Kraken Battle II

they all flew out of the formation

the dragons began to take charge of the river

the black flowing waters rising under Zehans control the water began to bubble steaming as Zyle heated the waters

burning off the miasma in the water

plumes of black miasma began to pour out of the water into the air

Justin took control of the winds blowing away the miasma that hung over the river and

Forrest into a thick bank of miasma upriver away from them a storm brewed on the horizon

thunderbolts began to strike down from the storm clouds into the land

beast started to come out of the jungle erupting out of the ground giant crabs

even snakes and other beast everything was coming alive including the trees in response to this

the immortal beast roared in the distance as it started heading back towards the river alerted by all the activity and celestial presence there

while the formation that Sergio had created was swiftly surrounded by beast of every shape and size and the troops they had brought with them was fighting and holding them off

Vanessa was using clones armed with her whip to surround the formation of the outside

like an army holding them off with their sharp whips and cutting down waves of the monsters every time a monster died

it released celestial energy much to the shock of the elders inside the formation Vivian arrows were flying taking down huge swarms

while yuqi and Nikes staffs glowed with power as they kept control over the formation holding a strong shield over everyone

the elders quickly began to cultivate the new energy using it strengthen themselves and the troops so they could fight longer and reinforce the formation with energy

they were doing fine even in this situation it was an added advantage

soon their side of the river was cleared of miasma and beast the waters of the river

on their side was also successfully purified by the dragons and they could now make use of it

the beast was barreling towards them out of the trees on the other side of the river

came the sound of music as two female celestials on a cloud burst out of the trees

racing towards them with a massive swarm of beast of their tails Zyle and Zehan immediately

controlled the waters sweeping a huge wave of now purified water into the swarm

drowning the monsters and washing them into the river

allowing the two to escape the horde and make it across the river safely

they flew towards the formation directly everyone

retreat Justin ordered now he roared

as everyone began to flee flying on clouds or other means heading back the way they had come following

vanessa's willow wisp along the way so they can track their path back to the exit the immortal

the beast gave chase roaring its fury anna Justin and the dragons holding it off from behind to give the others the chance to get out

with their elements, because of its soft body, it was difficult for it to be able to block attacks

anna was firing fireballs staffing off its writhing tentacles

and Zyle and Zehan and Justin were throwing everything they had at it

from freezing its tentacles underneath to slow down its movements to using the winds to topple the trees in its path

it only grew more enraged and as it did it grew bigger and bigger expanding into an enormous size

they were fleeing for their lives

Vivian anna cried I need your arrows Vivian notched three arrows

flying into the air as anna joined her aim for the miasma bank anna cried

as Vivian fired her arrows glowing missiles anna added her fire to them as they streaked into the miasma bank overhead it exploded

into the flames, the skies were burning and streams of flames raining down everywhere

as the miasma plumes burned

Justin directed the winds to spread the flames more as the miasma mist that covered the forest

all burst into the flames the entire illusion world was burning anna spun a tower of flames around the beast

fed from some nearby burning plumes finally bringing it to halt as it screamed and roared engulfed in flames

the beast turned to flee back towards the river

as they fled exiting the world and flying to the surface

get to the portal Dimitri yelled as they emerged once more into the freezing cold of the mountain

they all flew to the portal a roar could be heard from the cave behind them

they all flew into the throne room tumbling and crashing into the startled soldiers that guarded it

everything was a chaotic mess for a few minutes as everyone rushed through the portal

crashing and tumbling on the floor and the portal blew in snow and

debris after them the sound of the demons beast angered roars came through the portal before ziesoo closed it

oh my, goodness did everyone make it back safely? Lady Taishen cried rushing forward with Takehiko and Bethany to greet everyone

never again am I going on some hair-brained mission with all you Tamra yelled we almost died Taishen helped her to her feet

by the ancients! Sergio cried he was lying on the floor I haven't had an adventure like that since I was young

I am definitely too old for such things now he got to his feet helping up the troop members around him to their feet

Evelyn! Dimitri cried, mom! Nike yelled

we are here! both women cried as Bethany and Takehiko came to help the pair to their feet

they were entangled with some of Vanessa clones

banded together and used their wings to embrace the two protectively

as they fled out of the den without gas mask to protect them from the miasma

they had been effectively shielded as the clones dissipated thanks to Takehiko and Bethany

the two women were embraced by their happy children Nike and Justin

Evelyn! Dimitri cried embracing her and his son we thought you were gone forever welcome home

Tamra it's so good to see you Nike! my beautiful boy! Odessa said crying happy tears hugging her son and Tamra at the same time

anna and her sisters were all sitting in a group

together on the floor are you guys okay anna asked checking each of her sisters we are fine they all told her

as the two dragons came over to check on Vanessa and Vivian each hugging their mates into their arms

ziesoo and Taekwon were surrounded by grateful troop members at the last moment

they had flown a troop of men out of there on the backs of their tiger spirits

making sure no one had been left behind everyone had made it back safely

you all did wonderfully well today lady taishen said its a miracle so glad you all made it out of there

especially at that last moment when the beast turned into the massive size, it was right on top of us Tamra agreed

anna and Vivian you girls saved us all with that last-minute attack Sergio added

I just gambled that all that built up miasma might be a good powder keg once

ignited anna said we needed something,

a big enough of a disaster to stop such a huge creature so we could escape safely and it worked like a charm

