Cultivating Energy Orbs

Takehiko took Bethany to the cultivation chambers he closed the door locking it and taking the orbs and setting them in a celestial fire brazier

now you come here he pulled Bethany to him by the wrist

sit down he instructed and face me

she lowered herself to the mats on the floor and he joined her sitting across from her

a sigil ring activated above him as he did something strange with his hands and energy began to surround his body in a glowing purple cloak

in order to be able to absorb your energy orb, you need to be able to do this he explained

but since you don't have the training we are going to use a different method where I will channel the energy from your orb for you

in order to do this, you must however be able to accept energy by opening your qi energy channels

he reached out and held her hand and with two fingers held together of his other hand he tapped her lightly on the head, in the middle of her chest, then her stomach his hand holding hers glowed and then she felt her heart responds by suddenly doing double time she began to feel warm all over as energy began to wash through her with a familiar feeling

can you feel that? he asked

it feels warm she said it feels the same as the day I found you at the temple and its the same as when I use my staff too

thats your energy he said that's what happens when your qi channels are opened they can be triggered to open by certain stimulations like coming into contact with a celestial like me or using a celestial weapon its the same power you will use to break the seal on the heavens and do other things

I just opened your channels for you feel it running through you close your eyes and focus

she could feel it it was running everywhere through her body and then the palms of her hands began to throb she could feel a strange force there it made her feel sort of uncomfortable

she opened her eyes and looked at her hands and then began to push, against the throbbing feeling, out of her hand emerged a glowing ball of energy, and the throbbing feeling had diminished

it now felt like the pressure was released when she pushed out the energy

Takehiko! she cried he opened his eyes seeing her hand now holding the ball of white energy

good job you figured out how to bring out your power now take it back into you he said let it flow back in he said

she slowly did as he said pulling back in the energy but as she did so a wisp of energy from the energy ball in the fire

floated across the room and flowed into her hand and then into her body as well giving her a surge

her eyes widened in surprise Takehiko chuckled good girl you're a natural at cultivating I won't have to teach you very hard then he said leaning forward to kiss her

she flushed happily

now the trick is in trying it again he said but this time without pushing out the energy first try you just need to pull in energy he said

she narrowed her eyes and pulled hard and suddenly two huge streams of energy from the orb came rushing towards her at once

she released a little scream of alarm and Takehiko chuckled and caught the energy pulling it towards

him and circulating it in his hands holding it he released it back to the orb

not so hard he said gently nice and easy

she nodded and began to draw the energy with less force and smaller streams of energy now flowed to her slowly

good job he said softly now keep that up you must keep it stabilized don't worry about how fast you can do it this will be your cultivation technique understand you must be able to do it in such a way that you are comfortable so you don't have to focus constantly you can even take a nap meanwhile

is that why celestials meditate while cultivating? she asked

it is indeed because its better to just relax and absorb the energy

she was eventually able to do it on decently her own with his guidance

good job Bethany he said smiling I'm very proud of you learning how to control your energy will be easier after this you won't have to worry about unsealing something accidentally once you know how to open and close your qi channels you'll be fine

he began to absorb his own energy orb at that point unfurling his wings and as streams of energy flowed to them

the more energy they absorbed the feathers of his wings flashed and changed to different hues of colors like a rainbow

wow she breathed you're really pretty she gasped

he chuckled its you're really pretty too Bethany don't you notice? he said

he fluttered his wings a little bit stirring a gentle breeze in the room

Bethany's scent of peaches had grown stronger than before filling the space due to the energy now filling her body

she flushed knowing what that did to Takehiko she was becoming even more attractive to him because of that scent

by the time they had finished, her hair was all the way to her waist in a thick mane of corkscrew curls fell everywhere she ran her hands through it

scattering the curls all over her shoulders in amazement

Takehiko pulled her to him filling his hands with her hair

you look so untamed with your hair like this it's glorious he breathed he brought some to his face smelling it

making a pleased rumble her hair was so soft and smelled sweet of magic because of the celestial energy

that had now enhanced her powers

he cupped her face in hands smiling he stroked her cheeks with his thumbs

she had also gained weight and her body had become much more healthy

the cultivation had removed all toxins from her body and cured any trivial health issues she might have had

not a single mark or wrinkle existed on her face and her green eyes were shining brighter than ever

she glowed with purity in a way that was ethereal she was so beautiful in every possible way

Takehiko grabbed the hem of her shirt up! he growled

she arched an eyebrow at him excuse me? don't you know how to ask a lady nicely?

please? he begged

thats better she said softly lifting her arms and letting him strip off her shirt he buried his face against her bosom

he groaned his arms encircling her waist and holding her to him tightly she wrapped her arms

around his neck running her hands through his hair, he lifted his head and lips closed on hers

she melted into his kiss he always tasted so good he lowered her floor they lay

on the mats entangled together his lips finding the mating mark that

now graced her neck since last night the fox queens drunken magic

had driven everyone into a sexual frenzy it didn't help that they had consumed the peach wine either

Takehiko had already claimed and marked her in a wild drunken haze

he gently kissed it making warm tingles wash through her body

I didn't get to make your first time with me as special as it should have been he said softly apologetically

she shook her head it was wonderful even with the wine and magic involved she replied

I feel embarrassed if my inexperience showed he admitted

you were very cute at first, it was sweet and endearing you were very um how should I say uninhibited

I enjoyed last night with you she admitted softly blushing

its good to know I was at least able to please you in that crazy state and that I didn't hurt you either he said softly

she ran her hands through his hair I don't think we have to worry about something like that happening

as wild as you were you werent so excessively I like that you can be a little bit aggressive and playful with me in bed

I'm not made of glass I won't break as soon as you touch me, okay so please don't hold anything back with me

he felt relief he had been worried about it actually he never wanted to hurt his beloved mate or do anything that she didn't like

he kissed her slowly and her arms held him tightly as she kissed him back her body welcoming his on hers cradling him

her legs wrapping around his waist as snugly as her arms around his neck and shoulders gods

he would do anything for this woman he loved her so dearly

she was everything that mattered in the world to him her care of him the way

she willingly accepted him into her life despite the circumstances she had put up with a lot since this whole crazy adventure had started

with her, he would have a home again

he never had to think about a father that rejected him or a clan that despised him even in this new team of mixed celestials everyone respected him and treated him and his mate well

he had friends now and people who appreciated him and a mate who loved and took care of him he ate well every day and wore nice clothes laughed with them fought alongside them

and shared the same burdens with them these people were the ones who would have his loyalty now

they were his clan now and with his mate, he would build a warm a loving family someday after their quest was completed

he had a future filled with happiness he could look forward to now his heart was filled with love and hope

soon Takehiko had stripped away all Bethany's clothes and more than made up for the night before

to his mate putting Justin'S cultivation chambers to uses other than cultivation