Finding Evelyn and Odessa

anna quietly ordered everyone breakfast and were soon serving plates of sandwiches tea and coffee to everyone as they began working in the meeting room

Justin's father was organizing rescue teams talking with the commander of his royal guard on his phone

Bethany was busy working at her laptop set up on the table she was looking at several maps and rivers

it would be great if we knew what kind of conditions they are in is it warm climate or cold one there are several black rivers on earth one is in the amazon another is in Africa if we could get some kind a description?

anna set a cup of coffee and a plate of sandwiches next to her thank you so much anna she said

she nodded and moved on to justin she rubbed his shoulder comforting as she gave him a mug of tea and putting his plate on the table next to him

but i am guessing if that was the case they would just be able to fly home Justin said sipping his tea

and she thinks its possible realm which means that something about the conditions there are distinctly different from here on earth somehow that tells her its not a normal place

i think i got it Takehiko said he was sitting at one of the large crystals of forbidden knowledge cross-legged on the floor

he was using his powers to search the crystal for the information his hands were holding a ball of swirling energy

while the crystal glowed next to him streams of energy moving back and forth from the crystal to his hands

while he worked a sigil ring spun on the floor slowly beneath him

he was using his high level celestial abilities to make the search for knowledge easier

what is it Takehiko? Justin asked

there are two black rivers in celestial knowledge both of them are not good he said

they are not realms they are dens where immortal demon beast reside

what? immortal demon beast dens? Sergio breathed

they are like realms in some regard but they are not completely they are actually illusion worlds created by the power of demon beast that dwell there Takehiko continued

they are here on earth and its possible to find them but its extremely hard to get in and out of them the most direct way to get them back out of there is to break the illusion world by killing the beast but since its an immortal beast

thats pretty much impossible for us celestials only a true god might be able to take it down Sergio said

one of these beast was killed by a god a long time ago but the god almost died in the battle Takehiko continued it has since been reborn and no one else has faced it since

too dangerous a method for you kids to take on Sergio said we need a option that actually possible to let us take people in and out of there safely

the black witch must have gotten in there somehow Justin said and she took two people in there and she made a dungeon there so that tells me there is definitely a route into that place that

she used to travel back and forth in and out of there multiple times in fact and without disturbing the beast that dwells there so

indeed Takehiko replied according to the knowledge the illusion dens all have places where they are weakest like hidden entrances and so its possible breech them

the god who faced the beast did not do so by choice he fell into the den by accident and had to fight his way back out again

Sergio nodded so there is a good chance the black witch found and used one of these hidden entrances if we could find it then we could use the same entrance

we might be able to get in and create an escape route to get those two out

now which den is it? he asked there is a distinction that one beast den has an island and the other does not correct?

indeed Takehiko answered out of the two this one is the worst

Demonic Kateula Kraken king of Sea monsters he that sleeps under the river

if they are to escape they must cross the river without waking this kraken King

it has the power to control the river create storms its tentacles carry toxic poisons

its armed with sharp teeth and spines its especially strong with powerful tentacles that crush things and it will kill anything that enters its domain

so essentially we got a one giant pissed off octopus to deal with Justin said

an octopus with demonic powers mind you and a consciousness in the story of the god who faced it Kraken King can speak! Takehiko said

damit! this just gets harder and harder doesn't it? we aren't catching a break on this one Justin said putting his head in his hands

its ok justin we are all here we will bring your mother home ziesoo said patting him on shoulder and you too Nike who was sitting quietly with Yuqi

he nodded i just feel really useless right now he said i feel like there should be something i should be doing to help you guys find them

its ok Yuqi said just hold tight when we figure out how to find them we will all go save them ok

Nike nodded holding tight to Yuqis hand