A Goddess Teaches a Lesson

there was a ringing sound in the skies as everything stopped

and the peach lady appeared but she wasn't like how she usually was she was in full god form

her body was giant-sized and her peach dress became a traditional Han style gown in soft peach and white colors

in a soft material that blew and fluttered in the wind, she looked young and beautiful her hair worn in an elegant roll and draped in pretty hair ornaments all around her glowed with energy

as she stood between the beam of energy the dragon fired and everyone else

wow everyone breathed gazing up at her in awe and to think

Bethany was one to dare to argue with her when she had been this powerful all along

she lifted her giant-sized hand to the beam and moved forward

gliding in the air over the trees she pushed the beam right

back to the dragons glowing orb beneath its neck

and then she grabbed the huge dragon by the throat as if it were not a massively large creature and began to squeeze

the dragon reacted like the worm wigging around in her hand

how dare you black dragon! her voice filled the skies

you were allowed to come into power for a time and you let it go to your head ? she scolded him

do you really think the gods would have such an important mission going on without properly monitoring it?

We would allow the likes of you to harm Our chosen Celestial Knights?

you have gotten far too big and full of yourself and have forgotten your place and whom you serve well never you mind

I am here to remind you she glared into the dragons gaping eyes she lifted the dragons head exposing its orb under its neck

she reached out and plucked it from his throat;

ripping it out the dragon roared in pain and anguish

as blood gushed from a gaping wound in its neck spilling down its black scales

the sound filling the skies making everyone cover their ears

what the gods have given they can also take away she said this shall be your punishment for threatening the Celestial Knights

and attacking them and wolf city putting everyone here in jeopardy the orb glowed in the goddess

hand a dragons orb contained all of its celestial energy and cultivation and the dragon was extremely old thousands of years old in fact

and for your punishment for rebelling against the gods well she smirked at him with an evil intention in her eyes

thank you for your donation to the success of the mission our celestial knights will put your cultivation to very good use I am sure by the time they are finished absorbing all of it they will all be nine-tailed celestials

Zyle Zehan come here she ordered

the pair flew to her

take this her giant hand came down as she gave the orb to the two

thank you goddess they both gasped bowing to her they flew back to where the others were waiting to surround the pair

the old black dragon king could only watch in utter horror in the clutch of the goddess rendered helpless no matter how he wiggled there was no escape from her hold

and now to make sure you never ever cause such trouble in the face of the gods ever again she said

the dragon began to shrink in her hand until it became nothing more than a small black snake held between her thumb and finger wiggling around she summoned out a jar and dropped him inside and then covered it tightly

she looked at the jar in her hands with a satisfied smile

take a time out for a few thousand years in that form and maybe

I will think about forgiving you for your atrocious disrespectful behavior

how dare you make a fuss for a throne that was never yours, to begin with putting all of existence under threat

you deserve your punishment the jar vanished from her hand and she turned her gaze on the group

she smiled pleasantly and returned to her usual more familiar size

are you kids alright? she asked flying over to them

thank you for saving us Justin said

it's my job to prevent things like that from hindering the quest she said putting hands on her hips with a grin

this will be my grand coupe de grace if I can save all the other gods with my team,

nothing must stand in the way of my knights

why do you keep calling us knights? Bethany said

thats the team name we choose for you we can't keep calling you quest team we need a grand name for you all

and the gods have been into the medieval era characters like King Arthur and the knights of the round table have become popular tales in the court lately understand the gods have been locked up

for a long time, they need something to keep them from being bored at least

so they decided to call you guys

Celestial Knights nice name right?

I guess its better than nothing Anna said agreeing with a smile

zyle and Zehan you make sure everyone cultivates all of that orb understand? the peach lady said

yes we will goddess they assured her

Special Envoy of the raven clan she called them to her

yes my lady the young raven said flying to her the three ravens with him

bowing with his hands on his chest in the traditional respectful greeting

she reached out a hand and touched his head and energy washed over his wings expanded and became bigger

as she gave him and his ravens some energy thank you for coming all this way to guide the Knights

to Shangrila, we will not forget your clan's effort to assist with this quest you have won favor from the gods with this action

yes my lady thank you he replied we were only doing our duty when we found out about the Witches death and the quest

and prince Takehiko was with them Prince Zedrix wanted to help immediately

we also willingly offer our village as the knights base within the realms for this quest

permission granted its a very excellent idea she replied given that some of the clans within the realms have become rather unfriendly

they will most definitely need a safe sanctuary and a guide through the realms Prince Zedrix is on the ball

I must pay a visit to thank him personally she added smiling god work

wait a minute!

Takehiko said prince Zedrix was my baby brother the last time I saw him he was maybe three years old is this the same Zedrix?

ah, Takehiko my apologies she said to him I know until now you believed your clan was completely gone however this is not true,

Prince Zedrix is actually one of the children of the raven clan that were rescued

and sent to raven clans ancestral realm for safety when the black witch attacked back then,

all ravens who were old enough to fight were sent to the battle which included your fathers other two sons,

who are both regretfully gone we managed to save you from the battlefield and now you and

Zedrix are the only royal ravens left and he has been growing up in the ancestral realm along with the other children being protected by the spirits

of raven clan ancestors he is currently their leader I am sure you can find out everything from this young raven who will accompany you all from now on I must take my leave now

