Dad! Justin flew to the throne room where his father was speaking to council members giving final orders before

they all left for the rescue mission

what is it Justin? he asked

we checked weather conditions using the satellites from the command center

its a no go for using clouds the weather is very severe this time of year up there

however, Ziesoo says he can portal us there since we can provide him a visual and coordinates on the ground

and it would be faster than flying anyways since it would take us a few hours to get there by cloud

but we would need to leave the portal open at this end so Takehiko and Bethany choose to stay behind to help guard it on this side

then we open it here his father replied we can close the throne room and station a troop of guards until we all return Dimitri said

ill tell everyone to assemble here then Justin said he flew from the throne room and back to the tower

Ziesoo portal is a go we are leaving from the throne room! he yelled

Ziesoo and Taekwon came down the stairs geared up thats great we are ready to go then

Anna and her sisters the dragons Tamra and Sergio were also going

Taishen was staying behind with Takehiko and Bethany to provide support

everyone was assembled and fully armed with their celestial weapons

we are ready for our first mission Zehan said with a smile finally I might get to engage in battle with you all here's to a successful mission

he said holding out his hand to Justin they shook

Justin smiled hopefully you will I look forward to it everyone lets go

the tower was emptied as they all made their way to the palace and

entered the throne room two troops of warriors were assembled there with Dimitri waiting

ziesoo you may open the portal he said

ziesoo stood in the center of the room and spun

his hands extending them out into a wide circle as he did purple energy glowed from his hands and a ball of energy

swirled in his hands and then expanded it became a very big doorway with a sigil ring spinning above it

beyond the doorway, they could see mountains and lots of snow freezing cold breeze even blew into the throne room through the portal

some of the guards in the room even began to shiver

today wolf clan and the gods chosen warriors will go forth into the den of an immortal demon Dimitri spoke to everyone

we go to save two celestial females who are beloved mothers of children who have in the past mourned their loss

because of the black witch today we learn of their survival today we learn of their imprisonment by the black witch

today will go into that den and reclaim our lost loved ones we will not let the black witch

continue to have a legacy of taking our mothers our mates our families and loved ones from us anymore

today we will bring them home for the wolf clan and most importantly for our children!

the men in the throne room cheered in agreement

now let us all steel our resolve and go forth Dimitri said

they all marched through the portal and into the freezing cold of the mountains

Bethany Takehiko and Taishen waited on the side watching them go come back safely Bethany said waving to Anna

we will Anna said waving with a smile

they were standing in inches of snow the second they stepped through the portal into air so cold and thin anna almost couldn't breathe for a good minute

but thankfully yuqi cast a shield over everyone before they all froze on the spot

from the high winds that were howling around them, anna called her element

creating a flame that burned above them inside the shield spreading heat

and keeping everyone warm

thank goodness we have a fire elemental with us Sergio said in relief

even though I'm wearing the warmest winter gear it still too cold

you're welcome anna said with a faint smile

everyone made it through alright? Justin asked

yes sir he got an answer from the troop

we are all here Zyle said

all right let's get going the entrance is up ahead he said

taking annas hand they walked a short distance in the snow to the mouth of a giant hole in the side of the mountain

where streams of demonic miasma were coming out like plumes of smoke drifting up into the air

this is definitely it Dimitri said

good job to Bethany for figuring this location we must thank her when we return all right everyone put on your gas mask

make sure they are on correctly make sure your oxygen flows well we don't want anyone getting sick from

inhaling the miasma to try to avoid all miasma plumes like these when we go in he pointed to the spots around the cave entrance where miasma was flowing out

also, everyone stay quiet and do not use your powers unless you have to we do not want to wake the beast

everyone got on their mask everyone was checked thoroughly Dimitri called a cloud

and they all mounted up and slowly descended into the hole

at first, it was just a dark cave and miasma rose from the bottom but as they continued to go down they passed through a barrier and was on the other side

anna did a gesture like sprinkling something in her hand to Vanessa who nodded a released a willow wisp next to the hole in the barrier they had just come through

attached itself to the hole a small white glowing bobbing flame they were sitting on a cloud in the sky over a thick dark jungle-like forest,

below them, clouds of miasma drifted like mist over everything

and then they began to hear the roaring

Filthy Celestials I will kill you!! how dare you cut me!! how dare you steal my power!! it is mine!! everything is mine!!! I will find you I will eat you I will take my power back!!

