Dinner Party and peach wine

as the group entered Wolf tower Zyle and Zehan were engaged in conversation with the boys

about cultivating and martial arts

while they were shown around the tower by a proud Justin

the girls and elders all preparing for the dinner party the girls rearranged the living room

furniture replacing the couches

with a long low table in the middle of the room and surrounding it with over stuffed cushions

for sitting and lounging

and preparing a free space where they intended to have music and dancing

while Sergio ordered plenty of dishes from the royal palace kitchens to be brought over

and Taishen and Tamra were in the kitchen

Tamra manifested the barrel of wine from her pearl that made Taishen cry out shocked and the girls and Sergio rushed into the kitchen

mom! anna cried in disbelief when you said you had a barrel of wine I expected a regular barrel this! she stopped speaking mid sentence too shocked to continue

the barrel of wine their mother had was a giant barrel that reached nearly up to the ceiling it was wide and round as it was tall

and it had a tap on the side of it where wine would come out when opened

this was an actual wine aging barrel that was capable to filling several regular barrels full of wine

we have enough wine that we can enjoy some now

enjoy some on my girls wedding and still have some left over Tamra said with unrepentant grin

some left over mom! this must be like million bottles of wine in this thing Vivian cried

by the ancients! Sergio exclaimed in amazement

shameless wily fox you are! running for your life from the black witch you should indeed take your most precious and important treasures with you

fox clan family heirlooms for your daughters even i would expect

but the precious items you saved from fox clan

is a giant barrel of wine? i dear say i thought i had seen it all but you really make me think again!

yah there is no other barrel of fox clan peach wine in all existence since the black witch attacked our clans

so this barrel is precious Tamra said when was the last time you enjoyed a sip of our wine? and

there will not be another barrel like this ever made again

unless the peach tree at your hotels entrance decides to graces us with fruit and we have someone who can cultivate them properly

the taste of our fox clan wine which is like the nectar of the gods and

can no longer be enjoyed by the clans the world over

my barrel is the only one left so will you quibble over how i stole it?

or enjoy the rare opportunity of drinking it with me and my daughters instead?

this barrel is well over a few hundred years old she tempted him with a smirk tapping clawed fingers on the barrel she arched an eyebrow

i will not turn down such a lovely offer Tamra my dear Sergio said with a grin let me have a sip of your wine i dear say this old mans heart is experiencing thrills

he hasn't had in a long time let me get drunk just once in my old age he laughed

oh my goodness anna and the girls cried breaking into giggles and laughter

with Taishen's help Tamra opened the tap and filled a jug of wine for each person twelve jugs for the quest team

and three jugs for themselves and one extra for Dimitri who was joining them later

the food soon arrived and the table was laid with a feast

the celebration dinner began with the fox girls dancing and entertaining everyone

their mother and Sergio regaled them with stories of the old days

Dimitri arrived in the midst of it all and immediately was pulled to sit down on the cushions at the table

by Sergio who already wore a face flushed red from the peach wine as he grinned at him and put his jug of wine in his hand

drink my son! he urged him jovially queen Tamra has saved a wonderful barrel of peach wine

from fox clan all these years

that wily Tamra this is the only chance you will get to enjoy a taste until the kids have their wedding

drink i say! Dimitri cautiously sipped from his jug his eyes widening in shock it was very good wine

and tasted so so sweet and delicious

he wanted to drink the entire jug then and there

savor it well my son Sergio said thumping his back this the last barrel made from true celestial peaches grown in the sacred wood

you'll never get to enjoy wine this good again once it is gone

drinking this makes me feel so happy it takes me back and so sad that i want to cry

if we can only find the sacred wood again in this life it would be a dream come true for us all he rocked in his seat

Dimitri was shocked he had not seen his father drunk like this in his life that he could recall he looked around seeing everyone making merry and the table laid with food

music played from a stereo somewhere he took up a dish and began to fill it with food

as Justin sat down beside him suddenly dad Justin said with grin this is the best isn't it? like old times again he ruffled his dads hair and hugged him with one arm

unaccustomed to such a displays of affection from Justin he only stared at his son in surprise

his face was flushed and his eyes shining brightly

he was nicely tipsy as he held his wine jug in his free hand

he chuckled if only your mother could see you now kid he thought

he began to eat the food while he son on one side and father on the other side of him talked and laughed with him

the kids all lounged eating and chatting with their mates

Taishen chatted gaily with Tamra beside her the mood was so good and warm around the table

it was a wonderful feeling to have laughter and good time in the family it had been a long time

since it was so lively he dearly wished his wife was still alive to see it

ahh! crash! screech skitters as she finally broke the chained shackles from her hands she lifted her head back and released a roar Freedom!