yes it did you saved our lives Evelyn said thank you, girls, so much for everything you did today

wolf clan owes you everything

it's nothing Justin is my mate I'm very happy to have been able to help him bring his mom home anna said

thats right I was missing for many years same as you two Tamra piped up I've only just been reunited with my girls

and they saved me and Nike to that day from a dangerous situation

and they have a quest coming up I think we should go easy on the dangerous rescues for now for their sake Dimitri said with a smile

everyone laughed at that not because it was funny but because of the feeling of relief that everyone felt

at having survived such a dangerous escapade as everyone recovered their senses

and the troop members picked up the equipment they had all brought back with them

the gas mask and oxygen tanks from the floor of the throne room

we have something for you kids Evelyn said I guess this will make everything worth it at least she said

she manifested twelve glowing orbs of celestial energy

Odessa and I stole this energy for you kids from the beast

when we were first trapped by it we felt that with your quest

coming up you would need all the energy you could get

oh my gosh all the kids gasped at the sight of the huge orbs of energy that surrounded her

I'm guessing each of you ought to be able to cultivate a new tail or two with this much energy

mom Justin breathed in shock with wide eyes you guys were risking your lives

you're our children she replied I would do anything to help my son no matter how dangerous

the same thing for me as well Odessa agreed Nike was silently crying his eyes out on yuqis shoulder

thank you so much truly yuqi said

you two are amazing taishen breathed no matter what situation you were in you still somehow cultivated an opportunity

naturally, Odessa said we are wily celestials after all eh taishen! great to see you still around keeping Sergio company she laughed nodded great to see you still alive too

they distributed the orbs to the kids thank you so much the dragons bowed respectfully accepting theirs

you didn't have to think of us but you did so we are very grateful you honor us with the risk you took Zyle said on behalf of them both

no, you two are also a part of the team who will be with our children on that quest Evelyn said

you two will have the biggest job of protecting them and getting them through the realms safely

they cant make it without you so as their parents we will owe you both a great deal this is the least we can give you

Vivian Vanessa, you two are very amazing young ladies we saw you fighting out there today you were both very brave

thank you both girls bowed their heads thanking Odessa as they took their orbs

so happy to see the fox clan survived very proud of you girls having grown up so strong

I might not have given birth to you but I think of you all as my own

yuqi my daughter in law she gushed hugging her yuqi flushed happily thank you so much you and my son are our youngest

take care of yourselves out there and the team you're wonderful mages the best of fox clans magic lies with you two now

I am honored yuqi said with tears in her eyes as she Nike accepted their orbs

Bethany and Takehiko you two didn't come with the others today but your work was invaluable to helping us rescue Evelyn and Odessa

Dimitri said thank you so much both of you we owe you two a great deal

we just did what we could Bethany said I am not even sure if I can cultivate this orb because I'm human

ill teach her how don't worry Takehiko said gratefully accepted them both Ziesoo and Taekwon you tigers were amazing today

thank you for lending your portals ziesoo and your spirits to the troops I saw you boys get our men out of there safely thank you Dimitri said

we were just doing our part for our team we wanted to bring everyone back alive the same way as how we left ziesoo said thank you

and finally, anna and Justin my son and my daughter in law Evelyn said smiling at them both she hugged Justin and kissed his cheek

I missed my boy so much you're all grown up already

and anna she took her hand you two are such a wonderful pair together

I am so proud of you Justin you're going to be a wonderful king of Fox Clan

anna a gorgeous and strong queen I can't wait to plan your wedding you'll get married before the quest right? she asked

actually, it's required for the quest thats why we are all paired up he answered smiling flushing I missed you too mom

do you guys mind if we all get married at the same time me and all my sisters

it would be difficult to have multiple weddings anna said

Evelyn grinned it will a great day for all of Fox and Wolf clan I would be more than honored to host it

she said we will make it a holiday and grand coronation for all of you I will

get the entire city decorated it will be so lovely ill take you shopping for dresses all of you girls

and make a day of it get your hair done to make you all as special as could be a dream wedding

I bet we haven't had a royal wedding of such grandness in a very long time we must do that for you all

oh my goodness sounds like the whole city will be invited Taishen said with a laugh

i don't see why not Evelyn said I am alive and the wolf queen has returned

indeed Sergio said my dear daughter in law is home he put a gentle hand on her shoulder with a warm smile

perhaps my son will stop being such a grouch he's become in recent years now you are home he patted Dimitri

on the back the family is back together again we must announce her and Odessa's return on the network Dimitri said

indeed we must you kids all come here we are taking a group picture

everyone laughed and bundled Vanessa lent a clone and soon a picture was taken with everyone holding their celestial energy orbs surrounding the elders

Now off you all go to cultivate those orbs queen Evelyn said to them don't waste another moment

the kids left the throne room headed back to wolf tower

oh my gosh did we get lucky or what yuqi cried I'm getting my fifth tail for sure she and Nike were grinning

everyone laughed as they hurried to the cultivation rooms in the gym

good job team we are killing it anna said proudly

thats two demon beast and two rescues in how many days?

the guys were all grinning in agreement at this rate we will be ready for the quest in no time ziesoo said