and the sounds of rumbles and crashing and screams of fury

you cut me!! I will make you pay!! it roared again

sounds like Odessa and Evelyn already woke the beast Dimitri said

they most likely have fled and are somewhere here in these woods we must track them down everyone stay together

they quietly flew over the woods as the beast rampaged its roars could be heard from a great distance away

and they soon came to the black river where the scene of a great battle had been fought a large black rock island sat in the middle of it

and it was covered in goo and chunks of what looked like octopus tentacles scattered here and there as they landed on it and began examining the place for clues

the rock had two massive holes blasted in it one to the front and the other to the back

this is where they escaped from Sergio said softly and look there the back hole there are traces of celestial aura around it seems they have restored themselves somehow

the beast is roaring that they stole his power Justin said

Odessa has weapons celestial claw gloves with retractable chains that can absorb celestial energy

Tamra said this looks like all her handy work see the way the tentacles are cut up her chains would have done that

most likely they hid inside the island so the beast would have to dig them out its huge body cant fit inside

but then Odessa would have trapped its tentacles with her claws and absorbed its energy through the chains

and Evelyn would have helped her by using her zither here Dimitri said there were celestial markings burnt into the rock

indicating they had used a protective formation for some time

my lord over there on the other bank one of the troop members reported we found traces of celestial aura on the other side

so they crossed to the other bank following their traces they had gone through the woods on foot

to avoid the miasma since they don't have gas mask

their traces of aura were left on the trees and ground as they passed by he said they can be tracked that way

they are going in the wrong direction Dimitri said the exit is back the way we came on the other

side of the river they are headed deeper into the beast territory

ill try to see if I reach Evelyn

Evelyn! he called out with his mind where are you can you hear me

Dimitri! she answered I am here

we are here we all came to save you

he replied we are at the river you and Odessa are going the wrong way you need to come back to the river the exit is on the other side

Evelyn stopped Odessa in her tracks they were deep in the jungle staying out of the path of the beast

that the immortal demon had unleashed to search for them

what is it? Odessa asked

we are going in the wrong direction we must go back

how do you know that? Odessa asked

Dimitri is here, everyone has come to save us, even the children he says the exit is behind us on the other side of the river

Odessa looked back we have come so far in the wrong direction

let's use a cloud to fly back it will be faster ill use a formation to protect us

it will attract the Beast Odessa said

we don't have a choice Evelyn said our children are in danger the longer they risk their lives coming here to save us

we must go back

then we fly as swiftly as possible Odessa agreed he called a cloud Evelyn casting a formation

above them, they began to fly back the way they came,

naturally, the jungle burst into activity as all kinds of giant crabs and other creatures appeared

and began to chase after them the trees sprouted vines that did their best

to shoot them down Odessa made use of her claws and Evelyn unleased attacks from her zither

the immortal beast alerted began to roar the entire place began to shake with its fury

I have found you filthy celestials you will not escape from me!! it roared

back on the river, everyone heard the beast roars as the ground and sky shook the waters of the River began to boil to crash clouds gathered overhead as lightning and thunder rumbled

elders go back quickly Dimitri ordered Tamra and Sergio when that beast comes we will have a fight on our hands

which is why you need us even more Tamra said

everyone retreated from the island back to the other side of the river where Sergio cast a formation over the group to protect everyone

guys gather round Justin ordered

this beast has the power to control this entire den take nothing for granted

anna and I can work together let's see if we cant clear this area of this miasma mist to make it easier

we can take control of the river if we can purify the waters Zehan said

it might be difficult the waters are filled with miasma thats why it's so black because the beast lives in it Justin said

that may be so but we are dragons of east seas all water must answer to us Zyle

lets us try it will at least give us a shot at taking this thing down in the story it was defeated after all despite being immortal

and Odessa was able to cut it up pretty easily with her weapons maybe there is a way to kill it Vanessa said

its immortality may lie in its ability to regenerate and not necessarily in its ability to stay alive Vivian added

I understand what you guys are saying Justin said but let's not take the chance lets just give ourselves

enough of strong chance to rescue those two and get everyone out of here

we will not continue to risk our lives fighting something we cant kill

Ziesoo and Taekwon stand by to portal everyone out of here just in case

got it they both answered

Vivian and Vanessa protect the formation with everything you got it must not be breached

yuqi and Nike help support the troops and elders and support the formation

okay everyone let's do this the kids all changed to their true forms

what are you kids doing Tamra cried

what we can Justin answered