Wedding Invitations Tigers

Ziesoo and Taekwon portal to a familiar place outskirts of Itaewon Seoul holding hands and smiling at each other as it reminded them of a very special night in their lives, the night they had gotten married,

they walked to the place that read Celestial Majestar Takeo Dragonmare Available 24hrs a day

they walked up to the ordinary-looking office building and pressed the doorbell showing their faces to the security camera with friendly smiles they were quickly let in

"ziesoo! Taekwon!" Takeo greeted them with big grins as flamboyant and cheerful as ever with his glittering scaled eyelids and colorful hair

"it's so lovely to see you both again" he hugged them both "how is wedded life treating you?"

"very well thank you for asking" Ziesoo replied

"I saw the news about you recently," he said as he leads them both into his office

he chuckled "not only are you both members of the all-important quest team but ziesoo you have no idea how many gay celestials are cheering for you both, when you kicked that old tiger's ass and put him in his place it was like a victory for all of us"

"thank you Takeo if you were cheering for us then you are going to faint at this next news," Taekwon said smiling Ziesoo laughed in anticipation

"What news have you two brought me?" Takeo asked with wide eyes as they sat down in his office

"do you recall that you told us when we have our wedding reception to send you an invitation?" ziesoo said

"yes I do" Takeo replied, "I told you I wanted to dress up"

"well you don't just get an invitation and you get to dress up in your best wear," Ziesoo said

"the quest we were chosen for has a special entry requirement all the members of the quest team must be mates and must be married before the quest begins"

"thats common in the old days" Takeo said "it is to ensure that no one on the team quits the quest halfway or betrays anyone else in the team, it ensures that everyone continues the quest until the end"

"exactly," ziesoo said "so today we are here with a special request the members of the quest team are having a grand royal wedding at wolf city, all of the members are getting married in one big ceremony, we are requesting your services to officiate for us

you will be responsible for marrying Queen Annastacia and Prince Justin

Princess Vivian and Prince Zehan Princess Vanessa and Prince Zyle

Princess Yuqi and Nike

Takehiko and his mate Bethany Celestial Maiden

and naturally, we two are already married so we are just participating for the fun of it" Taekwon said

Takeo had the most dazzled and happy look on his face

"I can't believe you all are choosing me to marry all of the young royals in the celestial clans,

this will be the greatest honor of my life the chance to marry a royal couple is so rare and you drop multiple into my lap all at once ziesoo you are truly a great friend to me"

he bowed his head

"truly I happily accept this request I will be there in my finest garb it will be the finest wedding the celestial has ever seen"

ziesoo smiled and gave him an envelope containing the invitation and details

"thank you for doing this for us," ziesoo said, "the others asked me to arrange to have you do it since I said you were a friend of mine"

"I wouldn't miss it even if I weren't requested to officiate I would have cleared my schedule for it."

he replied "a Celestial Royal Grand Wedding there has not been anything of the sort in many years, to be honest not since before the black witch has anyone had any big weddings, you guys will be the first in a very long time

it will represent the rebirth and prosperous future of all the clans an Iconic and Historic event no one will want to miss I'll be there definitely, thank you for giving me the chance"

"you're welcome Takeo," Taekwon said "you're also allowed to stay and enjoy the festivities afterward"

Takeo grinned "I am going to have a lot of fun I'll look forward to it" he was smiling as he looked at the envelope

"see you later we still have invitations to pass out to the other families so we must get going," ziesoo said

"of course, don't let me keep you," Takeo said "thanks for thinking of me safe journeys"

Ziesoo and taekwon left the dragon Majestars office and portal to their next destination

Ziesoo and Taekwon portal to tiger clan a portal opening in the throne room as the pair walked through it

"Ziesoo you finally came home!" his mother cried rushing to him she gave him a hug "welcome home how are you?"

"I'm fine! mom" he replied

"you must be Taekwon," she said greeting the blond young man accompanying her son with a brief hug

"Hello your majesty yes I am" he replied "Zunika!" his mother yelled "your brother is home come to see him"

the younger female tigress with hair as red as her brothers appeared quickly running along with the balcony above the throne room she leaped over it

running to her brother and throwing herself into his arms

"Oppa you're finally home" she cried

he ruffled his sister's hair affectionately "I am here for a brief visit" he said she pouted

"We won't get to see you after you leave for your quest and you're hardly home as it is she complained

he smiled "thats, why I came to see you guys now, and also because of this," in his hands, appeared two white envelops

"what are those?" his mother asked in surprise accepting them she took one of its envelopes reading it she gasped

"There is going to be a wedding ceremony at Wolf City?" she asked

"yes all of us are getting married" he replied "its a requirement of the quest so we all decided to have one big ceremony for the entire group of us,

plus taekwon and I never had an actual wedding ceremony, so we decided why not? so we came to give you guys the invitation"

his mother hugged him with tears in her eyes, "of course, we will come my dear my precious son can only get married once in his life" he smiled relieved "thank you, mom! I was worried you might be mad at me about a few things recently"

she propped her hands on her hips "you ignored my summons last time, if you had come then I would have made you king and kicked your dad out"

he laughed "mom I know you love me but you cant dethrone dad just because we argued"

"argued?" she cried "he threatened you and your mate the royal heirs of our clan thats treason

and he fought with you at the wolf city gates and he was defeated that made

him an embarrassment to the clan I really don't know what he was thinking!

but I want you to know that I never officially removed your title

you are still tiger clans Prince do you hear me you are my son Prince Ziesoo royal heir to the throne of Tiger my only one boy and Prince Taekwon official Royal Consort of Tiger Clan she took their hands in hers

"please complete your quest safely and come home my sons, both of you, please take care of each other"

"we will," Taekown said bowing his head "mum," her face lit up when he called her that and she smiled at him "you're a darling," she said ruffling his hair

reassuring her "see you at the wedding" ziesoo said to his sister giving her one last hug

"bye-bye," she said pouting letting him go

"ill come home after the wedding" he promised suddenly

"honeymoon?" Taekwon asked suddenly

"We should spend some time here with you guys before the quest ok," Ziesoo said looking between his mate and his sister with a questioning look

Taekwon grinned "yes we should" he agreed slipping his hand into Ziesoo's the pair interlocking fingers

his sister beamed

"okay" she agreed and waved happily

"see you guys!" they opened a portal and was gone

"don't tell me that was just Ziesoo I missed?" his father said walking into the throne room

his wife and daughter held up white envelopes wearing big smiles

"you just missed both of them," his wife said "and we have a Celestial Royal Grand Wedding to attend"