

no need for grand gifts I just need you she said pulling his face to hers for a quick kiss

he smiled nuzzling his mate he couldn't wait to get her home to bed it had been a long day

ah this just makes me want to get you home Ziesso said softly to Taekwon sitting astride his tiger spirit next to him

watching the twins embrace their mates Taekwon recalled his spirit so he could ride with Ziesoo

who wrapped his arms around him as he seated in front of him

Ziesoos lips finding the nape of his mates neck

ahh this so wonderful Yuqi squealed throwing herself into her mates arms the pair went tumbling down unto the middle of their lotus flower

Nike laughed as he caught her landing on the soft cushion of the flower center beneath them he didn't

hesitate to take the opportunity to steal a kiss from her

ah I guess everyone's in that kind of mood now Justin said softly to anna noticing the other mated pairs affectionate behavior

she flushed and then suddenly grabbed Justin face and kissed him making him laugh you are catching it too he breathed

as he wrapped his arms around her

hugging her you are too cute he said softly this reminds me I haven't given you any betrothal gifts either what would you like? just name it I can get it for you

I have no idea what even type of gift is suitable for a betrothal gift she answered with wide eyes

when do you want to get married then? he asked she blinked and her eyes further widened

he chuckled why do you look at me so startled my princess hm? he dropped a kiss on her nose

I'm just I wasn't expecting that she gasped I haven't thought about it with the whole quest going on

we all have to get married before the quest starts he said gently we need to write our names in the celestial

book of marriage as official mates thats the requirement for the quest and we were already supposed to be discussing it since it was the plan for us initially anyway

it's not that she said I do want to marry you but now we have my sisters too it will be really a mess if we do it one pair at a time cant we all do it the same time? she asked

you mean just have one big wedding for all of us if that is your wish we can do it i guess it can be arranged we must find a celestial Majester

hey Ziesoo Justin called interrupting the tiger nibbling on his mate's neck

where did you and Taekwon get married? Justin asked

Ziesoo grinned a friend of mine a dragon married us he's really nice guy office in Seoul let me know when

and I will send him notice he'll be more than happy to marry all of you it would raise his prestige as a Majester and he loves to party so

ahem Sergio cleared his throat interrupting all the mated pairs I do recognize this is a happy time for you all but lets

all head in please its been a long day for us elders he said with a smile

Vivian Vanessa Yuqi my daughter's congratulations on finding your mates their mother called to them

she was beaming with happiness and pride as she waved to the pair all four of her daughters were well paired now

Zyle Vanessa Zehan and Vivian flew to the city gates while the others caught up all of them finally entering the city together

anna giving the twin girls hugs when she met up with them congrats Vivi and Nessa and yuqi too come here I'm so happy for all of you!

Anna thank you, big sis, the girls all squeals and giggles of happiness

we all have our mates now we must do something special to celebrate Anna said smiling

a dinner party yuqi said with music food music and dancing and something good to drink just this once their mother said joining them

I have been keeping a barrel of peach wine with me all this time saving it for a special occasion

its the last barrel I saved from the fox clan royal palace before I left

she held up her pearl which was still of a great size despite having been broken down into pieces

it had only half its size now but it was a ridiculously large size, to begin with

the girls were beginning to realize a trend with their mother

mom, you were under attack and fleeing your clan you secured the biggest valuable pearl from the river you could and you still had time to save a whole barrel of wine? anna asked

she smirked well I couldn't let good wine go to waste could I? and luckily now we have a perfect excuse to drink it and enjoy ourselves

its the last barrel of peach wine made by the fox clan from the peaches of our sacred woods

and it very old and nicely fermented now I've been keeping it well all these years

it should be quite delicious she laughed with her eyes dancing merrily

mom you intend to spoil us? Vanessa said with a grin

I absolutely am she replied because I have many years to make up for my dears

she kissed each of her daughter's cheeks I love you my beautiful precious girls so very happy for you the fox clan will have a very

bright future because of you four I will have lots of my grand cubs to raise I am looking forward to it after you all return from your quest

mom! Yuqi cried shocked I'm not ready for a baby yet she cried

you say that now but when your mate gets hold of you will you say no to him?

she teased Yuqi was blushing redder than anything making her sisters laugh

oh my goodness mom you are so cool I imagined you would be a grand and strict person

in a crown and be looking at us like you all are a bunch of misbehaving foxes I must put you all in order

all of you all must be prim and proper princesses and be glaring at us all sharp-eyed and acting all scary

I don't know why I imagined you like that but I did it feels strange to meet you and you're not like that

prim and proper with an imperial attitude please their mother flicked her hair and her tails danced behind her

if you knew me back then you would know that your mother was one of the most frisky

female foxes of her clan in her time your grandparents always thought I would make trouble where ever I go

I have never been prim and proper my entire existence we are foxes, my daughters

the most beautiful and seductive of all-female celestials be proud of it

it's that wildness that creates our auras and mystique of the Fox clan we are mischievous and unruly

we sing and we dance and drink peach wine from the time the sun rises to when stars light the skies

we are queens of the woodlands with the power to command all creatures and living things within the woods

as beautiful and seductive as we are also strong powerful and fierce we are hot blooded loyal and tender-hearted

we love deeply like no others when we are with our mates our allure becomes even more powerful

enjoy who you are, flaunt it, be as shameless as you want my dears, this is the spirit of all foxes we are the definition of untamable

are you charming these girls with your silver tongue again Taishen teased as she joined their group

I was listening too Bethany said behind them the part about the mystique of the Fox clan

sounds so pretty it makes me feel like I'm listening to a legend being told

I could lay down and listen to you tell stories of the old days Sergio sighed happily you are making an old man's heartbeat again

Tamra laughed neither of us is that old that we all still cant seek adventure once more the black witch is dead

we are free to live roam and cultivate across the lands once again she said grandly making the girls laugh

we can all write anew stories and refill the celestial history books with our adventures

we elders have been given a second life now

we might not be in our primes as we used to be but I think we can still show these youngsters a thing or two

Sergio chuckled perhaps I might think about cultivating again if you talk like that

I never stopped cultivating because I had Nike to raise Tamra said

and that explains why you seem still just as youthful and frisky as your daughters are Taishen said laughing

I have missed you dearly Tamra

I have you missed you too Taishen she replied with a smile