Morning After Roars

ahh! crash! screech skitters as she finally broke the chained shackles from her hands she lifted her head back and released a roar freedom!

the entire dungeon shook and she summoned her true form four black wolf tails danced faintly behind her drained of energy they flickered

from visible to translucent from her efforts to break the sealed shackles on her hands that bound her power

but she had just enough celestial power left she circulated her energy and cultivation and then summoned her celestial weapon

a beautiful white zither appeared in her hands she stood it up and played a striking song the bars of her cell bent and broke and she walked out of her cell

finally! she breathed

ODESSA!! she roared to the other side of the dungeon where the other prisoner was being held

EVELYN! she roared back

i am coming! she roared running

she jumped across the cliff that kept their cages separated in the

dark rocky underground cave

she played her zither and landed safely on the other side

rushing to the other woman's cage she continued to play the

shackles from Odessa's hands shattered on the floor now and the bars of her cage broke open and the female

fox warrior walked out thank you Evelyn now lets get out of this dank place shall we? the female fox smiled

and nodded as she changed to her true form she summoned her celestial weapon and a pair of clawed gloves

appeared on her hands and boots on her feet a fighting staff came to her hand and her dark brown four fox tails appeared

she began to spin her staff gathering power it spun with strong whooshing sounds and began to glow with energy

evelyn began to play a tune on her zither and with united roars the two released their power firing a blast of power towards the ceiling above them

blowing hole in the ceiling as the sunlight beamed in from the outside along with the fresh air

yes both of them roared and summoned a cloud

leaping unto it they rose into the air they were on island a huge ragged black rock in the middle of a fast flowing black river

where are we? Evelyn asked in shock

is this a realm? Odessa asked

it had better not be Evelyn replied let me try to reach my mate

she sat down and closed her eyes circulating her energy she opened her mind and connected the link to her mates mind

he was asleep he had been drinking why? she wondered she took a quick check of recent events in her mates memories and gasped in shock

he believed she was dead like Odessa there had been a body of hers found murdered by the black witch

her body indeed because it was her clone that the witch had made after taking her blood

many years had gone by the clans had struggled to survive many had died

recent attacks by the witch a terrible curse now broken Tamra Fox Queen believed dead had emerged from hiding with Odessa Son Nike

was alive and now mated to the youngest of the fox queens daughters she smiled that might cheer up Odessa hand maidens son now mated to a princess was an honor

the other three daughters had grown up well they were also accompanied by their mates Prince of Wolf clan her own son Justin to the eldest daughter

and a pair of twin fox girls now mated to twin princes of dragon clan

prince of tigers and his mate as well as a primordial celestial gate keeper

and the celestial sacred maiden they were all together

they had killed the witch broken her curse and now there was a quest on the horizon to free the gods the new legends were already beginning for the next generation of celestials

Dimitri she spoke into his mind Dimitri my love can you hear me? at first he didn't respond

but then suddenly his presence was surrounding her

Evelyn? he breathed is it really you?

are you my mate Evelyn? he asked again

it is me Dimitri she assured him i am here i am not dead it was a fake body of me that the witch made

i was held captive with Odessa hand maiden of Tamra we have just escaped her dungeon

because the power that sealed it weakened considerably and now i know the details from your mind as to why after so long the witch is finally dead

we are free but we don't know where we are

what do you see? he asked

a black river we were locked inside a large black rock in the middle of a black river its very fast flowing it seems like a realm but it seems not because i can still reach you even though its been so long

of course you can reach me love he replied i always keep this connection open even though i thought i had lost you i couldn't bring myself to close it

you can always reach me even if you are dead then your spirit must reach me Evelyn

we are drained of celestial energy she informed him we only had enough to break out of the dungeon and get out of there we could call a cloud but we don't know how far we must fly to the bank if we run out of power midway

stay there don't do anything me and the kids and everyone will come for you nothing

will stop us i love you Evelyn wait for me i will come for you hold on

i will wait i love you too i love our son i want to come home Dimitri

you will wait for me wait for your son we will come no matter what it takes

Dimitri woke up with a roar that shook the entire royal palace and even in flying wolf tower rousing everyone from their sleep

despite having drunk the night before

the fox siblings all woke up in bed in the arms of their mates all four of them were fully bonded to their mates now

the result of a night of drinking peach wine and enchanted by their mothers allure that was released throughout the tower after she got drunk

caused everyone to fall into a thrall that could only be satisfied by their mates

even the dragons had not been immune to it

ugh who the hell is roaring so hard in the bloody morning Zyle groaned pulling a pillow over his head Vanessa moaned her body wrapped around his she curled her tails around her self

as the roar came again shaking everyone out of bed

what the hell

justin cried falling out of bed that shook beneath them like an earthquake at his fathers roaring summoning his clothes and gear anna joined him getting dressed

why is your dad roaring what is going on? she asked she and Justin ran from their room meeting her sisters and their mates coming out of their rooms in the hallway

you did it too Yuqi cried pointing to the new tattoo that graced her neck like her sisters she was also now mated and marked

no time to chit chat the king roars lets go the four girls rushed from their rooms and down the stairs meeting everyone in the living room

and then Justin headed for the door his father was pounding on it when he opened the door his father stood there

Sergio and lady Taishen flew down on a cloud landing behind him a moment later

Dimitri what is with the roaring what's going on? Sergio asked worriedly

dad what is it? Justin asked his fathers face was grim and pale as he put a hand on his shoulder

your mother is alive he stated

what dad you're not making any sense Justin said in disbelief

he pushed him back into the living room insistently

Listen to me Justin your mother is alive he stated she's has contacted me through our mate link only your mother can reach me like that

she was held prisoner by the witch in a dungeon somewhere

her death was a fake orchestrated by the witch and now she is in need of rescue urgently

we have to go find her i told her to wait for us she said she was was sealed in a dungeon but the seal recently weakened because the witch died she used up her power to break out just to escape so her tails have shrunk

she doesn't know where she is and she doesn't have the strength to make it back on her own we must go find her

and you he said pointing at at Nike over Justin's shoulder

me sir? Nike asked pointing to himself eyes wide in shock

your mother is alive she is with her he stated

Nikes eyes went wide my mom is alive?

who is alive? Tamra asked jumping off a cloud having rushed over from the palace

my mom!

both Justin and Nike answered at the same time giving her wide eyed looks

wait what? she gasped confused

they both are Dimitri said Evelyn and Odessa are alive they are together they were held captive in the same dungeon by the witch and they just escaped together they need help we have to go rescue them Dimitri said

where are they son Sergio said putting a hand on his shoulder did they give you any details?

she said they were locked inside a black rock in the middle of fast flowing black river

she thinks its a possible realm but its impossible for her to reach me through

mind link from another realm the barrier that protects a realm would have blocked her he said

so she's here on earth somewhere we just need to figure out where Justin said

Justin you are my son i raised you myself you took knowledge from the celestial library didn't you? Dimitri said walking past Justin and going into the meeting room he sat down

everyone followed him in and gathered around the table

i taught you to do that never go into a place like the library without taking everything you can

i don't care how i don't care why

and i have no knowledge of any such things happening

this conversation never happened understand not a single word to anybody outside this tower on this my son never took knowledge from the celestial library got it

understood everyone agreed

but right now you are going to use it to find your mother and bring her Home his fist landed on the table with a solid thump