Bethany, you are looking very fine finally learned how to cultivate a good job by the way

see you guys later and like that peach, goddess vanished

everyone was stunned and staring at the two dragons now holding a giant-sized dragon orb filled with cultivation in their hands not only would it be filled with celestial energy it would also be filled with their uncle's powers and his martial arts techniques

literally everything the old dragon had ever gained was in that orb do we say condolences or congratulations? ziesoo asked

its congratulations Zehan said with a huge grin was bright it almost shocking to see on the dragon's face that usually didn't smile easily

we are kings now the rightful kings of dragon clan finally and we didn't have to go to war for it Zyle said elated

Vanessa Vivian officially is our new queens Zehan said gazing at the twin sisters who were their mates both girls flushed red

congratulations to you both Anna said I'm very proud of you both thank you anna her sisters both hugged her

so only yuqi remains as Princess of Fox Clan now Vivian said

it suits me I'm the youngest sassy fox princess I don't envy you yuqi replied with a smile

I wonder how the dragon clan will react when they find out their old king is no more? and their new queens are woodland foxes

don't worry we will handle that Zehan said let's go cultivate these orb first dragon orbs are a bit special Zyle and I will have to help you

guys absorb this what about this kid Takehiko asked about the young raven now trailing him

what's your name? Bethany asked

I am Shiro sacred maiden these ravens with me are Naki, Mika, and Keiji raven clans best scouts he answered

you may call me Bethany from now on the celestials around you are Queen Anastasia and King Justin of the fox clan

Prince Ziesoo and Taekwon of Tiger clan

Queen Vivian King Zehan of dragon clan Queen Vanessa and King Zyle of Dragon clan

Princess Yuqi and Nike of fox clan and you know Prince Takehiko and me

King Takehiko corrected her with a smile he is older than Prince Zedrix and is the rightful heir of Raven Clan

Prince Zedrix also says this when you all come to realms he must be addressed as our king

I see very well then as you please she replied smiling

you see that tree over there where the people are gathered you may go there and wait for us she told him

I would rather stay nearby so I can guard while you cultivate Shiro replied I will not let anyone interfere until you are finished

I think you are taking your job as envoy a bt too seriously Takehiko said amused

Prince Zedrix has given me responsibility and I promised to carry it out to the best of my ability I will not fail him he replied

you're very loyal to my brother Takehiko noted

we all are sir Prince Zedrix took care of all of us in the realms we all owe him our lives he replied proudly

Takehiko nodded very well you may continue to carry out your duty than not knowing what else say and resigning himself to the fact he would probably have a shadow from now on

the group flew up to the trees where yuqi and Nike cleared an area of trees

Shiro took up a post on a treetop with Naki, Mika, and Keiji circling the area from above keeping watch

and Zyle and can set down the large orb

everyone gather in a circle around the orb Zehan instructed and they did so

with Zyle and Zehan standing on

opposite ends of the circle facing each other they closed their eyes and began to form strange formations with their hands

while chanting strange words in guttural dragon language

around two large sigil rings expanded around them

one above was white with blue symbols the other below white with red symbols

a formation barrier came down, linking the two circles together so that the entire group was held within the circle

they would not be able to leave the circle until they had finished absorbing the dragon orb

the dragon orb began to glow very brightly and then a huge bolt of energy shot out of it

and into the ring above the rings began to spin around them and then streams of energy

burst out of the symbols in the rings and attached to each member within the circle and energy began to pour into their bodies

their bodies started glowing enveloped in energy immediately transparent tails

emerged from all the tailed celestials in the circle fanning into their full nine-tailed forms

for the winged members like Takehiko and the dragons

their wings unfurled and began to expand and change colors as Bethany the only human member her feet began

to leave the ground and her eyes glowed with light as she floated in the air her red curls danced around her head

back in wolf city, the celestial knights had not realized the havoc that had been

caused in the city by the appearance of a massive dragon filling the skies

above the city

within just a matter of a few minutes wolf city

had stared impending doom in the face with threat levels at their highest

and the sanctuary about to be destroyed by a rampaging dragon

only to be unexpectedly saved at the same time

by a god who had appeared which had not been seen many thousands of years

she had handled the dragon in the exacting way that only the gods were known for

the people were rejoicing the gods impeding return they had not been forsaken

and they were now watching the celestial knights cultivate to full power first hand right before their eyes

including Dimitri Evelyn Sergio Tamra Taishen and Odessa from the command center,

my goodness, it has not been a single boring day since the black witch died has there? Taishen said

I'm almost scared of what tomorrow will bring it's been more unpredictable than anything Sergio said shaking his head

these kids are growing their powers so rapidly in such a short time

of course, they must the heavens must be restored as soon as possible

Dimitri said, or all this will be for naught the lack of celestial energy on earth can last for only so long before things become truly unstable and this world starts to deteriorate

some hours later the formation disappeared and sigil rings vanished and the full team

of new nine-tailed celestials stood in a circle fully powered up their celestial weapons

had transformed into their final elite forms and they exuded cloaks of energy surrounding their bodies

their individual sigil rings encircled them now fully leveled up and all mates ring interlocked

wow they look really amazing Evelyn said smiling with tears in her eyes we must prepare ourselves for them to be leaving us soon

Tamra and Odessa both gave her nods of agreement, they all knew what she meant

they would miss their children dearly and pray to the gods for their safe return from the realms

but looking at them now they couldn't think anything could take their children down easily

they had all become very powerful now

their appearances were truly awe-inspiring they were undoubtedly the only full nine-tailed celestials on earth now