a gateway to hell and stealing from a kraken

if its Odessa and Evelyn they will definitely not be just sitting waiting for rescue Tamra said

i agree! Taishen said those are two obstinate female warriors who will fight for their lives

knowing they have mates and children to return to

Takehiko continue the story Bethany urged him what happened after the god killed the beast the illusion world shattered right?

correct! Takehiko said and he was standing on a snowy mountain top and a great storm blew about him it took him several days journey due to frequent storms the freezing cold and he was heavily injured to fly across the mountains by cloud and finally reaching Kunlun to be treated for his festering wounds it wasn't the battle directly that almost killed him it was the trip to Kunlun afterwards that did it

what is it with these ancient celestials and their snowy mountain tops? Bethany complained

they just love freezing their butts off don't they?

do you have any idea how many snowy mountains there are in Asia? that could be anywhere and given that they were storms

that extended the journey who knows what direction he could have travelled in?

wait a minute she breathed the storms! hold on!

she was working away

i got it! i think its the Himalayas! she cried jumping to her feet it has to be during a certain time of year

the Himalayas including and most especially mount Everest are subject to frequent storms blizzards rain avalanches and other conditions

thats the reason why mount Everest has certain times of year mainly in the spring where its safe to climb but you cant do so the rest of the year its too dangerous

and the Himalayas ran all the way to Kunlun back then according to the information we gathered for the quest Justin said

a glacier she and Justin both breathed in shock

it has to be they are in a place where there is a black river but its on a mountain top

with an island Justin said

however a glacier is considered a river as its frozen ice that moves Bethany said and certain parts of glaciers the ice melts it becomes water and its fast moving plus most glaciers in the Himalayas

will carry sediments rocks and such were frozen and mixed with the ice so they will appear to be black

hold on let me she got back to work Gangotri Glacier!

she cried a moment later and i think we have its entrance she cried

there's an opening there a cave mouth that the river flows from its the source and its considered a holy place people make pilgrimages there to pray

there is even a legend about it being a possible doorway to hell

and if someone with evil intentions goes up there they will suffer from mental anguish night mares melancholy

some kind of physiological effects until they die a miserable death

which sounds exactly like the effects of the miasma around an immortal demons den

would cause on humans that got too close to it Sergio said

everyone looked at each other

what are we waiting for then everyone gear up for cold weather we got people to go rescue lets move! Justin ordered

soon there was a flurry of activity as everyone got ready dressing in their warmest winter gear

two troops of wolf clan warriors fully geared up everyone was preparing to go

the pitch black waters crashed against the rocky cliff as the black river flowed with force around them

the water was pitch black and nothing could be seen alive in it as Evelyn told Odessa about everything she had learned from her mate

about the recent things that had occurred the death of black witch being of the greatest significance which explained

the reason why the witch's seal on their prison had weakened and they were able escape

the survival of Tamra and Nike Odessa's queen and son that brought tears of happiness to

Odessa eyes she had lived for long not knowing if they had survived or not

Tamras four daughters their mates and the quest they were all now facing

we cant just sit here and wait for rescue not even knowing where we are Odessa said to evelyn

ill fly up and take a look

be careful Odessa Evelyn urged we cant have just escaped only to face death immediately afterwards

ill just try to see if we can see land there has to be river bank on the other side

its just too far away from where we are that we cant see it from here

she called a cloud mounting it she rose slowly up into the air flying above the river

there was a sudden roar of noise as the waters of river boiled and crashed turning over then

several giant tentacles burst out of the waters

below the skies

crashed with thunder and lightning as miasma spewed into the air that came somehow from below the water that had started to glow

oh no Odessa breathed when suddenly a massive huge beast roared from the deep

celestials in my domain!!! how dare you!! he roared his tentacles roared out of the waters i shall kill you and eat you!! he roared

they stretched into the air and Odessa shot her cloud down landing back on the island

as the pair found themselves surrounded by slimy spiny poisonous tentacles

that were now beginning to wrap around around their island with intense purpose

we must get back inside Evelyn screamed the pair jumped back into the dungeon hiding within the cave the witch had built

this is an immortals demons beast den Evelyn breathed in panic a tentacle shot down the hole they had jumped into and began to feel around searching for them

i will find you filthy celestials!! he roared enraged

they moved deeper into the cave but there wasn't a place inside the rock that the dam octopus couldn't reach with its tentacles

