Dragons Tale

Vivian was in her cultivation chamber with Zehan watching her mate nervously as she sat cross-legged

on the floor as he heated the orbs in the fire he gave her a gentle smile and sat down he held his arms out her

come here he said patting his knee

she flushed shaking her head flushed she was embarrassed because of the night before their mothers magic had

caused some very unexpected things to occur when she just barely met her mate for the first time and now

she was already mated and marked with the handsome blue dragon he smirked in amusement and suddenly she

found herself being lifted off the ground and brought into arms by his power she gasped in shock

as she landed gently in his arms

cradled on his lap his hand stroked her hair as he held her

my dear sweet little fox you should know that you only arouse me more by saying No and resisting me

if you run from me I will chase you, and when I catch you I will only devour every delightful inch of you and you will enjoy it most thoroughly

she blushed crimson remembering exactly how true his words were and how much he enjoyed feasting on her

very literally last night dragons were known as the best lovers among celestials for a very good reason that she now knew first hand

he chuckled I never thought I would enjoy having a mate so much he said before I never thought of it

and when I received the quest invitation

and saw the requirements I thought I would only do my duty towards

the quest for my own benefits getting a mate was just a bonus

however, meeting you has made me realize several things

you are very precious to me now Vivian I hope you understand that

I know we haven't had time to know each other very well to claim feelings of love

and I am usually very reserved my brother tells me I am cold and indifferent to others but I can't be that way towards you as my mate

you are important to me, I will cherish you very well with my own life he said sincerely

I wish to see you smile happily by my side I hope we can have a warm and affectionate relationship as mates

if there is anything you don't like you must tell me immediately if there is anything you want me to change about myself

I am willing to do that too and I want to make it up to you for last night

she blushed again

when she with him she couldn't understand she became so shy

she couldn't speak she felt like a fool she couldn't even express herself to her own mate now

last night made me very happy

I hope we can have an affectionate and warm relationship too she answered

so you don't mind that it happened so fast? he asked gently

she shook her head blushing

I liked it she said softly everything you did with me felt good

he smiled then holding her closer his warm arms pressing her against him

thats good very good in fact I'm very pleased because there is a lot more I intend to do with you

his eyes held her captivated when he looked at her that way

his lips softly covered hers in a sweet kiss

her hands curling into his shirt tightly he lightly kissed her nose and then brushing soft kisses over her eyelids and cheeks

my adorable little fox come lie down with me he took to the floor lying down with her on top of him we are

supposed to be cultivating our energy orbs she reminded him he chuckled I know just for a little bit let me hold you

she lay on his chest his arms wrapped around her one hand stroked her hair

it felt so wonderful his body was muscular and lithe he was like

the best body pillow ever it was so comfortable to just lay down with him and let him hold her the troubles of the world seemed far away when his heart was beating right next to her ear

tell me about yourself she asked softly what are your parents like?

whats is it like in dragon clan where you are from?

it used to be very nice a long time ago when our parents were alive he said

oh she gasped contritely I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring up bad memories

it's ok I will need to tell you anyways since you're my mate now he replied

my parents were a wonderful king and queen of the dragon clan they treated everyone justly and the kingdom thrived

our parents were both personal dragons, that served the emperor of the gods, from whom they drew their power

so when the heavens was sealed by the black witch,

their life force got cut off, and we lost them both

my brother and I were too young at the time to inherit the throne so our uncle became the king

however, our uncle is very different from our parents he was always very jealous of our parent's position

so when he became king he ruled very selfishly he is the type to be very pompous and overbearing

despite the terrible situation going on with the black witch

he only cared about himself and wanting absolute power to rule in excessive luxury and demanding everyone obey his every whim

even when he was wrong and everyone knew it no one could do anything against him because he was so powerful

and the gods were no longer around to control him, the clan was soon very miserable many dragons left and went

to the other realms and so our numbers dwindled some dragons that dared crossed my uncle were exiled

so they too would soon lose their power

or killed he pretty much single-handedly destroyed our entire clan that used to be thriving in my parents time

those who remained lived quietly many people support us as the rightful heirs' everyone has been patiently

waiting for me and Zyle to grow up so we can replace him but naturally, can't let my uncle

know that or he would be deeply angered and everyone would feel his wrath

in recent years there has been

whispers and rumors of dragons waiting in the shadows for us to start a rebellion some warriors that served under our parents

have been secretly gathering troops so that he can be overthrown when the time comes

once we become strong enough to take him down

he has been keeping a close eye on us because we are almost there now

and he does not intend to give up the throne without a fight even though his rule has always meant to be a temporary one

so it's very serious for you and Zyle then she breathed you two might even go to war with your uncle?

yes it sort of is we have been waiting and biding our time he replied we felt it was best

if we quietly cultivate and develop our powers

as much as possible and try to gain favor with the people of the dragon clan and help them out in the meantime

whenever there were troubles in our territories our clan members would report them at court and ask for help

thats how it works in dragon clan but our uncle would be too lazy to do anything or he simply wouldn't care too much

so zyle and i would go out and help resolve things whenever we get the chance despite our uncles watch on us

so in his eyes you and Zyle good deeds are making trouble for him? she asked

it is he chuckled if the clan members favor us over him it will make things easier to overthrow him

his own selfishness and pompous attitude doesn't do him any favors either

he wants to rule and have all the power without having to lift a finger to help the people when they need it

he doesn't understand that in order to be a good king he must also take responsibility for

everyone in the clan

it was something our parents worked hard for and took great joy in that he just never understood he just saw that they were beloved by all the people of the clan

so they would serve my parents happily, but then when he started to rule and

realized all the work my parents did he didn't care for it he stopped doing a

lot of things my parents had established for the people he let a lot of things go because he just didn't feel like working hard at it

he just wanted to eat well wear fine clothes and enjoy himself all day with women and have people obey him

and not care about anything but in order to have that relaxing life

someone else must be working hard so that you enjoy that

if not everything goes down the drain he's only lucky dragon clan does not have any enemies

and the black witch caused so many clans to be weakened

or else another clan could have made war on us and defeated us ages ago because of him

I am sorry about your troubles she said it must not have been easy for you a Zyle in ways I cannot imagine

I don't completely understand political things even human politics make me confused

I can't think of how I can help you fox clan is just us four girls

he chuckled it's very sweet you would think like that on my behalf but you don't have to worry about such things

dragon clans business has nothing to do with fox clan

my brother and I won't let those things bother you girls as our mates we will protect you and not let your clan be dragged into such a mess

but we are your mates she said it means we are potential queens of the dragon clan

in the future, if you and your brother are going to be the kings

he laughed delighted it is good that you know you will be a queen by my side someday little fox he dropped a kiss on her forehead

but worry not about such things come the orbs should be ready by now

let's get you your next tail she nodded as they got up

and began to cultivate the orbs absorbing the energy and soon a translucent sixth tail began to appear for Vivian