Odessa fired her claws from her gloves as a tentacle reach their hiding place the razor sharp claws were on retractable chains that wound around

the end spiny end of the tentacle the claws cutting through the beast muscular limbs to sever it

the tentacle fell to the floor with a hissing sound as it shriveled up and some celestial energy came out of it which Odessa quickly absorbed

as the demon beast roared in pain above

you have cut me!! he roared i will kill you!! stinky celestials!! how dare you cut me!!

his roars of fury shook the entire island like a giant earthquake they could barely stay on their feet

not if we kill you first Odessa said Evelyn we are both low on power and that demon beast is full of it

my claws has the ability to drain celestial energy when they catch something

here is what we going to do

I'm going to shoot my claws into the next tentacle that comes in here

we wont cut it off we try to use my claws as a conduit

i want you to help me drain this bastard of all the celestial power you can take

i can create a formation with my zither to protect us Evelyn said

the beast roared above and there was cracking sound as large rocks began to break from above and come crashing inside

the beast was breaking into the island trying to tear it apart to get to them

as its tentacles snaked inside Evelyn played her zither and created a formation around her and Odessa a tentacle came down their cave

Odessa fired her claws burying them deep inside the thickest part of the tentacle she could

the chains of the claws began to light up and glow as streams of celestial energy began to be absorbed the beast roared

but the characteristic of Odessa's weapons was that once her claws were buried in prey

they would not release unless Odessa allowed it further more

the more the beast thrashed and tried to pull its tentacle out the cave

the deeper her claws would bury themselves tunneling into the beast tentacle

the only way to get her claws out would be cut off the tentacle from its root before her claws tunneled their way to the beast main body and took hold

her claws had unlimited extension giving her indefinite reach once she intended to catch a prey there would be no escape from her

grab unto my tail Evelyn! she ordered who did so and then Evelyn began to circulate her energy and absorbing energy

through Odessa's tail from the chains that was now pumping vast amounts of energy into the pair

but this demonic beast was immortal even with this much power was having a massive effect of both female warriors

as their energy levels were soon restored to full and their tails burst with energy as new traditional robes swept unto their bodies and

celestial weapons became more powerful their bodies also becoming physically stronger

and more powerful waves of aura glowed around their bodies

the beast roared and thrashed sending more tentacles to get them

only caused it to become more entrapped as Odessa's chains twined around the limbs

this immortal demon beast was learning a most valuable lesson

there is still a lot of energy left in this beast Odessa cried

of course there is its an immortal Evelyn cried

lets take it for our children they have a quest coming up to free the gods they will need all the power they can get

the two began to further drain the beast cultivating energy orbs they would take back for their sons daughters in laws

and the members of their team they all should be able to get at least a tail of two of these orbs

Odessa said what a windfall for us and them as the beast raged above them we have to make it back alive with them first Evelyn said

filthy celestials how dare you steal my power i will never let you leave here alive!! my power belongs to me!!!

ill kill you all!! the beast furious roared and raged soon twelve orbs bursting with pure celestial energy was complete and Evelyn secured them for travel

now how to get out here Odessa said the pair ran deeper into the back of the cave with their newly restored energy

they were able to break a new hole in their island dungeon and calling a cloud Odessa retracted her claws

the beast gave a roar as its tentacles were all severed by the claws and sharp chains of her weapons distracted by its injury the beast roared releasing the rock and dropping back into the water with a mighty splash

Odessa and Evelyn made their escape from the back of the rock leaping unto a cloud

they took flight flying away from the river they were soon crossing the river bank and

flying over a dense woods covered in heavy demonic miasma

they had no choice but to land the miasma polluted the air

and it was hard to breathe on the ground however was an entirely different story

there has to be a way out of this place Odessa hissed as they trekked through the forest on foot

i cant even communicate with the woodland since its all demonic here dam it